
Chapter 99

Your vendetta will lead only to your ruin

Ethan's Point View

The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing as they slept. Aliya was curled up beside Ethan, her head resting against his bare chest. They had fallen asleep, exhausted from their intimacy, not bothering to get dressed. Their newborn daughter was fast asleep in her pink pram beside the bed.

Ethan was slowly drawn back to reality by Chace's urgent voice echoing in his mind. He opened his eyes and heard Chace's panicked voice, "Ethan, wake up, man." Ethan opened his eyes fully, seeing Aliya still sleeping peacefully beside him. The room still carried the scent of their recent lovemaking, and the fire in the fireplace was still burning, casting a cozy warmth throughout the room.

"Ethan, you have to get up and get Aliya and your daughter out of there," Chace's voice echoed again through his mind link. Frowning, Ethan tried to sit up from his lying position. Thunder roared outside the castle, adding to his growing sense of urgency. Finally free from Aliya's embrace, he walked to the cupboard, grabbed a clean pair of underwear and dark grey sweatpants, and quickly put them on.

He moved to the tall window of the room, peering out into the stormy night. "Chace, what is going on?" he sent back through the mind link. The sky was dark, and lightning was striking down heavily. He glanced back at Aliya, still sleeping, and their daughter, sleeping like a princess in her pink pram. But something was definitely off. Ethan's instincts screamed that something was wrong.

Chace's panicked voice echoed in his mind again. "Ethan, believe me when I say get Aliya and your daughter out of there now."

Fear crawled up Ethan's spine. He trusted Chace implicitly and knew he wouldn't make such claims without good reason. He hurried to Aliya's side, gently brushing his thumb against her face to wake her. "Aliya, my love, wake up," he called softly. After a couple of attempts, Aliya slowly opened her eyes. "Ethan," she mumbled.

"My love, you have to get dressed. We have to go," Ethan said urgently. He didn't know exactly what was happening, but he knew they had to leave immediately. Aliya sat up, covering her naked breasts with the sheet. "What's going on?" she asked sleepily.

 Ethan hurried to Aliya's drawer, grabbing a grey shirt, jeans, and panties for her. "We have to go," he repeated, placing the clothes on the bed for her. Aliya looked at him, confusion plain on her face. "Go where? It's the middle of the night," she said, yawning heavily.

Another mind link from Chace broke into Ethan's troubled thoughts. "Ethan, this man is super strong. He took out ten of our men at once. Please tell me that you are out of the castle," Chace said.

Ethan quickly grabbed a black shirt and pulled it over his body, then put on a hoodie. He looked at Aliya, his eyes darkening with urgency. "My love, get dressed now," he commanded, his voice strict. He had a strong feeling that the man approaching the castle was the one and only god of war, King Ares.

Ethan put on his sneakers, his wolf Max going crazy in his mind. "You're right, Ethan. He is here. It's Ares. I can feel him." Gritting his teeth, Ethan looked at Aliya, who was hastily getting dressed. "He is here, my love," he said heavily.

Aliya froze, her face turning pale, her lower lip trembling. "You mean the man who wanted to take our daughter?" she asked, fear creeping into her voice.

Ethan's heart pounded as he rose from the side of the bed, moving to stand before Aliya. He took her upper arms in his hands. "My love, you have to be brave now and think of our little one," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Aliya nodded, her resolve strengthening. "Get your jacket and shoes. We have to leave," Ethan instructed. He let go of her and walked to the pram, gently scooping his daughter into his arms, holding her close to his chest.

While Aliya was getting her flats and jacket, Ethan took the time to wrap their daughter in a pink warm blanket. He then sent an urgent mind link to Jacob. "Jacob, you need to get down here. Your brother is here, and he's here to kill Violette," Ethan said, hoping his message would reach Jacob in time.

When Aliya was ready, Ethan took her hand and led her out of the bedroom, holding their daughter tightly against his chest. He would not let that monster take his daughter. He would protect her with everything he had. They made their way down the hallway, and as they moved, the castle's siren went off. Ethan knew this meant evil was upon them; the siren only sounded when the kingdom was under attack.

Ethan tightened his hold on Aliya's hand as they hurried along. He decided to head towards the back of the castle, away from the front where the King of War and his swarm of shadows were likely approaching.

"Stay close to me," Ethan whispered to Aliya, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. They navigated through the dimly lit corridors, the sound of their footsteps drowned out by the blaring siren and the growing storm outside. The air was thick with tension, and Ethan's senses were on high alert.

They reached a side passage that led to a back exit. As they moved towards it, Ethan kept an eye out for any signs of danger. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to protect his family and get them to safety. The memory of Chace's warning echoed in his mind, fueling his determination to keep moving.

 Finally, they reached the exit. Ethan pushed the door open, and the cold night air hit them. The storm was raging, with thunder and lightning adding to the chaos. He glanced back at Aliya, her face pale but determined. "We need to get to the forest. It's the safest place for now," he said, guiding her towards the trees that bordered the castle grounds.

As they hurried through the night, Ethan sent another mind link, this time to the other knights. "Prepare for battle. Protect the castle at all costs. We are under attack," he commanded, hoping they would be able to hold off the invaders long enough for his family to escape.

Reaching the edge of the forest, Ethan led Aliya into the cover of the trees. The thick foliage provided some protection from the storm, and he hoped it would also help them evade any enemies. They moved deeper into the forest, Ethan constantly scanning their surroundings for any signs of pursuit.

"Keep moving," he urged Aliya, his grip on her hand firm. He cradled their daughter closer, feeling her tiny body warm against his chest. They had to find a safe place to hide, at least until they could come up with a plan.

Suddenly, a rustling noise caught Ethan's attention. He halted, pulling Aliya to a stop as well. His eyes darted around, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. "Stay quiet," he whispered, straining to hear over the howling wind and crashing thunder.

After a tense moment, the noise subsided, and they continued their cautious trek through the forest. Ethan's mind was racing with possibilities and strategies. He knew they couldn't keep running forever; they needed a safe haven and a plan to counter the threat of the King of War.

For now, though, his priority was getting his family to safety. They moved deeper into the forest, every sense on high alert, ready for whatever might come next.

Writers Point of View

Thunder struck the ground with ferocious intensity, causing it to tremble underfoot. Chace had instructed all the knights to stop the intruder, but as they attempted to approach, Ares, the mighty god of war, defeated them effortlessly, taking out ten men in a single sweep.

 Ares was relentless in his pursuit of the tri-bird baby girl. In his eyes, a tri-bird was an abomination, and he would not rest until she was dead, regardless of his father Zeus's decrees.

Shadows of death fell to the ground, transforming into ashes from which armies of wolves rose. These wolves, born of darkness, mercilessly attacked the knights, ripping off their heads and leaving blood everywhere as Ares marched toward the castle. The wind howled fiercely, and the townspeople of the kingdom fled for their lives, hiding as the castle's siren blared, warning everyone to take shelter. Lightning bolts illuminated the sky, casting eerie shadows over the chaos below.

Amidst the chaos, King Scott descended from the sky, his arrival marked by a powerful thunderclap. Beside him was Zeus, the god of gods. They both knew Ares would attempt such an audacious act and had come to prevent the senseless loss of an innocent life.

 King Scott stepped forward, his eyes filled with determination. "Ares, this madness ends now. You will not harm my granddaughter."

Ares, eyes blazing with anger, sneered. "You cannot stop me, Scott. The tri-bird must die. It is an affront to the natural order." His voice eco in the dark sky as he spoke.

Zeus stepped between them, his presence radiating power. "Enough, Ares. You will not defy me, your father, and the laws of the gods. The child will live."

Meanwhile, Ethan led Aliya and their daughter deeper into the forest, seeking a place to hide from the impending battle. The forest was dense, providing some cover from the chaos outside. They moved swiftly, the urgency of their situation fueling their steps.

"Keep moving," Ethan urged Aliya, his grip on her hand tightening. "We need to find a safe place."

As they ventured further, they found a small, hidden cave. "Here," Ethan said, guiding Aliya inside. "We can hide here until it's safe."

Aliya looked at Ethan with worry in her eyes. "Do you think he can find us?" she asked, fear evident in her voice.

Ethan tightened his hold on their daughter and reassured her, "My father is here, and so is Zeus. Both of them are powerful. They will protect us. But we need to stay hidden until this is over. This is a fight for the gods, something beyond my power."

Back at the castle, the battle raged on. Ares, fueled by his determination to eradicate the tri-bird, clashed with King Scott and Zeus. The ground shook with the force of their combat, each strike echoing like thunder through the night. Ares, driven to madness, began summoning bricks from the castle's walls, hurling them one by one toward Zeus and Scott. The castle behind him was being torn apart, its stones turned into weapons.

"You are blinded by hatred, Ares," Zeus thundered, deflecting a blow from his son. "This child is innocent. Your vendetta will lead only to your ruin."

Ares became even more enraged, summoning tornadoes that uprooted trees and tore through the earth. "I tried to warn you to make her go into preterm labor so this tri-bird could never be born. But instead, she is here, and now her time in this world is up!" Ares shouted angrily.

Despite Ares's fury, King Scott and Zeus fought with united strength, their combined power forming an impenetrable defense. Slowly, they began to push Ares back, their resolve unwavering.

In the forest, where trees were being ripped from the ground and the wind howled ferociously, Ethan held Aliya and their daughter close, listening to the distant sounds of battle that pierced through the strong winds. "Hold on, my love," he whispered, kissing Aliya's forehead. "You have to be strong with me."

The storm continued to rage, with tornadoes tearing apart everything in their path. Thunderbolts struck from the dark sky, igniting fires and reducing everything they touched to ashes. The world outside was a scene of chaos and destruction, but in the small cave, Ethan, Aliya, and their daughter held onto hope and each other.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the forest, louder than the thunder and the wind. It was Ares, his anger reaching a peak as he struggled against Zeus and Scott. The ground shook violently, and Ethan felt a surge of power ripple through the air. He knew that the battle was reaching its climax.