
Chapter 7

A tri-bird was born

Rose point of view

 Rose dashed towards the garden's fountain; she couldn't help but feel anxious about Aliya's wellbeing. The sight of her grandchild lying motionless on the cold snow broke Rose's heart. Thankfully, Rose's magic allowed her to reach Aliya before the wolves did. As she ran up to Aliya and fell beside her in the snow, Rose's heart sank. She immediately checked if Aliya was still breathing, but to her dismay, she couldn't detect any signs of life. Rose gasped, and tears started streaming down her face. She couldn't believe that the prophecy had come true.

 With a heavy heart, Rose picked Aliya up and saw the mark on her neck's left side. A picture of king Ethan wolf Max started to appear on the side of Aliya's neck with a crown on it. Rose felt for Aliya, knowing that this meant that she now belonged to King Ethan, the most powerful ruler of all the supernatural worlds. Rose knew that nobody could beat him because he was too strong.

Rose had a clear understanding of what she needed to do. Recently, the moon goddess Selene appeared to Rose in a dream and informed her that Aliya was going to pass away. Despite being scared, Selene had shown Rose the precise steps she needed to take in order to bring Aliya back to life. Rose knew that bringing Aliya back to life would be an incredibly challenging task, but she had no other choice. She had a deep sense of responsibility towards Aliya and couldn't bear the thought of losing her. Rose was determined to follow Selene's guidance and do everything in her power to help Aliya. She knew that she would have to be brave and resourceful in order to succeed, but she was willing to take that risk.

Rose was determined to reach her cabin quickly, and she believed the only way to do it was to teleport herself. She closed her eyes for a moment and started to visualize her old wooden cabin as an ancient round structure with a grass roof outside the castle. She concentrated hard on her mental image, focusing on every detail of the cabin's interior and exterior until the picture in her mind was crystal clear.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself standing inside her old cabin. The cabin was just as she had imagined it, with its old round shape and grass roof. Rose carried Aliya in her arms and walked towards a large round wooden table placed in the middle of the room. The table was big enough to accommodate Aliya comfortably, and Rose laid her gently on it. Rose then proceeded to retrieve her spell book from a giant metal stand at the corner of the room. The stand was an impressive piece of metalwork, with intricate designs that seemed to glow in the dim light. The spell book itself was a large, leather-bound tome, with gold lettering on the cover that read "Spells and Incantations."

After opening the spell book, she searched for a specific page containing the information Selene had given her in a dream. She flipped through the pages until she found the right one. The page was filled with strange symbols and intricate diagrams, which Rose studied closely. Finally, Rose found the information she was looking for. It appeared that she would need King Ethan's blood to revive Aliya from death. This was not what she had hoped for, but she knew that it was the only way to save Aliya.

Rose let out a heavy sigh and then sent a little prayer, hoping that the spell would work. She closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on King Ethan. She needed his help.

 Rose took a deep breath and began reciting the incantation from the spell book to summon King Ethan. As she spoke, a sudden gust of cold wind swept through the room, extinguishing all the candles, leaving her in darkness. She tried to relight the candles, but before she could do so, she felt a presence in the room. When she looked up, she saw King Ethan standing beside the table, his eyes fixed on Aliya with a mix of love and sadness. "Why did you summon me, Rose?" he asks, still gazing at Aliya. Rose could feel the tension in the room, as if the air had become heavier.

King Ethan was a formidable figure, feared by every witch in the supernatural world for his unparalleled power to strip them of their abilities and crush them in an instant if they misbehaved. However, when his beloved queen Aliya's life was at stake.

Rose approached the table where Aliya lay and answer King Ethan question. " You know why you're here, King Ethan?". She looked up at him, Rose could see that he was struggling with a deep sadness that seemed to have taken hold of him. With a heavy heart, King Ethan responded to Rose's question. "You left me with no choice. Your people wanted to keep my queen away from me, even though she was made for me by the moon goddess," he says, his voice breaking with emotion. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he spoke, and Rose could see the pain etched on his face.

Rose gasped in response to the hurt in King Ethan's eyes. Her heart ached with pain, and she felt the weight of his sorrow in that moment. She could see that he meant every word he said, and that he would never hurt Aliya. All he wanted was to love and protect her. As she watched him, she realized that the depth of his love for Aliya was something truly special.

Rose walked over to the wooden shelf in her cabin and picked up a sharp silver knife. She then walked up to Ethan and stood beside him by the table. "I need your blood to save Aliya," she explains. "I can use your blood to cast a spell on a necklace that will turn Aliya into a Tri bird until she turns 18, after which she won't need it anymore. When the moon goddess created Aliya, she took your blood and your heart, and only you can wake her up."

Rose held the sharp knife out to King Ethan, who didn't say a word. He sighed heavily and took the knife from Rose. "What if this spell is too dangerous and won't bring her back?" he asks. Rose looked King Ethan directly in the eyes and says, "It won't kill her. On the contrary, the spell will help her because her Tri-bird power is supposed to kick in when she turns 18. However, I will lock the powers of the Tri-bird into the necklace to keep her alive."

Rose walked back to her spell book and stood in front of it still. "Okay I am going to spoke the words then I need you to cut your left wrist because you marked Aliya on the left "says Rose. King Ethan marks Aliya on the left because when you are a werewolf, the mark they mate instead of getting married. The mark symbolizes that you are married and belong to someone. Rose could see that King Ethan was standing on the edge; he looked intense. She could smell fear all around him. Rose start to clear her throat and then start to speak the words out what was writing on the page "z tejto krvi partnerského zväzku vstaneš zo smrti Aliya ". Rose repeats the words again while King Ethan cuts his left wrist deep, takes his hand, and places it on Aliya's chest where her heart is.

 Ethan's point of view

Blood was dripping down from Ethan's writs on Aliya's body and despaired when it fell on her body. It was like her body was thirsty for his blood and was sucking it all in. "Are you sure this would work? "Asked Ethan. The cut on his wrist started to burn and was getting deeper by the minute, he was bleeding like a pig, and it hurt so much; Ethan tried to hold on as much as he could. He wanted to remind himself that he was doing this for the love of his life. Everything around Ethan started to flow into the air; an intense, bright light came from Aliya lying on the table. Ethan could see Aliya got the color of her cheeks back; her skin wasn't any more pile, and it looked more alive now. Ethan remembers the first time he saw her when the moon goddess visited him at the castle in his chamber room and told him she had something for him. Ethan remembers how he fell head over the hill in love with Aliya when he saw her standing next to the moon goddess, He felt immediately connected to her, he felt weak and warm inside of him, and for the first time in his life, he wanted to grab her and kiss her, but I couldn't. He tried to avoid the feeling and fight against it; he was just to become King then and was taking the throne over from his father. He was fighting against his feelings for Aliya.

Ethan studied Aiya's face future carefully. The moon goddess Selene gave His long thick eyelashes to Aliya and her full soft lips came from her birth mother so does her green eyes, but her nose was a similar noise between his and her mother.

Ethan studied Aliya's face with great attention, examining every feature. He couldn't help but notice the striking beauty of her long, thick eyelashes, which Selene, the moon goddess, had blessed her with. Her full, soft lips were undoubtedly inherited from her birth mother, just like her captivating green eyes. Ethan couldn't help but admire her nose, which seemed to be a delicate blend of both her parents' features. Suddenly, Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he heard Aliya's heartbeat once again. He looked around and realized that everything had returned to normal. The cut on his wrist had completely healed, and the world seemed to be at peace once again.

"She's going to be okay," Ethan says, smiling with happiness as he holds Aliya's soft, warm hand against his chest. He felt relieved that she was alive again, sleeping like a beautiful princess. "I believe that you know what to do next and the moon goddess has already told you everything," Ethan says, while looking at Aliya's she was sleeping peacefully. Ethan looked up at Rose, who seemed to share his relief but also gazed at him with a profound sense of sympathy.

"I will bring her back, I promised," Rose says, reassuring Ethan that everything would be alright. Ethan cast one last look at Aliya, then kissed her gently on the temple of her head.

"Please inform me once you finish casting the spell on my mind, the link will be open," Ethan says, taking a step back from the table. "I promise," replies Rose with a reassuring smile. Ethan glanced back at Aliy on the table and began to visualize his Enchanted Castle, which he had rebuilt in his mind, along with his Chamber, where his castle lay. Finally, he teleported himself back to his castle.

Writers Point Of View

The room door slammed open Alex burst into the room fallow by him his wife Anima ,they looked around the room frightened when they catch King Ethan scent lying in the room "Where is he! " growled Alex out while clenching his fist ,king Ethan scent make him want to go on full range and burn this place down until he found him ,he was ready to fight ."he is already gone Alex " said Rose quietly while stepping closer to the table were Aliya was lying fast asleep ."Why was he here mother ?" asks Anima scared " Are you okay ,did he hurt you ?"asks Anima while looking back at her mother ."I am fine my dear , he would never hurt Aliya don't worry but I need your necklace my Dear " asked Rose her daughter

Rose noticed the confused expression on their faces and decided to clarify what she meant. She extended her hand towards Anima, who was wearing a silver charm necklace. Anima seemed hesitant at first, but then she took off her necklace and walked over to Rose. As she approached, Rose could see that the necklace was intricately designed, with a unique shape that she couldn't quite place. Anima carefully placed the necklace in Rose's outstretched hand, and Rose examined it closely, admiring its beauty.

 Alex walked up to the table, he looked concerned and asks, "Why do you need my wife's necklace? It's the one I gave her."

Rose could sense Alex's worry and replies with a compassionate tone, "I understand how you feel. I know the necklace has a special meaning to you and your wife. But the truth is, the necklace is a symbol of your love, and I need it to wake your daughter, Aliya." With a gentle touch, Rose placed the necklace around Aliya's neck.

Anima and Alex were confused by what Rose was saying. They exchanged looks, and then turned their attention back to Aliya. "This spell won't be easy," Rose explains while placing her hand on Aliya's body. "It's going to be painful, but I'll try my best to help Aliya." Rose then asks Anima and Alex to each place one hand on Aliya's body.

They did what she said and placed a hand on Aliya's body. Rose looked up at them and took a big breath in and out, then started to speak the words out of the spell "s touto krvou ti koluje v žilách .Vlkolak ...čarodejnica .....upír budeš naša kráľovná z nadprirodzenej bohyne" a sharp pain went instantly through each of them when Rose starts to draw blood from her and Alex along with his wife and from her ex-husband who was a vampire.

To awaken Aliya, Rose required three distinct bloodlines. Specifically, she needed the wolf bloodlines of both Aliya's father and mother, as well as her own bloodline as a witch. The moon goddess created Aliya out of three different bloodlines - a combination of her parents' wolf bloodlines and Rose's witch bloodline - so that Aliya would be strong enough to rule the supernatural worlds as queen, a position she was meant to hold as per the moon goddess' intentions when she was made for King Ethan.

As Rose tried to remove Aliya's necklace, she noticed that the silver heart charm was starting to turn red and looked like it was melting. She tried to move it away, but the necklace burned her skin, leaving a heart-shaped mark. As she struggled to remove the necklace, she suddenly saw Aliya's eyes open, glowing with an otherworldly brilliance. Aliya's hair turned white as snow, and Rose could feel the power emanating from her. Confused and disoriented, Aliya looked around the room until she saw her parents

Her face softened as she recognized them, and her eyes and hair returned to their natural green-hazel and brunette-blond colors. She sat up straight, gasping for air as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

 Aliya's mother hugged her tightly and cried tears of joy, Rose knew that they had fulfilled their mission successfully.