
Chapter 7

He was already discarding his smock for a fresh one when Reynolds began to speak again. “Apparently one of their people contacted Jarvis directly. Why these blokes don’t just call the kitchen first, I’ll never know. I guess they don’t feel vindicated unless someone at the top knows.”

“What was the problem?” Malcolm said, picking through the printout chits that detailed the orders that had already gone out. “Their tea too cold?”

Reynolds shrugged. “Not sure. Only that they wanted to see the chef. I believe the actual directive was ‘the chef with the bad attitude and the fantastic taste.’ While I have no clue about your taste—” Reynolds paused to grin. “I have no doubt about the attitude.”

“Did they even order something?” Frustration levels were growing exponentially as Malcolm tried to find a chit with the 211-B identifier on it.

Reynolds grabbed the papers out of Malcolm’s hands and shook his head. “Just go! Find out when you get up there for God’s sake!”