
Episode 3

After the conversation with Prince Edgar, Princess Jade was very upset because there was no other way for the hairpins to deactivated. As the wilder of the Ares, she knew that one a magic spell is activated it cant be deactivated, and only the created can be deactivated and from the talk she had with her brother Sen, she found out that the first empress of the Yue kingdom created the hairpins to make sure that future generation can keep the line, but the problem was, It was created many thousands of years ago. "What can I do for it to be deactivated". Princess has been thinking for almost a week now, on about how to deactivate the hairpins. But so far there seems to be no answer.

In the Throne room...

"Dear Father emperor, I have made a decision...After long consideration, I think that marrying prince Edgar is not a bad idea, he is handsome, rich, and the fact that he wields the power of Hades make's him the best choice for me to marry." Everyone was very shocked by the princess's decision and the way she stated her claim and reason. Even Prince Edgar was very shocked by the princess. "Princess Jade are you sure about your decision after you have said yes, you can back down." "Yes, father Emperor, I am sure that I want to marry Prince Edgar Igor, But father emperor, I have a request." after I am married to Prince Edgar, I want to take my 2nd brother with me to the kingdom of Yue as our kingdoms ambassador, Supresiling father agreed to the decision. "Jade, why did you request me?Wait....is it because you love your brother so....much that you don't want to be separated from me...If that's the case then you can just call me anytime you want, You didn't need fathers permission." "I was just taking revenge or did you forget....." silly brother. awwww...he looks sooo cute even when he is sad like that. Guess, I will return to my quarters now.....la..la...la...la..."I don't understand you." it seems that the brat wants to talk with me now... I am sure I made him mad...cant wait to look at his face.."Aah, my soon to be husband.....". whats with his expression, he doesn't seem to be affected by it. "Oh, my sweet wife what's with that expression change..... I thought that you said something like, I don't want to marry you....did I heard that wrong". Damm...you brat if it weren't for the hairpins I wouldn't marry you hump..."Dear, Husband..don't be too excited we have got a long life together."

I can't believe he would just sit around and do nothing, I thought he would try to oppose since he said that he already has someone he loves....wait..he isn't the type who plays with women...is he...

Did I make an even more huge mess by agreeing on marrying him..." Princess, the messenger for the kingdom of Yue has arrived, they are summoning you back to the throne room." Wait are you serious I just came out from the throne room and now they are summoning me back...these people aghhhh....<mad>. they said that messenger has arrived but I don't see him anywhere..."Father, I heard that the messenger has arrived." "Jade just in time, it seems that the kingdom of Yue has sent you their nest empress many gifts and blessing....". "I will thank them personally when We meet". after that I went back to my quarters... with the gifts, I suppose, So, do these mean that I will never be able to read the 2nd part of the story...(knock, knock)...I wonder who is it, it's pretty late ay night...."oh, father, it's you..."..wow, unbelievable, the father is here...like he is here..."um..Jade, I am very proud of you for your decision today, but the most important part is that you are happy....you must hate me right for involving you in such matters..". "No...well actually at first I was very mad you father, but I know that you always have my back and you will always consider my opinion and in fact, I am happy after all not everyone gets a perfect husband like Prince Edgar..". well father to be honest if it weren't for that stupid hairpin I won't have agreed to marry that brat and now that I think about it I don't think its a bad idea, I get to become an empress...<inside her thought>."The actual reason I came here is that I wanted to tell you the 2nd part of the story, well it's not a story to be exact its a part of our continent's history and it is connected to our family..".WHAT father is telling me the story like for real...I am blessed thank you, god. "I am sure you know the first part of the history, the 2nd part is...After our kingdom and Yue kingdom were united we were pretty powerful, we were happy and we were sure that we would defeat the kingdom of SU but something unexpected happened...When we were actually facing the war the king SU who was well known to be merciless king was 1st king of our kingdoms brother, The surprising thing was that 2ns Prince of Kaikoi had already past away, many years before and even more surprising thing was that 2nd prince appearance didn't change, He looked young as he did when he died....When the out 1st king saw his brother whom he loved dearly he wasn't able to fight anymore, he lead his guard down, and with that 2nd prince or the king su attacked out king....but the king of Yue reflected it and saved our king...after that King of Yue attacked with all that he got, he even put his own life on line to defeat that monster but no matter what he did, King Su didn't even have a scratch...With King of kaikoi in shock and king Yue with no energy, both kingdoms have suffered a big loss and they had no other choice but to retreat...After they had returned to their camps both kings were having a meeting on what to do with such monster..and at the end of the day they were finally able to make a decision and the final solution was to make king Su fall eternal sleep with the help of Hypnos the god who can make anyone fall asleep...but there was a hefty price to pay in order to use this power...it was a life for a life..but not just any life...it had to have the same value as the other so in other word a king for a king...and the only question was who to sacrifice. after a long decision...it was decided that the king of kaikoi was to be sacrificed and the king himself suggested that...many opposed since the enemy was king brother whom he loved dearly but in the end, the decision was made. when it was time to use the power the king wasn't able to activated the Hypnos power because his will was not strong enough to summon the god....while he was at it his body was destroyed and only his spirit was alive and with increasing power of king SU they had no choice but to let king of Yue do the spell...but king of Yue was able to summon the god and seal the King su...but king of Yue didn't lose his life nor his body was destroyed....but the seal was half done and putting king Su to half-sleep in other words he could be able to wake up after 100's of years later...and that the end of the 2nd part...it was banned because there are many evil forces out there who would want the king Su's power and want to wake him up which we don't want." "But father you said that 2nd prince died when he was young if that's the case than how was he alive and powerful.. wait..unless..he... was...controlled..and bought back to life using black magic..but who would be powerful enough to do such..."."what you said is true JADE king Su is just a puppet someone is controlling it...but we don't know who and the problem is that king Su might wake up soon..". If king Su were to wake up than we would be doomed and in the story it said that no attacks could even scratch him..so, that's why father wanted me to marry the Prince to secure the alliance and that kingdom of Yue does join in with king Su." After saying all that father left to get his sleep but I am even more curious now, I wonder who could be puling such strings.

Thank you for reading up to episode 3...saranga!!

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