
Chapter 94

Prophecy of Selene 

Jacob's Point of View

After conversing with Selene, Jacob couldn't shake off the nagging worry about the dream she had vividly described. Although he had reassured her, deep down, it was driving him to the edge of his sanity. He felt an urgent need to find Ethan and relay Selene's prophetic dream. As the moon goddess, Selene's visions held immense significance and couldn't be disregarded lightly.

Determined, Jacob tapped into his newfound teleportation ability once again. The magic still felt unfamiliar, but he yearned to delve deeper into its possibilities. Pouring all his energy and focus into his intention, he visualized the grand castle where Aliya and Ethan resided, hoping to transport himself there.

As he opened his eyes, Jacob found himself standing before towering walls made of cold, grey stone. The black metal gates loomed before him, casting elongated shadows on the ground. He approached the gates, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the empty courtyard.

A faint scent of dampness and earth hung in the air, mingling with the crispness of the late afternoon. Jacob's heart raced with anticipation, his palms slightly sweaty as he awaited a response. One of the knights emerged, their armor gleaming under the pale sunlight.

"I am here to see King Ethan," Jacob stated firmly, his voice carrying a hint of urgency. The knight acknowledged his presence and proceeded to relay Jacob's request, the sound of their footsteps fading into the distance as they approached the Kingdom walls.

Jacob took in his surroundings and noticed that Ethan's border knights had doubled up on protection since the incident with Jailing. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him. "Look who's here, an old friend," said the voice.

Jacob turned around and saw Chace. His face lit up upon seeing a familiar person. "You know I can't stay away," said Jacob with a smile. They both laughed, then Jacob said, "I'm here to see Ethan. It's important."

Chace's expression turned serious. "Come with me. I'll take you to him," he said, leading Jacob through the gates and into the castle. They walked through the grand halls, the atmosphere inside buzzing with activity but also laced with an underlying tension. It was clear that recent events had everyone on edge.

When they reached Ethan's office, Chace knocked on the door. Ethan's voice called out, "Enter." Chace opened the door, and Jacob walked in, finding Ethan at his desk, deep in thought. Chace stood next to Jacob and said, "Jacob needs to talk to you. He said it's important."

Jacob could feel the tension emanating from Ethan as his features darkened when he looked up at them. "Jacob, what brings you here?"

Jacob felt the need to sit down and took the chair in front of Ethan. "It's Selene. She had a dream about a prophecy that is going to happen," Jacob began, his heart pounding heavily in his chest.

"What kind of prophecy did she have?" asked Ethan, concern evident in his voice. Jacob shifted nervously in his chair and began to speak. He told Ethan everything Selene had shared with him about her dream and how strongly she felt that something was off. The room was tense as Jacob spoke, and he could feel the weight of Ethan's silence as he let his head rest in his hand for a few minutes.

Jacob hated to do this to Ethan, but he knew he had to tell him about Selene's dream. It could be something unavoidable and significant. "How sure are you about this, Jacob?" asked Ethan heavily.

Jacob took a deep breath and said, "I'm not 100 percent sure, but we're talking about Selene. She's the moon goddess, and I don't think her dream could be inaccurate or wrong."

He had known Selene his whole life and was certain she wouldn't lie about something so important. "What we could do is keep our eyes and ears open," said Ethan, letting out a heavy sigh as he continued. "The good thing is that Lizzy and Jailing are dead, but the bad news is that no one knows where Negan has gone, and we are still on the lookout for him."

The mention of Negan made Jacob's stomach churn. "Negan has always been a wild card. If he's still out there, it could mean trouble, especially now that Violette is born."

Ethan nodded; his expression grim. "We'll need to increase our vigilance. I'll inform the guards to double their patrols and ensure the castle is secure. We can't afford to be caught off guard. I will not lose my daughter to that monster."

Jacob could see the tension on Ethan's face as his features darkened. He just hoped that whatever Selene's prophecy entailed, they could stop it. "Chace, tell the knights to double up their security around the castle. They have to keep an eye on Aliya and my daughter at all times," said Ethan.

Jacob heard the worry in his voice. Chace agreed and took on the task, quickly taking off to relay the orders. When Chace left, Jacob turned his gaze to Ethan and couldn't help but ask, "How are Aliya and Violette?" His heart grew warm as he asked about them.

"Aliya is okay. We were at the doctor this morning. The doctor gave her some antibiotics for her infection. She and Violette is resting now" said Ethan heavily.

Jacob's features showed concern. "What infection?" he asked.

"Her stitches were infected a little bit, and she has a low heart rate due to the amount of blood she lost during the birth," Ethan explained.

Jacob wondered if the infection was related to when Lizzy kidnapped Aliya and dragged her to the mountains. He remembered finding Aliya lying in a pool of oil, covered in blood. Jacob closed his eyes briefly, trying to push that memory out of his mind.

"It might have started when Lizzy took her," Jacob suggested, opening his eyes again. "She was in such terrible conditions when we found her. It's no wonder she got an infection."

Ethan sighed, his worry deepening. "It's possible. The important thing now is that she's getting the treatment she needs. But we can't let our guard down, especially not with Negan still out there."

Jacob nodded. "We need to stay vigilant and protect them at all costs."

Ethan's eyes hardened with determination. "We will. I'll make sure Aliya and Violette are safe. And we'll find Negan before he can do any more harm."

Jacob's determination to protect Aliya and her little one was unwavering. Every fiber of his being resonated with Ethan's sentiments, and he would stop at nothing to ensure their safety. The weight of his promise to Violette hung heavily on his wrist, the cool touch of the silver bracelet a constant reminder of his solemn vow.

The urgency in his heart was palpable as he envisioned Negan's menacing presence, threatening to tear Violette away. The scent of determination filled the air as Jacob prepared himself for the battle ahead, knowing that failure was not an option.

 The dark One Point of View

Negan's spirit journey with Violette to a different world was a desperate attempt to escape their grim reality. They had spent weeks together, surrounded by vibrant landscapes and ethereal melodies. For the first time, Negan could feel the warmth of real love as he spent time with the woman he was meant to be with.

 Violette's touch was like a gentle breeze on his skin, and her laughter filled the air with a sweet melody. She made him a better person, guiding him through the intricacies of new magic and the power of goodness. Negan never wanted to leave her side; every morning, he woke up next to her, enveloped in a dreamlike aura. His heart overflowed with love, and he knew he had found his true home by her side.

However, on one fateful day, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air, Negan noticed Violette beginning to faint. Her body slowly dissolved into the shimmering atmosphere, leaving him in a state of disbelief. In a panicked voice, he caught her fragile form in his arms, his heart pounding with fear. He pleaded with her, desperately asking what was happening, his voice trembling with worry.

"It's my spirit," Violette explained weakly. "It's returning to my body. I was born, and I can't stay here any longer."

Negan's heart broke as he held her fading form in his arms. "Promise me one thing, Negan," Violette said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Find me before Ares does."

Negan's features darkened with confusion and fear. "Who is Ares?" he demanded.

"He's the one who wants me dead because I'm the world's first true tri-bird. You have to stop him," Violette said, her voice growing fainter until she disappeared completely.

Negan was left holding nothing but the air, his heart aching with the loss of the woman he loved. Determined, he rose from the ground. He had to return to the supernatural world and find the younger version of Violette before Ares did. The task would be arduous; everyone there still saw him as the dark one, filled with hatred and fear. But Negan had changed. The evil in his heart was gone, and he looked completely different from the monster he once was.

Negan knew the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Violette's words echoed in his mind, driving him forward. He needed to protect her, to save her from Ares, and perhaps in doing so, he could find redemption for himself.