
Royal hybrid

Lian stared at her little brother's scared expression, not knowing what else to do she pulled him close and obscured him from the view of everyone else in the room. At that moment, she realized she would do everything and anything to protect him. Turning, she stared at the woman who dared to hurt her brother, then at everyone else in the hall. Don't worry. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to go through me first. Be it the alpha, she locked eyes with the expressionless man at the door, the Luna she stared down at the cowering woman in front of her, beta or gamma, who subconsciously bowed in submission to the powerful aura she was exuding or even the moon goddess herself. She made him look at her. No one, I mean not a single soul, will harm a single hair on your head, I promise you that on mother. They will pay with blood. She silently made that vow to herself. Lian Scott has always wanted one thing throughout her 18 years of living. Freedom! She always wanted the freedom to explore and gain experience like girls her age, which her mother seemed too paranoid to give her. But what happens when the freedom she desperately wants comes through her mother's demise? Kian Raul, a dangerously beautiful specimen many have named him, however, when such a beautiful face holds know expression and destroys anything in his path, another title was gifted him "Heartless demon." What will happen when they find out that because of a curse, he holds no heart?

Jessica_Ilalokhoin · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

chapter 2 Meeting him

To make it you have to risk it.



Walking down the lonely road leading to the abandoned town, I looked around cautiously in search of any danger.

I anticipated a witch attack or an attack from any veil creature that resides in the abandoned buildings around or in the mansion to which this route leads. 

The stories this place carried about how witches have established their coven in the mansion and deserted building ahead and how people have also affirmed to have heard sounds of growls, howls, and sometimes screams coming from the little woods surrounding the area, had me very much on my toes.

People living around the area have all moved away in fear for their lives, causing this area to look like an abandoned neighbourhood.

Then why am I here? You asked.

What wouldn't I do to quash the little nagging voice of my wolf and others on wanting to meet their mate, by now I am sure you have realized I am not human, well at least not fully. I am a lycan and other kinds I will inform or disclose to you later.

I still took cautious steps down the same route with the only verification of safety being the fact that no one had ever dared to come here and verify if the rumours about the place were valid or invalid and my wolf's assertion that our mate would never put us in harm's way, at least not deliberately and will fight with everything he has to keep us safe.

And he better should, he better should, because I did not sneak out early from school, walk for an hour to get here just to be attacked by some unknown creatures or witches, not to talk of how furious my already furious mother will be when I am late again for curfew.

So he better not allow it, if not I will be very, very irate for the time wasting and consequences.

Even with all my ranting and complaining I kept walking,  getting closer to the mansion yet, I could not spot him anywhere, how am I sure he was even real, that such beauty could exist, I started questioning my sanity however, I had proof of his existence, the piece of paper he left with me at the party, with this address written boldly on it that I have gazed at the whole day and now resides in my pocket.

Finally reaching the mansion, I was amazed. There in front of me stood a very huge mansion. The mansion was five stories tall, covering a lot of ground. If I was asked to describe it with one word, the word would be majestic. It stood with pride in the middle of the huge land percolating so much power, it must have been standing here for many years nonetheless, it did not appear dilapidated or ramshackle but it did give out a feeling of wariness.

No wonder people made up such stories about it,  maybe they're all not false, after all this mansion is abandoned and no one stays around here anymore which means anything can happen here__,  with that realization I felt chills crawl up my skin.

What if he is not our mate? What if he is trying to hurt us? What if it's all a trap? These questions and more ran through my head, maybe,  just maybe I should not have come here, it was a bad idea anyway.

Besides, it has been tw____,  the strong scent of nature, man, and something I could not pinpoint. Nevertheless, love came attacking all of my senses without mercy.

There in front of me stood the beautiful specimen of a man I had met at the party, which meant he was real. It wasn't all in my head. I did not realize how happy that culmination made me, and if I did, I played it off as being happy because I was safe.

He stood there, his deep, dark cold midnight eyes gazing at me as though looking into my soul,  under his scrutiny, I felt self-conscious nevertheless, stood proud after all I was everything but bad looking.

H-hello, I squeaked out as he still gazed at me, damn! Why did I squeak like that? So much for confidence. I-i I tried to find something to talk about however, with his cold midnight eyes set on me, my mind froze and I could not find anything to talk about before I could get my thoughts straight he was now standing at arm's length, so close to me, to close to me instinctively my legs took a step backwards in an attempt to expand the distance between us and clear my thoughts, but how would that happen when he takes a step forward each time I take one back with the same pace.

His hand shot out so fast that I didn't see it until he hauled me closer to him. Our chests skimmed against each other, and I could feel his cold breath fan my face when he said.

"The stone there will trip you." Mhm was the only sound I could make.

Being so close to him had heated my face and fried my brain, even with the amount of coldness he emitted.

If I thought I could not breathe before, I am sure this proximity would kill m__

Then it happened. Everything at that exact moment froze.