

I open my eyes to blinding lights, making me squint and frown to look around. 

"Host 69, you've been given a relatively eazyzzzz mission as your 1st task. In just a moment I'll transfer the task related info to you."

Right as the buzzy voice of the system ends, my mind is pounded with images and thoughts at the speed of a fighter jet yet somehow I understand it all. This transmigration business is painful stuff ahh!

It seems the world I've entered is a dystopian one...or will be in a few years. The 'info' that the system transferred to my mind almost seems like one of the stories i would read. 

"Aii bee-wee-wee is this world a story of some sort?"

"Host, please zzz refrain from calling me weewee and it doesn't say anything about this world being fictional in the info I've been given from the database."

I make a mental note to call the system weewee at all times. Now back to the new information running in my head...

Caden Timewell is the so-called protagonist of this dystopian world. Blessed with good looks, good background, and most importantly a good protagonist halo, he is undefeated everywhere....well, almost everywhere. 

Wilde Seede, his half brother, has always been like a fishbone stuck in his throat. The blemish in his perfect world. And for the protagonist it would be an easy job to remove this blemish but it would seem the author of this world needed to keep this blemish for a while for some character development of the protagonist. 

And the reason why the protagonist has such difficulty removing this fishbone is because of his own father. Wilde is just two months older than Caden which means Papa Timewell had been rowing with his feet in two different boats. 

Papa Timewell's reason for making Mama Timewell grow a green farm on her head didn't actually have any great objective. He just couldn't keep his dick in his pants. And while this wasn't his first time cheating on Mama Timewell, it was indeed unplanned that he ended up having a child with a D-list actress. Matter of fact, this illegitimate child was hated by Papa Timewell as much as by Caden, but Papa Timewell being a businessman through and through decided to use this illegitimate child to mould his future heir. 

"Aii weewee ahh tell me is this a pun? What kind of parent names their illegitimate child wild seed? This is so crazy ahh i can't stop laughing hahahahah."

"Host, please stop being so immature, it's not wild seed, its Wilde Seede. 

Ignoring the stern system with a comically childish voice I focus on the rest of the details of this story.

Papa Timewell's strategy was to pit siblings against each other. He would provide Wilde with the same best resources as Caden just to ignite a competitive spirit in Caden to do better. But whilst this was happening, Wilde was going through a tough time. Illegitimate child, no matter how good his resources, would always be an illegitimate child. Getting abused and bullied by everyone including his own mother, who despite trying all her means couldn't rise to the status she wanted to, Wilde was growing darker everyday. He was the typical villain with a dark background story to justify his actions a little and make the story more dramatic. How boring.

And as all protagonists have their female lead, who would come into their life like a ray of sunshine and save them from their inner demons, Sara Chuay was this ray of light for Caden. They meet each other in highschool where Sara is a scholarship student with some teenyweeny white lotus syndrome. 

It was this white lotus syndrome that got her tangled in the fight between the half brothers. She sees Wilde getting bullied everyday from his half brother's minions and tries to 'help', which leads to her getting bullied too. And the closer she got to Wilde, the more Caden wanted her for himself. After a lot of tugging and back and forth and fights among pillows, she finally got together with her nemesis who used to bully her aka Caden whilst friendzoning Wilde. 

Smart bitch....knows not to end up with the illegitimate child. Interesting. I wonder if this whole 'trying to save Wilde from bullies' was just her way of attracting the male lead's attention. If it was then respect for her cause good heavens that is super smart. Not what i can say for Wilde's mother on the other hand.

Eventually Papa Timewell sees that his illegitimate child is getting better than his actual future heir so he starts cutting off Wilde's resources slowly but surely. But by a cruel play of fate, the child he hated to his core was so strong that even after removing all of Wilde's funds provided by him, he didnt get any weaker. So as a last resort he hires a gunman to pow-wow his illegitimate baby momma. 

This event seems like a ticking point for Wilde, because despite his mother being a hoe and using him over and over, she was the closest thing to family he ever had. 

And well, let's not forget that this is actually a dystopian novel. So when Wilde sees his last ally aka Sara start to leave him too...he blackens completely. And as a way to have his revenge on the society that gave him nothing but pain, he releases the zombie virus he had developed in his private lab.

This is kinda that actual beginning of the main story of protagonists Caden Timewell and Sara Chuay and their fight to become world leaders in a zombie apocalypse while giving the audience a gist of their romance every now and then. 

Though people eventually learnt to live in the apocalypse, the environment was deeply affected, the population was dwindling and the world was constantly on an edge. 

And hence, my mission in this world is to stop the zombie apocalypse from happening.

And the body in which my soul has transmigrated into is Faye Lozero, number one bully of Wilde Seede and crazy fangirl of Caden. Also a cannon fodder. Just my luck.