
Chapter 47

We are in this together

Aliya Point of View

The room seemed to close in on her, suffocating her as she anxiously awaited the Doctor's response. The news that her pregnancy was far from normal hit her like a ton of bricks, leaving her in a state of shock. With only two months left until their baby girls arrived, the weight of the situation intensified. It was as if the walls were closing in, amplifying her fears and uncertainties.

The Doctor's words only added to Aliya's distress. The idea that her unborn child might be using her vampire powers to grow instead of relying on regular nourishment like other babies was both fascinating and terrifying.

It explained her intense cravings for blood and meat, but it also made her question the nature of her pregnancy. And to top it all off, the Doctor suggested that her struggles to run in her wolf form were due to her unborn child draining her strength. It was overwhelming to think that her own body was being used as a vessel, leaving her feeling weak and vulnerable.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, Aliya couldn't bear to stay in the room any longer. The air felt heavy, and she needed a moment to collect herself. Apologizing to the Doctor, she hastily made her way out of the room, desperate for some fresh air.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she fought to hold them back. The reality of her circumstances hit her hard - at just 17 years old, she was about to become a mother. She hadn't even finished school yet, and the judgment of her father and grandparents loomed over her.

Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. It was Ethan, offering his support and understanding. In that moment, Aliya couldn't help but express her fears and doubts, questioning her ability to handle this unexpected journey into motherhood.

'Aliya, you are not alone in this,' whispered Ethan, his voice as gentle as a summer breeze. His words hung heavy in the air, like an anchor against the storm of emotions swirling within her.

'I do not know if I am even ready,' Aliya uttered, her voice trembling with a mix of panic and uncertainty. 'Two months... it feels like a blink of an eye.'

As if sensing her distress, Ethan's breath became uneven, and his gaze softened with an understanding that belied his youthful appearance. 'What if I am a bad mother? Everyone would look at me like I am just this young temptress who got lucky with the King,' Aliya continued, her tears streaming down her face like a torrent. Ethan's arms enveloped her, drawing her close as his eyes met hers, holding her gaze with a depth that belied his years. 'You would be a great mother, Aliya,' he said, his voice a soothing balm against her fears. 'You are not alone. I am just as scared as you are. As a King, this is the most daunting challenge I have ever faced. But together, we can make this work. Together, we can be a family for our daughter.'

His words washed over her like a warm blanket, comforting her frayed nerves. As he held her close, his embrace tightened around her, grounding her in a whirlwind of emotions. His scent, a heady mix of masculinity and reassurance, filled her senses, anchoring her to reality. 'Just remember, my love,' Ethan whispered in her ear, his voice a testament to his unwavering support, 'I will not leave your side for a moment. We are in this together.'

Aliya's heart gradually regained its rhythm, comforted by the love and unwavering determination in Ethan's eyes. His proposal, though unexpected, was a beacon of hope in the midst of her storm.

'I have thought about this for a long time,' Ethan continued. 'I believe it would be best for you to move into the castle. Together, we can create a safe and loving home for our child.'

The image of Aliya and Ethan living together flashed through her mind, filling her with a sense of joy and disbelief. It was something she had never imagined before, but now waking up next to Ethan every morning felt like a dream come true. As she stood there, overwhelmed by her emotions, she could feel her legs growing numb and the need to sit down becoming urgent. Luckily, she spotted a wooden couch nestled under a nearby tree and made her way towards it.

Aliya's trembling hands unfolded onto the wooden couch, her heart mirroring the gentle rise and fall of her breath. The revelation of newfound happiness sent ripples of disbelief through her being, painting her world in hues of vibrant hope and radiant joy.

'Ethan,' she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, carrying the weight of longing and relief. The mere utterance of his name evoked butterflies to dance in her stomach, filling her with an intoxicating symphony of emotions. To her astonishment, moments later, the silhouette of Ethan materialized beside her on the couch. His presence exuded a calming aura that silenced the tempest within her racing heart.

'Aliya,' he began, his voice soft and soothing, 'I apologize if I overstepped any boundaries, but the desire to build a family with you consumes my every thought.'

His words reverberated within her, awakening a profound yearning she had never dared to acknowledge. She lifted her gaze, meeting his eyes, and was met with a mirror of love and warmth.

Her mind rose like a million thoughts per minute as she thought what would people think of her and doubt grew stronger in her.

Ethan, ever the beacon of reassurance, enveloped her trembling arms in his warm embrace, dispelling her anxieties with gentle reassurances. His words flowed like a soothing balm on her troubled mind, reminding her that the opinions of others paled in comparison to her own. He vowed to stand steadfastly by her side as she faced her father, his unwavering support bolstering her resolve.

Aliya's heart swelled with gratitude for Ethan's unwavering love and unwavering commitment. After a moment of silent contemplation, she realized that the time had come to inform her father of their blessed news. As she gazed into Ethan's deep-set eyes, she found solace in his steadfast presence, and his unwavering faith in her gave her the courage she needed.

Just when Aliya thought her emotions could not soar any higher, Ethan surprised her with a precious gift that would forever etch their love story into the tapestry of time – a sonogram image of their unborn child. Overwhelmed with an indescribable surge of emotion, she gazed at the precious memento, tears welling up in her eyes.

 The sight of their baby's tiny hands, delicate fingers, and perfectly formed legs filled her with an awe-inspiring sense of wonder. In that profound moment, Aliya realized that Ethan was not only the love of her life but also the embodiment of the perfect father. His unwavering support, gentle reassurance, and the love that radiated from his eyes gave her the strength to face any challenge that lay ahead.

Aliya gazed up at Ethan, her eyes lighting up with a smile that formed on her lips. "I will cherish these moments forever," she expressed with a heartfelt tone. Taking the sonar picture, she held it close to her chest, feeling a rush of gratitude and a mix of overwhelming emotions consume her.

As she basked in the joy of the moment, Ethan's voice broke through her thoughts, asking when they should inform her father about the pregnancy. Reality hit her like a heavy weight, and she let out a deep sigh. Looking at Ethan, her expression turned slightly somber. "Soon, but today just doesn't seem like the right time," Aliya replied, her heart burdened with the weight of the task at hand.

Ethan's words brought a glimmer of hope to Aliya's heart, causing it to skip a beat. Her ears perked up as she heard the mention of dinner, a word that held a special significance for them. Playfully, she responded, "Are you asking me out on a date?" Ethan rose from the wooden couch they were sitting on, coming to stand in front of her. He extended his hands, offering her assistance to stand up. Aliya gladly accepted, intertwining her fingers with his as she rose from the couch.

With a friendly smile, she replied, "I would love to go to dinner with you." As she observed Ethan's features soften, her own smile grew wider. "I love you," Ethan confessed, and Aliya's heart swelled with affection.

Feeling a surge of affection and longing, Aliya closed the distance between them, moving closer to Ethan. With a gentle lean, she pressed her lips against his, engaging in a deep and passionate kiss. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as their connection intensified. The world around them faded away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the love they shared. It was a tender and intimate moment, filled with the promise of a future together. As they pulled away, Aliya's eyes sparkled with adoration, and she whispered softly, "I love you too, Ethan."

Rose Point of View

In the soft glow of mid-afternoon, Rose was fully absorbed in her cabin, diligently crafting a new spell. Amidst her focused concentration, a glimmer caught her eye, beckoning her attention. Setting aside her work, she approached the round table, where a radiant purple-violet flower lay. As she lifted the delicate blossom, a transformative energy enveloped her surroundings, causing the familiar cabin to dissolve into a vibrant sea of violet blooms. Standing amidst this awe-inspiring sight, Rose was overcome with wonder. The field boasted a myriad of hues, ranging from ethereal white violets to deep, regal purples. The abundance of flowers took her breath away, surpassing any previous encounter with nature's beauty. A sense of reverence compelled her to kneel down, where she discovered an exquisite pink violet. In a daring move, she pricked the flower, witnessing its petals morph into a stunning pink baby knit blanket. Rose's gasp resonated in the air, her eyes widening at the sight of this most exquisite creation. Adorned with the word "Violet" intricately woven into its fabric, the blanket held a profound significance. As Rose gingerly reached out to touch it, a blinding flash momentarily transported her to a glimpse of the future. Overwhelmed, tears streamed down her warm cheeks as she cried out, "Oh, my dearest Aliya." The blanket, intended for Aliya's daughter, revealed a duality that both intrigued and terrified Rose.

Determination mingled with sorrow as she wiped her tears away, resolute in her decision. She knew what she must do with the blanket, embracing her role as the bearer of its mysterious power.

Rose teleported herself to King Ethan's Castle, her surroundings quickly changing. As she stepped onto the castle's front porch, she found herself surrounded by a circle of knights, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut grass and the sound of their armor clinking together.

"I have come to see Queen Aliya," Rose declared, clutching the soft blanket tightly in her arms. Suddenly, a voice cut through the tension, commanding the knights to part. A young man with jet-black hair approached, his presence commanding attention.

"Who are you, and what do you want with Queen Aliya?" the young man inquired. Rose straightened her posture, meeting his gaze. "I am her grandmother, and I have brought a gift for her and the new arrival," she replied confidently. The air crackled with anticipation, and the young man scrutinized her before finally speaking. "I will inform the Queen of your presence. Allow the knights to escort you to the waiting area," he announced. Rose offered him a polite smile. "Thank you," she said warmly.

The knights led her through the grand hallways of the castle, their armor clanking with every step. Eventually, they arrived at a beautifully adorned room. Tall windows draped in white silk curtains bathed the room in soft light. The space was filled with white leather chairs, their frames adorned with hints of gold. In the center of the room sat a glass coffee table, displaying a delicate glass pot filled with fragrant white lilies.

From a corner of the room, the enchanting sound of Mozart piano music filled the air. The room exuded a sense of elegance and sophistication, adorned with stunning family portraits that lined the walls.

Rose make herself to the chair what was covered in white leather and go sit down on it .She then fold the beautiful baby knit blanket and leave it on her lab while she wait patience for Aliya .

Aliya Point of View

In the blink of an eye, they found themselves back at the magnificent castle. Standing on the grand porch, Aliya released her grip on Ethan as she noticed Chace approaching them. A smile crossed her face as she saw him join them. "I'm glad you're back," Chace said. "There's someone waiting for you in the parlor, my Queen." Aliya furrowed her brow, wondering who it could be.

"She claims to be your grandmother," Chace added. Aliya's eyes widened with excitement, her heart skipping a beat. She turned to Ethan, her face beaming. "Go see your grandmother, and we'll meet up later for dinner," said Ethan warmly. Aliya lean in to give him a kiss. "I'll see you soon. I love you." After bidding Ethan goodbye, Aliya followed Chace to the waiting room. They walked down the castle hallway until they stopped, Chace turning to face her.

"If you need me or Ethan, just mind link us, and we'll come to you," he said, placing his hand gently on Aliya's upper arm. Looking up at him, Aliya could see the concern in his eyes. "I'll be okay, but I promise I'll mind link you," she assured him before entering the room.

As she stepped inside, she was immediately captivated by the room's beauty. The furniture was elegantly adorned in white, and the bright afternoon sun cast a radiant glow. Aliya's grandmother, rose from her

chair and walked towards her. Overwhelmed with emotion, Aliya wrapped her arms tightly around her grandmother. "Grands," she cried, holding onto her tightly. She had missed her grandmother dearly. After their heartfelt embrace, Aliya looked at her grandmother, her eyes filled with joy. "You look beautiful, Aliya. Your hair and skin are glowing," Rose said. Aliya leaned in and gave her grandmother Rose a kiss on the cheeks. "Thank you," said Aliya. "It's such a surprise to have you here today." Aliya walked up to a chair and sat down, while her grandmother joined her in the seat next to her. "There's something I want to give you," said her grandmother.

Aliya looked surprised as her grandmother held something pink in front of her. "Thank you, Grandmother," said Aliya as she took it from her. She looked down and saw that it was a baby blanket, but not just any blanket. It was the exact one that she and Ethan had seen the day they did the protector spell. It was the light pink blanket that the daughter was sitting on. Aliya's heart sank and the palms of her hands started to sweat as she held the blanket in her hands.

"I can't believe it's the same one," said Aliya, surprised. She placed the blanket on her lap and looked at her grandmother in shock. "How did you know?" she asked with a husky voice. She hadn't even told her father or grandfather.

"When I was busy with a spell, a beautiful violet flower appeared on my table," said her grandmother. "When I touched it, it led me to a field of beautiful violet flowers. But when I touched a pink flower, it suddenly turned into a baby blanket with the name 'Violet' engraved on it."

Aliya looked down at the blanket and saw the name 'Violet' engraved on it. Her heart swelled with warmth, and she had a good feeling about it. "I think you should call her Violet," said Rose next to Aliya.

Tears welled up in Aliya's eyes, prickling as she gazed down at the delicate baby knit blanket. The fabric, as soft as a whisper, caressed her skin, while a gentle floral fragrance wafted into her nose. "This is unbelievable," Aliya murmured, her voice barely audible, her eyes fixed on the blanket.

 A tender touch from her grandmother graced her arm, connecting them in the moment. It was the very same blanket their daughter had sat upon that fateful day when they had a vision of her. The surreal nature of her grandmother finding it overwhelmed Aliya. "I think your daughter wants me to find the blanket," Rose whispered beside her.

 Tears cascaded down Aliya's cheeks as memories of that vision flooded her mind. Her daughter, with her soft, curly hair and a princess-like dress, adorned with thick, dark lashes and mesmerizing deep blue eyes, was a perfect blend of Aliya and Ethan.

 Yet, amidst the joy, fear began to seep into Aliya's heart, casting shadows of worry over her daughter's future. She lifted her gaze to her grandmother, her voice trembling, "I'm scared that I'll fail as a mother, Grands." Her tears flowed freely now, her heart threatening to shatter under the weight of her apprehension.

 Without a moment's hesitation, her grandmother stood before her, taking her hand and gently pulling her to her feet. She enveloped Aliya in a warm embrace, offering solace in her presence. Aliya couldn't help but sob against her grandmother's shoulder, finding comfort in her arms. Through her tears, she heard her grandmother's soothing words, "There's no need to be scared, my dear."

Aliya's voice quivered as she confessed, "I have no idea how to raise a baby. What if I mess it up and disappoint everyone?" Her tears flowed unabated, her fear consuming her. Her grandmother's voice, filled with love and reassurance, reached her ears, "Is it okay, my dear?"

She could feel her grandmother's tight embrace, her arms wrapping around her with a comforting warmth that eased her tears. The soft sound of her grandmother's voice reached her ears, offering words of reassurance, "Everyone was scared at first, but I think you're going to be a wonderful mother." Aliya closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Suddenly, a gentle whisper crossed her mind, Ethan's voice reminding her not to be late, promising to meet her in 30 minutes.

Aliya took a breath, breaking the hug with her grandmother, and wiped the tears from her cheek. "Ethan promised to take me on a date this afternoon," she said, a small smile appearing on her lips. A mischievous smirk played on her grandmother's face as she replied, "He is such a charmer, that one." Aliya chuckled and nodded, "He is, and that's why I love him."

 As her heart swelled at the thought of Ethan, she felt her grandmother's hand covering hers. "Remember, my child, you're not alone. We're here for you," Rose said, her love evident in her touch. Aliya knew then that she had a support system, with Ethan, her grandmother, and even Chace and Jacob.

She was surrounded by people who loved her and would be there for her when she needed them. A smile formed on Aliya's face as she pulled her grandmother into a tight hug, feeling grateful and loved.