
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

All Out Battle

"So I was right about Hokuto after all." Eli said after Moka explained what she saw to him and Ruby, "We should look into his record so we know what we're dealing with."

"Right." Ruby said as she hopped off of the branch she was sitting on before she was suddenly pulled forward by Eli and Moka watched as a scythe went completely through both sides of his chest. Moka opened her mouth to scream but was immediately knocked out by Kiria and the moment Ruby raised her magic item he kicked her into a tree. He picked up Eli and Moka before suddenly disappearing and Ruby slowly got to her feet.

'Hey! Switch places with me now!' Inner Eli yelled as Kiria carried them through the forest at high speed but Eli didn't respond to his inner half, 'Fool.'

"This should be far enough." Kiria said with a wicked smile as he threw both of them down in a graveyard next to a cliff and sat on one of the tombstones while he waited for them to wake up, "None of your friends can release your vampire sides all the way out here."

"Where am I?" Moka asked after she finally woke up and she looked around with wide eyes before she saw Eli's limp body on the ground next to her, "Eli!"

"Even I'm not sure he'll live after taking an attack like that." Kiria told her with a wicked smile as she tried to wake him up as well, "Either way neither of you are going to help stop Hokuto as long as you're stuck like this."

"What are you planning?!" Moka asked with a glare and he laughed as a small monster jumped between before it projected Hokuto knocking Tsukune around, "Please let me go help him!"

"I wanted to see that other side of yours but you really are just a boring girl." Kiria said as he suddenly grabbed her by her throat and lifted her up while choking her. Tears streaked her face as she grabbed her rosary and he let her go out of surprise when black electricity began to spark around her. Her demonic power flowed around her as she broke the rosary's seal by force and Inner Moka revealed herself with a look of anger.

"You underestimated us Kiria." Inner Moka told him with venom in her words before he felt a dark presence behind him and turned around to see Inner Eli getting to his feet while tearing off his bloody shirt. Kiria watched with wide eyes when he realized that Eli's wounds were almost completely healed and he didn't get a chance to say anything as a fist and foot hit him in the face at the same time.

"Go! I'll catch up!" Moka ordered as they felt a massive demonic energy appear and Eli crouched down before the ground at his feet was destroyed as he sprinted through the forest at a ridiculous speed.

"Without Moka or Eli all of you are nothing but weaklings!" Hokuto yelled as he swung a killing blow at Tsukune but stopped when a shadow was cast through the stained glass above the door and timed seemed to slow for everyone as Eli burst through it. He rolled when he hit the floor and Hokuto sent several blade-like bones as him as he ran straight for them without stopping. Eli dodged the blades with ease while closing the distance in seconds and Hokuto barely had time to put his arms up before Eli punched him, sending him crashing into the wall. Multiple blades suddenly shot through his body as Moka showed up and Hokuto began to laugh maniacally until the blades were destroyed by powerful kick from Moka.

"I'm getting real sick of this bone blade shit." Inner Eli told Hokuto as if his wounds didn't bother him and Hokuto smirked at him as he raised a cross up, "You gonna try to perform an exorcism on us?"

"You're already too late to stop me!" Hokuto yelled with an insane look in his eyes before a bright light engulfed them and Tsukune immediately ran into it as well. When the light faded they saw that they were in a dark area and Hokuto was nowhere to be seen.

"He's here somewhere." Moka said as they walked through the darkness and after a short time they saw a light emanating from close by. They immediately began to run towards it and saw Hokuto standing over a strange altar.

"I've already undone the barrier between Yokai and the human world so it's not possible for you to stop me now." Hokuto told them as he tore his shirt off and they saw a chain with a holy lock wrapped around his arm before he broke the chain, releasing his distorted, bone blade filled monster form, "This is what the monster has turned me into!"

"So you were a human once upon a time?" Eli asked as he calmly examined how many blades there were, "Maybe if we met earlier then we could have been friends but now we're enemies."

"It doesn't have to be that way Hokuto!" Tsukune yelled as he extended his arms and Moka and Eli quietly watched him, "It's not too late for you!"

"I already told that I won't let you stop my plans!" Hokuto yelled as he sent the blades towards them and Eli sprinted straight for him with Moka close behind. Tsukune watched as Eli and Moka narrowly avoided each blade without losing any speed until he sent a larger blade at Tsukune and Eli slid to a stop before the ground at his feet exploded as he launched off of it as hard as he could.

"Eli!" Tsukune yelled as the blade went through his chest as he reached Tsukune at the last second and he felt it graze his heart, causing blood to spew from his mouth. Kurumu and the others busted through the roof as Hokuto forcefully pulled the blade from Eli's back and he hit his knees while he put his hands on the hole in his chest.

"No!" Kurumu and Mizore screamed at the same time as they raced to his side and Moka gritted her teeth as she she tried to ignore what was happening behind her in order to stop Hokuto, "Not like this!"

"Mizore..." Eli coughed out as he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest but she quickly pulled it away while shaking her head, "If you don't then I can't help Moka... I know it's a bad idea but what choice do we have?"

"I'll handle it from here Eli. You have protected me enough and now it's my turn to protect you." Tsukune told him with a stern look as his eyes became crimson and the girls helped Eli lay down. He could hear Tsukune and Moka fight Hokuto and he smiled when the sounds stopped knowing they had beaten him.

"We need to give the barrier our demonic energy so it can be restored or we won't be able to stop it from collapsing." Moka told everyone in a calm but serious tone and he turned his head to watch them everyone but him pour their energy into the altar. They collapsed one by one until only Tsukune was the only one with his hand on it and Eli was surprised to see Hokuto suddenly standing over him.

"I know I caused this mess but do you mind helping my rectify my mistake?" Hokuto asked him as he held his hand out and Eli nodded while grabbing onto his hand. Hokuto put Eli's arm over his shoulder and they slowly walked towards the altar before putting their hands on top of Tsukune as he began to fall. Eli's vision faded as the altar drained his remaining energy and once it was filled he fell unconscious.

"Thank goodness you woke up!" Kurumu yelled as he opened his eyes to see that he was in a hospital bed and she quickly stood up as she put her hand on his shoulder, "I'll go get the doctor."

"You really can be an idiot huh?" Mizore asked as she peaked her over the side of his bed and it was clear thatvshe had startled him before he chuckled, "Stop doing things like that already."

"No promises." Eli told her with a smile and she shook her head as she sat back down and he saw the door open before a doctor walked in followed by his friends. They all scolded him for his actions and once they were done he couldn't help but laugh as he looked out of the window at the rising sun.