

"Leave," Jamari said firmly, her voice resolute. "I have no desire to engage in conversation with you." Reagan gradually approached, closing the gap between them. "I am the dragon king," he proclaimed. "Adored by some, despised by many, and feared by countless others." He stood before her, his presence commanding. "People worship at my feet, bowing in reverence, trembling in fear." He paused, then continued, his tone softer. "Yet, somehow" he paused " somehow it is only you who possesses the power to bring me to my knees." *********************************************** When a blind forgotten princess is forced to get married to a powerful dragon king to prevent her father from ending her life, little does she know that the marriage is about to unravel a lot of secret about who she is and the past connection she has with her husband. Warning: contains heavy sexual content.

Tife_Ladex · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs


" Your Majesty, it is an honor to have you join us," King Herad of Konica greeted King Reagan, who gracefully took a seat beside him on the grand throne. From this elevated position, they watched the unfolding event-a fight to the death-taking place in the arena below.

Standing beside King Reagan, Kira directed her gaze towards the fierce contest. The population of Konica had gathered to witness this brutal display, their hushed whispers filling the air as they stole occasional glances at the dragon king. Though still fearful of the dragon king and his people, they had no choice but to comply with the king Herad's command to attend the event.

Intrigued by the unfolding events, Kira turned to General Roderick who was standing nearby. " Enlighten me on what is happening here?" she asked.

Meeting her eyes, General Roderick displayed defiance and caution. "We are witnessing a fight to the death," he responded tersely. "This is the punishment we give to our criminals in Konica."

Seeking further clarification, Kira persisted, her voice filled with a genuine desire to understand. "Explain more"

General Roderick's tone turned bitter as he replied, "Why waste your efforts on persuading me to explain when you possess the power of dark magic to extract information, as you had planned earlier?"

Firmly, Kira said, her eyes narrowing slightly, "I have no intention of using such magic on you. But do not tempt me to. Enlighten me on the truth of the matter."

Reluctantly, General Roderick explained. "Among the prisoners in Konica, we have a champion," he began, admiration coloring his voice. "He is a powerful individual, strong and seemingly invincible. We subject our criminals to a fight to the death against him. If they manage to defeat him, they earn their freedom. If they fail, they pay the ultimate price."

Kira sighed deeply, trying to process the situation. The brutality of such a punishment was difficult to comprehend. If the champion is still alive that means no one has ever been able to defeat him.

Down in the arena, a small man covered in body armor stepped forward, met with a chorus of boos and projectiles from the crowd. The audiences were angry, hurling insults and curses, branding him as a "murderer" and a "criminal."

"I haven't done anything wrong," the small man pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. "Your Majesty, please, forgive me!"

The insults and jeers from the crowd grew louder, accompanied by different objects being thrown in his direction.

Curiosity welled up within Kira. "What crime has he committed?".

General Roderick, his expression hardened, replied, "He hid a Vedan baby-a grave sin that cannot be tolerated."

"So, you wish to execute him simply for protecting a Vedan?" Kira asked, her voice with disbelief.

"That is the law here," General Roderick affirmed. "Consider yourself fortunate that you, as a Vedan, are allowed to keep your head."

Kira was about to voice her objection when a desperate woman rushed toward them, pleading for mercy. The guards quickly stopped her, preventing her from reaching the king. Tears streamed down her face as she begged, "Your Majesty, please spare my husband! He only wanted to protect me and our child."

King Herad, without even sparing her a glance, coldly commanded, "Take her away."

The woman's pleas grew more desperate as they dragged her away, her anguished cries filling the air.

Kira couldn't bear the scene before her. "Is there no way he can be spared?" she implored, suddenly desperate.

General Roderick shook his head. "Only if he manages to defeat the champion or if someone is willing to help him in the fight," he explained. "But no warrior in their right mind would gamble their life for a commoner."

As the insults and curses continued to rain down on the small man in the battle arena, an unexpected interruption shattered the angry atmosphere. The sound of a horn pierced the air, instantly silencing the crowd, transforming the once chaotic scene into a place as silent as a graveyard

A deafening bang echoed through the arena, coming from the drums. The ground itself seemed to vibrate in response, adding to the growing tension in the air.

Slowly, a massive chain door began to open, its creaking noises providing an effect to the spectacle. All eyes were on what awaited beyond that door.

The small man trembled in fear, his body doing nothing to hide his terror. The arena became chillingly still, as if even the air held its breath while for what was to come.

Then, with the sounds of heavy footsteps that traveled throughout the arena, the champion made his entrance. Coming from the shadows of the room behind the cage door, he loomed before the crowd. Standing at an intimidating height of at least seven feet, his intimidating figure was covered in armor.

A heavy, mask covered his face, concealing his identity from prying eyes. In his hands, he held a giant axe, a weapon of unimaginable weight that could cut a fully grown man in half with a single swing.

The sight of the champion sent a shiver down the spines of all who saw him. His presence instilled a sense of dread, casting a shadow of death over the small man who stood defenseless before him.

"Man or beast?" Kira asked, her attention on the towering champion in the battle arena, who stood motionless, waiting for the command to unleash his destructive power on the man.

"He has spent too long in darkness, gradually becoming more beast than human," General Roderick explained.

Kira found the answer unsatisfactory. She could see that he wasn't just a beast. Beneath the intimidating exterior, there was a frightened soul desperately seeking release from the world, begging for death.

Kira widened her eyes as she looked at General Roderick. "How long has he been kept in confinement?"

"For sixty long years," General Roderick replied. "He only comes out to pass judgment on criminals or engage in battles."

Kira sighed, realizing the extent of the giant champion's suffering. "He has endured enough; he deserves to be free."

She imagined the hardships the champion must have faced, trapped in darkness and allowed only occasional glimpses of the outside world.

"What is his name?" Kira asked.

"His name is Dragur," General Roderick answered.

The deafening roar of the crowd filled the air, chanting for a brutal match. They hungered for bloodshed, eager to witness violence.

King Herad raised his hand, commanding silence as his voice resonated through the arena. All eyes turned towards him, captivated by his words.

"Behold the consequences of harboring a vedan," King Herad proclaimed. "I do not wish harm upon my subjects, but we all know the doom that awaits us if a vedan is allowed to grow in this Kingdom."

Kira scanned her surroundings, observing every detail with a discerning eye. She listened carefully to the king's speech, calculating her next moves with caution.

"Do not act rashly and draw more attention to yourself," General Roderick advised "I am certain your actions will not please our king or yours"

As the king continued speaking, Kira's attention was captured by a piercing scream. She turned to see the wife of the accused, wailing uncontrollably, begging for her husband's life. Guards restrained her, holding her back in desperation.

The accused man trembled with fear, silently awaiting his impending death. He dropped his sword, falling to his knees, resigned to his fate. He looked up to the heavens, his lips moving in prayer, begging the gods to accept his soul.

"Let the fight commence," King Herad declared, his voice echoing throughout the chamber.

King Reagan, ever composed and silent, observed the scene unfold. His face remained hidden behind the golden mask he always wore, a mask that revealed nothing of his true thoughts or emotions.

A hushed silence fell upon the room as Dragur, the monstrous champion, walked toward the helpless man. The crowd held its breath, entertained by the clash between life and death, between the fearsome beast and the vulnerable soul kneeling before him, seeking divine mercy.

Dragur stopped right in front of the man who remained on his knees, praying. The man's wife continued to scream and cry, filling the air with her anguish. The entire room fell silent, waiting to see what would happen next.

The man continued his prayers, tears streaming down his face as he tried to ignore the figure standing before him. Dragur raised his axe high in the air, while the wife's screams grew louder.

With a slow and deliberate motion, he began to lower his axe, preparing to strike the man in half. But to everyone's surprise, his attack was met by a sword that blocked his way. Gasps filled the room as all eyes turned to Kira, who had used her sword to defend against Dragur's attack.

Kira had moved so swiftly that her presence had gone unnoticed until that moment. The crowd was surprised by her display of skill and bravery in standing against Dragur.

Lifting her sword, she pushed against Dragur's force, causing him to stumble backward. The room erupted in gasps of disbelief. No one had ever been able to challenge Dragur before not to talk of being able to push him.

King Herad, perplexed by the turn of events, stood up and demanded an explanation. King Reagan, however, remained seated, silently observing the scene.

"What are you doing, woman?" King Herad asked, his voice with confusion.

"I wish to fight for this man," Kira declared, turning her gaze towards Dragur, who stood still, staring at her intently. "Let me battle the beast on his behalf."

The room was filled with stunned silence as Kira's bold proposition hung in the air, defying expectations.