
Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She was a simple girl who was brought up in a simple household, or at least that was what others thought about her. She is full of mysteries and secrets but was always seen as naïve and innocent girl. Or, simply…it is more precise to tell that she keeps that facade for her own good. But why?? Only she knows the answer. However, unlike other girls of her age, who dreamt of getting married to rich and famous guys, she preferred to find someone who has simple life and easy going family. In short, she just wanted to lead a happy and ordinary life. However, she uses to believe that it would only be possible if her life partner was an common, uncomplicated guy. But why?? Was the reason behind her beliefs had something to do with her past? Or, was she vexed with her life to the extent of sticking by her self-made rules? On the other hand, he was the CEO of one of the most prestigious companies across the world. He was cold and aloof, someone who despised any sort of intimacy with women, be it physical or emotional. His world revolved around his work and his family business. Though he has complicated family, he love them to his core….and, apart from them and his friends , no one matter to him. But, for the first time in his life, he fell for a woman just with a glance. It all happened when she was turning down her Boss's love proposal. Despite of her simple attire, he found her enchantingly beautiful. He could tell that she had so much more to herself than she let others see. He wanted to be the only person before whom she could be her true self. The very moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew deep down in his heart that only she could be his soul mate. And, he was willing to go any lengths just to make her his. Even if it meant working as an employee in his own company. Just like he wanted, she fell for him. But would happen when she ends up catching his lies? Even if she agrees to accept him, what will be awaiting for her in the life she opted to live with him? Moreover, who exactly is she? Why does she prefer to be low-key? And why is she being so secretive about her past? What and all troubles she might have to face because of his complicated background? What would welcome her when she stumbles back into the very life she wanted to run away from? More importantly, will their love be strong enough to face all those odds that are waiting for them? ......... No misunderstandings between couple. Lovely and understanding couple with mature communication skills. ....... #Comedy #Love #Friendship #Mystery #Thriller #Family #Revenge This book is perfect blend of everything. I hope you will give it a try. ....... I am also author of Ms. attractive and inciting CEO The devil's little Villainess. Please do check out the books ..... Discord sever https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK Please feel free to contact me....

Har_V · Thành thị
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408 Chs

Louis Cruz

Brina couldn't help but smile. It's been literally years since she has smiled genuinely and this person who is sitting across her seems to be the one who could make her feel like herself before.

Cheery, energetic and joyous…

"We can swap the drinks if you don't mind, Miss." he asked, grinning. The slight change in her didn't miss his eyes..

When he saw the breath-taking smile blossoming on her cherry lips… he subconsciously felt happy. 

Besides it, he couldn't help but feel like tasting the sweetness of those luscious and delicate lips. And this thought has really made him all surprised.

He never grinned like this ever before!

What was this woman doing to him?

Never in his life did he feel like this. She is the only one who evoked the passion and desire in him.

"I would appreciate it, mister." Brina said as she moved her bottle towards him. She could feel the strong alcohol from her bottle…

She really didn't want to get drunk and miss visiting her family and orphanage tomorrow. 

He smiled and mirrored her actions before taking the bottle in his hands. Truth be told, he didn't come up looking for this bottle. He came here because he felt an urge to talk to her.

"Where are my manners?" He chuckled as he extended his hand to her for a handshake. 

"Louis Cruz." He introduced himself sipping the wine from the bottle that he just took from Brina. He looked so charming and sexy that she couldn't help but get distracted. 

Meanwhile, his lips reached the other side of the bottles' rim where her lips touched it and she obviously missed to notice it. 

Brina smiled a little before introducing herself, "Brina Parker"

After that, an awkward silence etched around them and none of them could think of anything to talk about. Both are introverts and laconic. 

However, surprisingly, they had a mutual feeling to talk to each other and are keenly interested in knowing each other. However, they couldn't just comprehend what to talk about or how to start it.

"So, umm…, you came here for the party, Mr. Cruz?" Brina asked, saving each other from awkward silence. They were looking at each other but couldn't talk! They are smiling at each other but couldn't proceed further! What could be more awkward than this...

"Ah…yes, actually. But I am not into parties so I was just strolling around, exploring the ship." Louis said, sipping his wine.

Even he hates noisy places and parties like these.

 He actually had to replace his brother today!! Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here. But it's okay! If not for this, he wouldn't have got to meet this amusing and interesting woman here. 

"I coincidentally ended up here while you were talking with that blonde haired guy." Louis added, mentioning Chris.

He didn't want to lie to her. 

As soon as Brina heard this, the liveliness in her face disappeared quickly and she pursed her lips.

What will he think about her now? Arrogant and strong headed?

This thought made Brina somehow feel strange. It is because she never gives a heck about what others think about her but with this man sitting across her, he made her think differently.

It's making her more and more restless. She never gave any heck to what others think about her!! So, she really didn't understand why she is so bothered right now.  

However, Louis laughed a little. "You don't have to worry, miss. I never judge a person just like that. It's actually alright to reject a person. You can't just love someone out of compromise… Feelings should be real and it should come right from the heart." Louis said, making Brina smile in relief. 

All the nervousness she was feeling vanished and she gratefully looked at him. "You are quite a poetic mister. And thanks for the advice… I will remember that." She laughed and her alluring laugh made him feel so enchanted and drawn towards her.

"Am I, miss? No one ever said that I am poetic. In fact, people would say that I am quite bad with words." he chuckled.

It is because he was never like this. She is the only person with whom he felt to be himself... But not like someone cold and unapproachable.

It hasn't been an hour that they've met and they are already chatting as if they've known each other for years. They bonded up pretty fast.

While they were talking, her phone buzzed.

"Excuse me." she spoke while unlocking her mobile only to find that it was a message from the PR of her company in which she is working.

"Fuck you, Tan." Brina cursed and grimaced as soon as she saw the message.

She is now the personal secretary of her best friend, Tanya. Partially, she is happy that she gets to be with her friend but overall, she isn't fine with this sudden promotion.

It only means that she gets to see Chris more often along with the other people whom she despises the most.

She would rather resign from her job than work surrounded by those arrogant, self-righteous, and good for nothing directors and shareholders.

"Any problem, miss?" Louis asked, seeing her displeased face.

"Would you call it a problem when you get a promotion but didn't want to work in that position… surrounded by the people from whom you always try to escape?" she asked, making him raise his eyebrow.

'She is quite good with her words. Unlike me...' Louis thought.

"Yeah….yeah I would actually call it a huge problem." Louis said, laughing.

"And what would you do if you were in my place?" She asked while looking at him.

"I would rather resign my job than compromise my pride and comfort." Louis told her. 

Brina nodded her head and sighed. "I actually thought the same but I don't want to abandon my best friend and betray our friendship. She is the only one who stood by me through thick and thin." Brina pursued her lips.

And, Brina has never shared anything with others… Especially with strangers.

However, his presence gave her a strange sense of familiarity and comfort.

She felt like she knew him! He felt so close to her….

"Miss, friendship is not something bound within the four walls. You can never simply tell that you are betraying friendship by leaving their side. If your relation is beyond any materialistic urges and selfishness, it never fades even after you leave her side. Moreover, you will be living in the same city and can meet often." He told her. 

Brina looked at him and nodded her head. "That's right." She smiled. "But…" 

Isn't he quite matured and understanding??

Will Brina fall for him??

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