
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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44 Chs

New faces


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Since everbody is here we'll start by laying some ground rules." Robert said to the children before him.

From Harry's year there were him, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Daphne, Tracey, Susan and Draco. From the second year Robert only knew Cho Chang and Katie Bell. But there were three more other students from the same year. Third year had the twins, Angelina Johnson, Alicja Spinnet and Cedric Diggory. The fifth years seemed not interested in the club. Probably because of OWLs.

'Hmph, those fools will regret that.' Robert smirked to himself.

From the sixth year three people joined. None of which Robert knew from the canon story. As for the seventh year only the Hufflepuff trio was present. All in all twenty four people.

"First rule, you do what I say, when I say and how I say. We don't need no accidents caused by insubordination. That also means stop glaring at eachother Mr Malfoy and Weasley. You can do your house hatred shenanigans elsewhere." The boys huffed.

"I'm currently looking for better options of our future training clothes so be ready for that." The girls started to whisper.

"Today I'll see where's your starting point. You'll begin accordingly to your level. However you'll be pushed to even higher limits. Because only then you'll achieve greatness and squeeze your talent dry." The students felt their blood boiling.

"Judging by your faces you're warmed up already. Then let us begin our first official run." Robert smiled.

"Well this was disappointing." Robert looked at the students that couldn't even finish two kilometers. Most of them were the pureblood students. Thankfully not everything was lost. The quidditch brigade had done just fine.

"Everyone that could do the whole run without any trouble raise your hand. You'll start wearing special bracelets from tomorrow." The hands came back down with regret.

"To those that found this challenging or impossible you'll continue at this level." Robert glared towards a certain blond that was trying to object.

"Now we'll start our accuracy practice. Beginners have to hit the target from 10 meters three times in the row. The rest will start at 10 meters and finish at hitting the 25 meter mark also three times in a row." The students gathered and stood before a fence.

"Wands ready! First jinx fire! Stop!" The practise continued when finally the last person hit their required mark.

"Okay. For now we'll make two groups. Tonks, Jasmine and Mindy I'll need your assistance." Robert called the girls foward.

"We have about 20 minutes of training left for today. So let's first get the painful one out of our way. I wish you all godspeed. Hit them ladies." The girls with smiles on their faces pelted the students with jinxes.

"What was that for? Ron yelled.

"Yes, what the peanut gallery said. My father will hear about this." Draco said with indignation.

"Good. I think your father will be happy with his heir that wasn't able to dodge a simple jinx." That shut the runt up.

"As for the rest of you. Being able to evade an unknown curse is one of the best skills you can master. So unless you can do it then shut up. This isn't a nursery. If you're looking for leisure then the castle is behind you." The students looked disgruntled but they didn't leave.

"Now we will start learning some spells." Robert and the trio of girls helped the students learn the Levioso charm. Some of them were able to properly make the dummies lift up from the ground.

"And we're finished. Thank you all for coming here today. Now you can return to your dorms and get ready for breakfast. Dismissed." Robert said and headed towards his quarters.

"Silk? And why do you need that for?" Hagrid asked while treating Robert with his newly baked rock cakes and herbal tea.

"Mostly for clothing purposes. I've heard that we have a acromantula colony in the Forbidden Forest and wanted to check if it's doable." Robert replied to the half-giant.

"Blimey Robert aren't you courageous fellow. Don't look the part." Hagrid said with brutal honesty.

"It just looks like a waste not to use what's available." A acromantula farm would be a good way to answer the dwindling money in the school's coffers.

"I can try and talk to them. But they won't be happy." Hagrid said.

'If push comes to shove I'll just drag them by a chain. Incendio to the face.' Hagrid seemed amused by the look on Robert's thinking face. So adorable.

"Anyway, I came here also for another reason. I'd like your help in building my pet project." Robert started explaining his plan for a shooting range. Many materials will be needed for the construction.

"Why won't you ask the goblins for help. They're smart little buggers." Hagrid asked.

"And let them see how we're training our youth. I think not." Robert said while rolling his eyes at the man's suggestion.

"Well if yeh want that for this year you need to start before the ground will freeze." Hagrid advised.

"We'll be picking the area today. If you're interested then you can come with me after lunch." Seeing as Hagrid agreed Robert left after some more smalltalk.

The area was quickly picked as there weren't as many options to begin with that fitted the criteria. Hagrid fetched a couple of poles so they could enclose the sector which will soon host the new facility for the school.

December was just around the corner. Robert has been shoving books into his phone on Arithmancy and magic theory like there's no tomorrow. Who wouldn't want an app that could make spell creation easier?

Robert was training his body in the room of requirements. Many thoughts were running through his head.

'Am I too spoiled?' Robert sometimes thought. But could you call a hardworking person that?

Today he started working on his next spell, Confringo. Maybe not as potent as the blasting curse but still had its advantages. Especially against the spiders. Currently he could only make a small plume of explosive fire. It couldn't even singe the dummy.

"Sometimes I get a feeling that the art series come to me easier than the conventional ones." He mused.

"Since I passed my newts for the subject of Dark Arts then maybe I just should focus on the former?" Wands were good training wheels. But why should he confine himself to using a stick?