
Unapologetic Desire



A gasp of pure bliss escaped her lips, her fingers instinctively seeking solace within the tangled sheets. His skillful kisses trailed a path of untamed passion, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her entirely. Waves of pleasure surged through her, building with an intensity that threatened to shatter the very foundations of her existence.

Her mind swirled with a symphony of emotions, her senses overwhelmed by the decadent symphony he orchestrated upon her flesh. With each tender brush of his lips against her most intimate depths, her body quivered with a fervent ache, craving more of his tantalizing touch.

In a breathless moment, Rosalind's body arched with a primal need, responding to the electrifying touch of Lucas's tongue tracing the slick entrance of her desire. Her eyes fluttered shut, shutting out the world as waves of pleasure crashed over her, threatening to drown her in their intoxicating depths.

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