
Rogue Element [Cyberpunk]

In the shadows of Crystal City, Marlene's life is a delicate balance between mundane days at FreshMart and moonlighting as a cyberware and weapons fixer. Her ambition? To leave her cramped Megablock flat behind for the innovative world of tech engineering. When Marlene submits a prototype to TriColor Corp, she believes her dreams are within grasp. But the path to success veers unpredictably, plunging her into a web of corporate intrigue and underground challenges. In a city where humanity melds with technology, Marlene faces a crucial question: how much of herself is she willing to risk for a better future?

Ryker_Bale · Khoa huyễn
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56 Chs

Where is my mind.

As the grip of the bulky man loosened and my feet found the ground, the terrifying realization of my vulnerability in the hands of these gang members became overwhelming. Their laughter was cruel, and I felt defenseless, lost in a haze of fear. My blurry vision refocused just in time to witness an unexpected turn of events.

It was Detective Alden Pierce, his movements was swift but noticeably hampered by an injury. His gray hair and long coat made him a blured figure against the backdrop of the alley.

The first attacker, the one with the scar, lunged at Pierce with a wild swing of his bat. Pierce, moving with a slight grimace of pain, deftly dodged the bat's arc, his movements were precise but visibly strained. He countered with a swift punch to the attacker's gut, followed by an elbow to the face, using his body's momentum to make up for the lack of full mobility.