
Ch-1 The Introduction

So In Japan Tokyo There In a College there lived a teenager name Roshi he was very gentle very sweet and a very good boy he won many awards for school and made mere School very popular but the only thing that people do not like about him was his thoughts he was a fan of Ghost and demons he like that things he went tried black magic ones but it failed and he was a fitness guy he was very fit very slim and a cool guy he was perfect but the only thing people didn't like was his favour in Ghost and demons many of his friends laugh at him saying that he was Lucifer second birth but he was not happy with these things but still when he was just writing a book on his horrid things ghost but he was not happy with these things but still when he was just writing a book on his horrid things ghost and is book name was the 306 but after few days he met a girl named nami and the girl was very sweet so baby came very good friends for a long time they played together 8 together sleep together and everything the became like emotionally attached to each other but then a day roshi invited nami too his house and nami said yes then the after day Naveen went to Naveen went to his Naveen went to his Naveen went to his Na mi went to his house and plate together they were very Happy together but suddenly when they were in the room they how does loud noise namithought that it was just something but roshi feel a little bit scared as he did all the ghost and demon thinks he thought that there was a ghost or demon in his house but nami yard him up and said that don't be scared just go and check and if you are scared I can also go with you with this thing roshi became a little bit happy and went to the kitchen from where the now skin but when Roshan look that there just a glass broke so he think that oh dear must be a wind going on no worries and then when he was going back to his room he is saw something terrifying he saw that in the room there was a black figure with red eyes big smile steering at him and nami was just using iPhone 12 with this roshi feel the little bit scared and rush to the gate and open it but when you open the gate there was nothing there was that is nothing I was just a little bit too scared but the next day when roshi went to school he saw something terrible in his class while he was in Islam that same black figure with red eyes and big smile outside the class window staying at him and saying come here with this roche became a little bit scared and thought that this is the same demon thing but he rememberd is God and just ignoded but the same day at the news there came a news that a big UFO shaped thing is coming towards Earth and the newses that it can come anytime in any place they but the scientist was still trying to stop it this news now roshi became very scared he called Nani and told her everything but nami cheld him up again and said that don't worry so much it will be nothing then roshi again become a little to happy and went to his balcony to see but when is he was saying in his balcony he saw something Out of the world he is or that the UFO was coming towards his house and suddenly the UFO stop and landed on the nearby fall he became scared and called nami and said that thing the UFO is so big and it coming towards us then nami reply what are you even saying Roshi dumb there is nothing in the sky there are only one thing are future and stars by this romantic line Roshi became a little happy and romance and then when he was saying that okay the figure was again there but this time there was not only one figure there was 10 to 20 figure out of his balcony Roshi saw that and rust to namis how and he was too scared to say to nami Bonus Point-- Now in the next volume in the next volume you will get to know that who were that aliens who were they how where do they came from and what happened to Roshi and Namo to know that you should be stain tune bye bye