
Episode 6

Early Morning....Yawn....(Jade just woke up) Good Morning....oh...Good morning I had a good sleep. Suddenly Princess's facial expression changed.....YOU...YOU What are you doing here???? Who let you in My quarters...<MAD, Expresion>. Since early morning Prince Edgar was waiting for Priences to wake up and he was waiting for her at her Quarters. And princess forgets that prince and she are now married and Prince Edgar can now visit the princess's quarter without her permission. Well, it seems that our princess Forget that now she is a married woman and it seems that her husband came to visit her.....My lovely wife, it's not good for you to wake up so late I had to wait for hours for you to wake up. Hump<Still mad> Well I didn't tell you to wait for me. Oh is that so than from now on I will eat all the sweet send from the Kingdom of YUE by myself( Prince Edgar knows that princess is weak against food). Who told you not to wait for me, You must have heard it wrong, I mean that you should wake me up and not wait after all sweets and food are very precious, HA...ha..ha. Well, why are we waiting let's go and ding in...!!!. After there little conservation prince Edgar and Princess JAde went to the dining area to eat breakfast, and Prince Edgar smiled very happily and the all the servents almost died of the shock because they never since the devil princes smile that happily before they all noticed that Prince is very different around the Princess, he become naughty and kind....Like always Princess is very slow at noticing these things..she was busy eating her sweets. After they finished eating, they were summoned by the King. Knock, Knock, Come in, Good Morning to you father, Good Morning to you Fater-in-law. OH, Good morning both of you. I called you two to discuss important matter, It's about the 2nd marriage between that will happened in the KIngdom of Yue. My darling daughter, it seems that it's time that I let you go, Tomorrow is the day you must bid farewell to you Country and set the foot in the new Country as its future Empress. But father isn't it too early I am only 15 now.....But JAde Girls your age already are a mother and I think you are more than ready for the Marriage and we Cant delay it any longer, we never know when King sue will wake up and Time is running fast... TIme...what is running fast Father.....My wife, I also think it's time that we should head for the Kingdom of Yue and you should not ask any farther, something are meant to be kept a secret... But father. No buts, it's fixed that you two will go tomorrow and as for your brother he will come after few weeks, I signed him a mission when he is done he will go to the Kingdom of Yue as ambassador. FIne,hump<MAd>. Look at that girl no respect at all, she is so stubborn, sometimes even I can't handle it. I am so sorry for troubling you, Prince Edgar. Don't worry Father Emperor, No matter what I love her so it doesn't matter.

NEXT DAY>>>>>>

Whaaaa. Whaaa... Princess, you grew up sooo much and now you are leaving us...If you don't want me to leave then I can Stay...No Princess, No now you are married and you must reside where your husband is...I guess my planed fail for living a normal and easy life....What a tough life I have...

After wearing the traditional wedding dress from the Kingdome of Yue, Princess Jade looks so..Beautiful and with her blond hair it matches perfectly. Princess Jade, huff...hufff... OMG relaxes a bit zo(One of the servants of Princess). Did u find her, No Princes I ma very sorry, but I searched everywhere but I can't find her...Where could have hse gone...I want her to be with me, NAnny I miss you...No I must find Nanny. JAde runs tp her father and she requests that they all must find her nanny MIN, and after all the searches they could not find her nanny, jade becomes sad and worried, but its already time for her to bid farewell, JAde creatres a sence about not leaving without t Nanny but than prince Edgar comes and talks with JAde than JAde gets to the carriage.

Love is very important, It can change you for good but also it can damage you for good.

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