
Chapter 67

Enchanted Room

Ethan's Point of View

Ethan stood at the castle, torn between his desire to be with Aliya and his duties as a king. The scent of pine trees filled the air as he contemplated his decision. He knew he had to attend the meeting at the Alpha Drake pack house to catch up on his neglected work, a promise he had made to his father.

A sleek black BMW car, its engine purring softly, awaited him at the castle gates. Chace, his loyal right-hand man, sat in the driver's seat, ready to accompany him. Ethan climbed into the car; the leather seats cool against his skin.

As they drove towards Alpha Drake, the scenery passed by in a blur. The towering pine trees lined the road, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The sound of the engine drowned out the silence between Ethan and Chace until Chace finally broke it. "So, how did the talk with Jacob go?" he asked, his voice cutting through the quiet.

Ethan let out a heavy sigh before answering. "I asked him about the old white chapel of the Kingdom," he replied, the weight of his concerns evident in his voice. The car fell silent once more, save for the hum of the engine. Chace cleared his throat, breaking the silence again. "There's no need to worry about Jacob," he reassured Ethan, his voice filled with confidence. "He knows his place and won't neglect his duty. And if he does, well, he'll have to deal with me."

Surprised by Chace's protectiveness over Aliya, Ethan couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy towards Jacob. The realization that another man had strong feelings for Aliya weighed heavily on his heart. With a serious expression, Ethan looked at his friend and made a request. "Just promise me one thing," he said, his voice laced with sadness. "Anything," Chace replied, his commitment unwavering.

"Would you kindly keep a watchful eye on Aliya and also on Jacob for me?" Ethan asked his friend, with a heavy heart. Before he could finish his sentence, Chace interrupted him, saying, "Ethan, you're taking this too far. Aliya loves you, and the two of you are about to start a family."

Ethan sighed and ran his fingers through his thick, dark hair, sinking into his seat. "I'm sorry," he said, "it's just that ever since Aliya became pregnant, I've become so overprotective. I can't bear the thought of losing her again." His fear consumed him, driving him to do anything to keep her safe. It felt as though he had turned into a mother hen, fiercely protective of his chicks.

Chace understood Ethan's worries. "I know you're concerned for Aliya, and I don't blame you," he said. "But you need to loosen up a bit and enjoy these moments with her, especially before the baby arrives."

As Ethan glanced at his friend, then out the window, he realized they had arrived. They were now driving through a small, welcoming community. Alpha Drake, the leader of the pack, and his Beta wolf greeted them as they stepped out of the car. The air was filled with the fresh scent of the nearby fire, and the sounds of children playing could be heard in the distance.

Ethan approached Alpha Drake and firmly shook his hand, a friendly smile on his face. "It's been a long time," he said.

They followed Alpha Drake to the pack house, stepping into a beautifully decorated, modern home adorned with exquisite, expansive furniture. The scent of polished wood and a hint of fireplace smoke filled the air.

Ethan and Chace settled into plush seats by the crackling fireplace, while Alpha Drake and his beta wolf took the seats opposite them. As the room grew quiet, Alpha Drake began to speak. Ethan leaned forward, his curiosity piqued, wondering what good news awaited them.

"It has been a week, and my men have not heard from The Dark One," Alpha Drake revealed. Ethan's body tensed, absorbing the news. He had been so consumed with his own life that he had forgotten about Negan. "They spotted Jailing and Lizzy celebrating, but no one has heard from or seen Negan.

Rumors suggest he may be dead," Alpha Drake continued. Ethan's mind raced, contemplating what might have happened to Negan and where he could be. "If Negan is gone, it could be for the best," Ethan murmured, running his hand through his hair.

 He glanced at Chace, who looked wide-eyed and attentive. Gathering his courage, Ethan changed the subject, eager to share his own news. All eyes turned to him as he spoke. "I have some good news," he announced. The room held its breath. "I am getting married and would love to have you all at my wedding." Alpha Drake gasped, his eyes widening as they locked with Ethan's. "And who is this lovely lady?" he inquired.

 Ethan took a deep breath, feeling his pulse quicken and his palms grow sweaty. "Her name is Aliya Hemlington. She is the daughter of King Alpha Alex and Queen Anima." The room fell silent, the weight of Ethan's words sinking in.

 He could sense his own nervousness, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, Alpha Drake stood up from his chair, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Then come here, we need to celebrate!" he exclaimed, his arms open wide. Ethan was taken aback by the joyous sight and rose from his seat, walking toward Alpha Drake to embrace him. "Can I get you a beer? This calls for a celebration. Our King is getting married!" Alpha Drake offered, breaking their hug.

Ethan's laughter echoed through the air, a lighthearted sound amidst the silliness of their celebration. The bar, tucked away on the other side of the pack house, beckoned them with its warm, inviting glow. As they entered, a chorus of hearty welcomes greeted them from a group of boisterous men. In that moment, Ethan felt a youthful energy surge within him, embracing the joy of his age.

Though not one to indulge in drinking or partying, he reasoned that tonight was an exception. It took a considerable amount of alcohol to intoxicate him, for his royal blood set him apart from other supernatural beings in this world.

Ethan's main intention was to forge a deep bond with the leaders of his Alpha wolf pack, fostering a trust that would make them reliable allies to one another. Meanwhile, on the other side, Chace reveled in the pleasure of simply being present among the packs, free from the weight of work.

However, as the night wore on, it became evident that Ethan would have to assume the role of the responsible one. With Chace stumbling and struggling to maintain his balance, it was clear he had imbibed one too many beers.

Expressing his gratitude to Alpha Drake for the evening's festivities, Ethan promised to inform him of the wedding date soon. With Chace now safely settled in the backseat, Ethan slid into the driver's seat, the engine rumbling to life.

Carefully, he navigated the winding path back home. Upon arrival, his priority was ensuring Chace's well-being, gently guiding him to his bed before making his way back to the castle.

The clock displayed 6 o'clock, a reminder of the missed lunch hour. Determined not to skip supper, Ethan resolved to make amends for the skipped meal.

As he stepped into the castle, Ethan was immediately enveloped by the tantalizing aroma of a home-cooked meal wafting from the kitchen. The familiar scent filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging.

 A smile spread across his lips, as he knew he was finally home. The warmth of the castle embraced him, and the smell of the food made it feel even more like his sanctuary.

Determined to find Aliya, he decided to use their mind link to locate her. "My love, where are you?" Ethan communicated through their telepathic connection. The vastness of the castle made him wonder where she could possibly be. Making his way towards his bedroom, he entered the room only to find it empty, devoid of any signs of her presence.

"I am in the kitchen, dinner will be ready soon, my sweaty," Aliya's voice echoed in his mind, using the endearing nickname she had always reserved for Violette. The words caught him off guard, causing a blush to creep onto his cheeks.

He chose to respond, sending his thoughts back to her before heading into the shower. "I love it when you call me that. I'll just take a quick shower and be down in a minute," Ethan conveyed before disconnecting their mind link and proceeding to the bathroom.

After his refreshing shower, Ethan dressed himself and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. The moment he entered, his senses were overwhelmed by the rich and enticing aroma of the delicious food filling the air.

 Approaching the counter, he spotted Aliya diligently chopping ingredients. Quietly, he approached her from behind, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a warm embrace.

"Hello, my love," Ethan whispered affectionately in her ear, pressing a gentle kiss on the mark he had left on her neck. Aliya turned in their embrace, her eyes meeting his. "You smell nice," she commented, a smile gracing her lips.

Ethan couldn't help but notice the apron she was wearing, covered in baking powder and food stains. It surprised him to see Aliya cooking, but it filled him with joy to know that she was willing to cook for him.

Noticing a smudge of white powder on her cheek, he lovingly wiped it away with his thumb. "Did you miss me?" Ethan asked, his gaze locked with hers. Aliya's reply was immediate and heartfelt. "Every minute," she confessed. Their moment was interrupted by the presence of the housekeeper, clearing her throat to gain their attention.

"Your highness, may I request that you and the queen take your seats at the table. Dinner is ready," the old woman interjected. Ethan's smile widened, relishing the sound of being referred to as the king.

He looked at Aliya and suggested, "Let me help you take that apron off, and then we can go sit down." With utmost care, he assisted Aliya in removing the apron, taking her hand in his as they walked out of the kitchen together.

Aliya's Point of View

Ethan gently led Aliya into a previously unseen room of the castle. As they entered, Aliya was struck by the room's breathtaking beauty. The walls were adorned with a delicate string of gold against a backdrop of pristine white. Tall crystal windows allowed streams of moonlight to filter in, casting a soft glow. From the ceiling, silk white drapes cascaded down, adding an ethereal touch. Suspended in the center was a magnificent crystal chandelier, illuminating the space with a dazzling sparkle.

In the middle of the room stood a tall, dark oak table, exuding elegance. A crystal flower vase adorned the table, overflowing with fragrant white lilies. The chairs, crafted from dark wood, featured intricately engraved railings, accented with delicate traces of gold. Aliya couldn't help but admire the room's grandeur, her breath catching in her throat.

Ethan's voice broke the silence, revealing a tender nostalgia. "We used to dine here every night when I was a child," he shared, walking towards the end of the table. He pulled out a chair for Aliya, his gesture both chivalrous and endearing. Grateful, she gracefully took her seat, her heart swelling with affection.

Soon, the housekeepers joined them, swiftly setting the table with a golden tablecloth, gleaming silverware, and sparkling glasses. One of the friendly housekeepers approached Aliya, asking, "My queen, would you like some wine or perhaps some juice with your meal?" Aliya's smile radiated warmth as she replied, "I would love some juice, thank you."

Ethan settled into the chair beside her as the housekeepers filled their glasses with refreshing juice. The housekeeper turned to Ethan, inquiring about his choice of drink. Following Aliya's lead, he too opted for juice. As the housekeepers quietly left the room, a sense of tranquility settled upon the space.

Aliya's attention was immediately captured when she felt Ethan's warm hand clasping hers. As their hands intertwined, a wave of warmth and affection washed over her. "If you'd like, we could have a family dinner like this every night," Ethan said, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. Aliya's heart swelled with joy at the thought of them becoming a family one of these days.

Their intimate moment was interrupted as the housekeepers returned, carrying plates filled with tantalizing aromas. The delectable scent of the food filled the air, causing Aliya's stomach to rumble in anticipation. Her eyes widened with delight as a plate, covered with a shiny silver lid, was placed in front of her. Ethan received the same treatment.

As the housekeepers left the room, Aliya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. She had assisted the chef in preparing some of the dishes, and now she eagerly awaited the unveiling of her culinary creations.

When the silver covers were lifted, Aliya was greeted with a mouthwatering sight. The food looked absolutely divine, and she could hardly wait to dig in.

 Ethan's voice broke through her reverie, expressing his admiration for the feast before them. Aliya blushed slightly, grateful for his appreciation. "Well, I did try my hand at preparing some of the dishes, with a little help from the chef," she admitted, picking up her knife and fork and cutting into her succulent steak.

The first bite was a burst of juiciness and flavors that danced on her tongue. The steak was cooked to perfection, and Aliya couldn't help but savor each mouthful. Glancing at Ethan, she noticed a contented smile playing on his lips as he too enjoyed his meal.

A warm smile bloomed on Aliya's face as she continued to relish her food. In this moment, surrounded by delicious aromas, the warmth of Ethan's hand in hers, and the prospect of a future together, Aliya couldn't help but feel immensely grateful and blessed.

The food was define and Aliya could see Ethan enjoy every bit of it. It make her heart warm to know that he enjoy her cooking .When they were finest entered the housekeepers again to clean the dirty plates up from then table when they was finally alone again felted Aliya his warm hand on hers " My love would you like to walk with me before we go to bed " said Ethan warmly . Aliya looked up at Ethan and could see his eyes was full of love and has a sparkle in to it . " I would love to " say Aliya .

Both of them rose from their chairs, and Ethan took her hand as they left the room. As they entered the hallway, it felt strangely warm and cozy, unlike the cold hallway in her father's castle.

Their footsteps reverberated down the dimly lit hallway, creating an eerie echo. "Where are we headed?" Aliya's voice dripped with curiosity as they ventured further away from the bustling kitchen.

A mischievous smile graced Ethan's face as he replied, "It's a surprise, my love." Aliya gripped his hand tightly, seeking comfort in their connection as they halted before a towering black metal door. Ethan gracefully reached into his sleek black jacket, producing a glimmering silver key, which he deftly inserted into the keyhole.

The sound of the lock clicking into place sent a surge of anticipation coursing through Aliya's veins. With a gentle push, Ethan swung the door open, their hands entwined once more. "Remember, close the door behind you," Ethan's voice resonated in her ears.

 Nodding in understanding, Aliya stepped into the room, her eyes widening at the breathtaking sight that unfolded before her. The air was alive with magic as enchanting trees bathed in a soft, ethereal glow surrounded them. The ground beneath their feet was adorned with a plush carpet of the greenest grass she had ever laid eyes on.

"This was my mother's sanctuary, a place she would retreat to after our evening meals," Ethan's voice whispered, guiding them deeper into the room. Aliya gasped at the vibrant hues of the flowers that bloomed abundantly around them, their delicate petals seemingly illuminated from within. As she marveled at the spectacle, she noticed tiny, luminescent lights dancing through the air.

 The soft murmur of running water reached her ears, drawing them closer to a magnificent waterfall. Its crystalline waters flowed with such clarity that she could discern every pebble on the riverbed, and a mesmerizing sparkle emanated from its depths.

"This place is truly enchanting," Aliya breathed, her words carried away by the refreshing breeze that caressed her skin. The intoxicating fragrance of the flowers enveloped her, filling her senses with an overwhelming aroma. Aliya's steps faltered as the radiant beings circled around her, their glow illuminating her surroundings.

 Ethan reassured her, his voice a comforting presence, that these creatures were not to be feared but rather friends of nature. A smile spread across Aliya's face as she realized that the shimmering lights were, in fact, fairies.

 Some of them alighted delicately on her open palm, their gentle weight a delightful sensation. Suddenly, a soft, enchanting melody filled the air as the fairies began to sing. Aliya was overcome with a profound sense of joy and tranquility as she surrendered herself to the captivating melody. "I believe they are singing to our unborn child," Ethan explained, drawing closer to Aliya, their hearts intertwined in this magical realm.

Fairies of all shapes and colors flitted around the room, their delicate wings shimmering in the soft light. As Ethan approached Aliya, some of the fairies perched on his shoulders, adding a touch of enchantment to the moment. The air was filled with a beautiful melody as the fairies sang, their voices like tiny bells that caressed Aliya's ears.

As their hands intertwined, Aliya could feel the warmth of Ethan's touch enveloping her. Looking up, she saw the room come alive with the radiant glow of a thousand fairies surrounding them. It was a sight she had never witnessed before, leaving her in awe.

The fairies continued to sing, their harmonious voices filling the air and filling Aliya's heart with overwhelming emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes, her chest feeling heavy with the intensity of the moment.

The enchanting melody brought a sense of calmness to Aliya's soul, and she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. However, she fought against the drowsiness, determined to stay awake and fully experience this magical moment.

 Ethan's words broke through her reverie, suggesting that the fairies were drawn to their unborn child, filling them with joy.

Aliya locked eyes with Ethan, seeing the sparkle of happiness in his gaze. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he asked, "Can I have this dance with you?" Her heart swelled with love, and in that instant, she responded, "I would love to." Placing her hand gently on Ethan's shoulder, she began to sway to the soft music of the fairies' song, feeling the enchantment of the moment surrounding them.