

Mike is 30 years old Supreme Alpha of Blood moon park . The most powerful Alpha ever hear of . The Lycan who never meet his mate for many century_one day he mistook young beautiful girl for his Mate. "Your my mate, my life and the one I will spend the rest of my life" Said the cool man and looked at the cut delicate girl without shift his gaze away . The young girl widened her big green eyes in shook ;but soon she recover in her shock and said with calm voice "So is you who came in my dream?" "What do you mean? " A twenty_two you girl whose life was not that good her fiance left her because of her young sister; the one she loved and cherish, she left home two years back because of her evil young sister; Her life changed when supreme Alpha of the lycanthropes mistook her to be his mate and take her to his world. What will happen when her real mate came and wanted to take her away. And what will happen when Mike came and want the girl that he think to be his mate and loved her was not his mate. And what will he do when get to meet his real mate?

Charity_Tenga · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

I love you little Dove


"You smell so good" Mike whisper in her ear as he bit it gentle.

June bit her lips, stop moan that want to left her mouth. She want stood up but Mike kiss her neck and quickly kissed her lips to stop her moan.

The punishment Mike give her, was so hard to handle. Her breath start to rise as Mike's caresses her thigh.

Mike looks like nothing affect him as he continue talking on the phone serious.

"Where do you think your going little Dove?!" He asked her as he cutt off the call.

He stared at her big green eyes that always make's him and his wolf happy; he fell into her eyes the day he saw her. Always he wants to be near her, every minute and second; when he was far away from her, Mike's felt empty and pain that he think he will go crazy if he didn't saw her.

Stared at her blushing face, he feel like he was in haven everytime she was in his arms, how she feel shy when he saw him, and how she burn her face in his chest when she wants to smell his scent. Looks just like a puppy; Mike loved every part of her she was so beautiful.

He lean forward and kiss her eyes lovely. " I love you little Dove" he told her soft " I want to take our relationship in another step." He kiss her lips lightly as he spoke with low and sweet tone.

Before June will answer, they were hear knock on the door.

The person on the door, knocked few times before enter the room. They hear someone gaps as he stared at them.

June quickly got up from Mike's thigh and ran out off the room in embarrasment. She heard small roar behind her but she didn't turn back.

Mike's expression didn't look right when June run away from his arms. "Why did you make little Dove running away from my arms?"

"Pfffff!" Liam could hold back his look laugh, he laughed hard at his expression of his cold brother. The man he came with Liam; didn't dare to laugh, he scratched his head feeling awkward.

Mike had no patience to deal with him and said "Take a seat both of you." He told them as he tap his fingers on the table.

"Yes Mr. Cruz" The green suit man. Went to seat and Liam follow up.

June heaved a huge sigh of relief. As she was in her room. She didn't know how she managed to run away from his arms that easily.

She went bathroom, wants to cool her body with cold water.

This is so awkward..

June didn't leave her room the whole afternoon, she didn't feel like and her babys was not in the house as they were training now. She stop Mike from training them now as they were still young but Mike argue with her telling her that is important for them to lean to fight now.

After he told her that, she told him that she wants to train them herself but; Mike's refused as he said that she will go easy with them.

She feel sorry for them but didn't have a choice as its was in there on good. She understand that this world is different from her human world so the things won't go the same way as in her world.

June was eating popcorn while watching movie, when there were hear knock on the door. "Aah! Who's that?" She got down the bed and went to open the door.

"Who's tha..." She shutter as she saw the person on the door.

"I know I'm handsome, but let me in first and you will continue started at me." Mike told her with smirk on his face as he was hold tray that was full of food.

She can't believe how shameless Mike is..

June clean her throat and welcome him inside "Why are you here?" She went to switch off Tv and seat on the bed. While Mike put down the tray of food on the table and seat on the couch. "You didn't come down to eat so I decided to bring you food to your room."

June scratched the back of her head awkward and thank him; she felt warm in her heart, how adorable Mike looks. She got up and go to seat beside him "Let's eat together." She told him and held meat on the spoon. She told him to open his mouth while holding spoon Infront of his mouth.

Mike was shocked but he soon recovery and said with smile "Thank you for your care little Dove, but I already eat. " He take spoon in her hand and feed her instead.

She chew the food Mike feed her with red cheeks " I will continue eating myself."

"I want to feed you little Dove." He hold her hand that wants to take spoon.

June's heart was feeling so happy, she looked at Mike's eyes that was shiny like a deep ocean, she start to have feeling for him. Her first love Lucas left her for her young sister and hurt her so much, and still now she didn't heal. But she now wants to open her heart again and forget her past. She eat the food Obediently while she looked Mike eyes.

"You have good appetite little Dove." Mike look down at empty tray that was full a while ago. June blush in embarrasment, she murmured thank you and run bathroom to brush her teeth.

After few minutes passed, June come out of bathroom dressed dark purple nightdress and put her hair in a bun.

Mike look up from the book he was reading; he was stunning from how adorable June' look even in single nightdress "Your so beautiful little Dove." He smirk looked her red face " Come here" he called her and put down the book he was holding.

June want to go to him but she stop as she saw that he was in her bed dressed in pajama;. That she didn't know when he went to change. Was it when I was in bathroom? She asked herself but didn't get a answer "You... Why are you in my bed?" She shutter while look at him.

"I want to sleep with you today" he answer her with calm voice.

"Huh! Why?"

"Because your my mate"

June "_"

Mike smiled see her shock, speechless expression "Come little Dove." June breath in and out to cool down her nervous and walked to him.