
Royal hybrid

Lian stared at her little brother's scared expression, not knowing what else to do she pulled him close and obscured him from the view of everyone else in the room. At that moment, she realized she would do everything and anything to protect him. Turning, she stared at the woman who dared to hurt her brother, then at everyone else in the hall. Don't worry. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to go through me first. Be it the alpha, she locked eyes with the expressionless man at the door, the Luna she stared down at the cowering woman in front of her, beta or gamma, who subconsciously bowed in submission to the powerful aura she was exuding or even the moon goddess herself. She made him look at her. No one, I mean not a single soul, will harm a single hair on your head, I promise you that on mother. They will pay with blood. She silently made that vow to herself. Lian Scott has always wanted one thing throughout her 18 years of living. Freedom! She always wanted the freedom to explore and gain experience like girls her age, which her mother seemed too paranoid to give her. But what happens when the freedom she desperately wants comes through her mother's demise? Kian Raul, a dangerously beautiful specimen many have named him, however, when such a beautiful face holds know expression and destroys anything in his path, another title was gifted him "Heartless demon." What will happen when they find out that because of a curse, he holds no heart?

Jessica_Ilalokhoin · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

chapter 3. witch core.

The eyes hides nothing not even secret.Love sees nothing but a lover.



Then it happened, his lips locked with mine, and he kissed me. I felt my brain shut circuit and explode, everything went still at that exact moment, my mind was fighting a battle with my body, my mind said to push him away,  but my hands had a mind of their own as they took hold of the dark shirt he was wearing holding him still,  all fight seized the moment his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him, deepening the kiss in the process, cold bubbles started forming at the depth of my stomach before it spread to my legs causing them to go numb and wobbly losing balance underneath me.

I grabbed his shirt a little harder searching for support which he gave me by tightening his hold on me and deepening the kiss even more,  the cold bubbles travelled from my stomach to my heart before they eventually reached my head and one by one they started popping suddenly the cold bubbles was replaced with warmth, one I have never felt before, unconsciously my eyes went shut. I allowed myself to feel the warmth coursing through me and appreciate the feeling of his lips on mine.

I expected many things to happen when I got here, to be attacked by witches, to meet no one,  to have fallen into a trap but never did I think I will be having my first kiss. Oh God! My first kiss has been given to a total stranger.

Technically, he is not strange. His your mate! 

The little voice in my head spoke, and besides, you do not seem to regret it.....

Hey, what makes you think that? You're not me... my inner self lifted a brow.

  Are you sure?  Oh forget___

"I thought you would not come." 

My inner battle was cut short by the words of the man before me. "I waited for two days," Even though those words were supposed to sound sullen, they still carried a lot of coldness with them.

S-sorry, I was grounded and could only come out today because, it was a weekday, a school day,  I squeaked all those words out, squirming under the pressure of his cold midnight dark eyes... Hey, why was I explaining myself to him? If I didn't feel like coming, then I would

"Let's go dialogue." 

He took my hand, leading me in a direction I did not know_Wait, did he just say, " Let's go dialogue," What is that?  Isn't it too formal, oh heavens, but it sounded so hot__

Lian, get a hold of yourself. I whispered to myself,  straightening up. I allowed myself to be led by him and paid attention to where he was leading me.

We walked in silence, towards the hidden side of the mansion, I became wary,  why the hidden side?  Why not where we stood?  Does he want to __, I tripped on something almost falling face first,  but he caught me standing I turned to say thank you when my eyes caught sight of the big garden at the hidden angle of the mansion, it was spacious,  taking a generous portion of land however, that was not the intriguing thing about the garden.

In the big garden, I grew only a specific kind of flower, one that I have never had the privilege to see till now, and very sure is rare. Black flowers are not common. Everyday blossoms nonetheless. They are beautiful, and I want to take a closer look.

As though he sensed my desires,  he took my hand and lead me into the garden,  and if you think I was fascinated before and the garden was beautiful then you have to see it now that the moment we stepped into the garden and all the flowers began to shimmer a golden colour and petals started to turn crystal,  I was so captivated I did not notice I had worked further into the garden leaving him standing gazing at me.

"You're a witch," he declared, not asked.

My head spun around so fast that I was lucky my neck did not snap. H-how did you know that? Like always, my thoughts started running wild. Has he been spying on me? Did he bring__

''The flowers, they only glow in the presence of a witch," he stated.

Oh! Nodding in understanding, I am I replied happy I was only overthinking again, at least that gave me a sense of relief. Playing with the buds, each time my hand grazed it, it shimmered more, spreading warmth and calmness through my body.

Tell me! I started, is the flower very rare?

"Mhm," he responded.

Nodding, I continued, "What is called?"

"Witch core." Was again his short answer.

Seems like he does not talk much, but at least he is answering my questions that should be enough however, wasn't he the one that said"Let's dialogue" with a very cold and cool tone? We can't do that with him giving such short and straight-to-the-point answers. Trying again,  what does it do?

He stared at me for some time, as if considering if this topic was worthy of his breath, after a moment of thought I saw him sign giving up his letter thoughts,  maybe he saw the desperation and curiosity eating at me.

"The witch core flower is the source of many witches' magic, it can only be used by witches to upgrade their power, revive a dying witch or gain back a witch's lost magic amongst many other things."

As though seeing more questions on my face, he continued,

"Not all witches have access to blossom as it is powerful, the legends say. It chooses who is worthy of it and glows like the sun in its presence."

I looked at him, then the very glowing flower, back at him, and then at the flower, connecting the dots with how brightly the flowers were shimmering, does that mean I am__

"Your worthy," Hearing his statement my head spun towards him so fast I thought I had snapped it this time, but I was still alive so maybe not, a smile spread through my face, and I was very happy. Turning to the flowers, I whispered, "I would come back for you later."

"Who planted them," I asked.

"No one knows," was his reply.

Not even the witches?

He nodded

"The flower only appeared twenty-five years ago, but witches believe it's been there for a millennium. It is self-maintained, so no one knows.

Nodding, I turned away from him and played some more with the brightly glowing flowers.

"I am Ignacio Raúl, Alpha of the midnight Blood Howl pack,  your mate."