

My name is Hana! Ever since I can remember, I've lived in a home for children without parents. The home is on a planet kinda towards the outskirts of the universe, so things haven't been very interesting for me. But today, that finally changes. Today, I leave home for a life of adventure!

The early morning air flows, my bag is packed, and I'm all ready to go. Trying not to wake any of the other girls up, I tiptoe to the door. But when I open it—

"She's awake!" Flo P. Bacon, the middle-aged pig woman who runs the orphanage announces, causing twenty smiling heads at the dining table to turn to me, all cheering.

"Wait, how long have you guys been awake?" I ask.

"Oh they've all been awake for a while," Chris P. Bacon, Flo's pig man husband puts a big hand on my head, "did you really think we'd let ya leave without sayin' goodbye?"

"You guys," I breathe out, "I'm an adventurer now! You know I have to get going bright and early!"

Flo, already piling fruit and pancakes on a plate, says "Oh honey, we understand. That's why we wanted to make sure you had a good meal before you leave!". She puts the plate at my spot at the table, and I have no choice but to admit defeat.

"Fine," I say, "but I'm leaving immediately after I'm done!"

I sit at my spot at the table, and before I can begin to eat, I'm bombarded with questions. "Where are you going first?" and "Why do you have to leave?" and "Can't you stay one more day?"

In truth, I don't really know where I'm going or what I'm looking for. I have these thin lines around my wrists- a black one around my left, and a white one around my right. Flo told me that they're called "promises". She says when you make a promise using a rare, special stone, called a promise stone, lines form around your fingers. When the promise is fulfilled, they move from your fingers and wrap around your wrists. Apparently, they give you powers, but I don't know what powers mine give me. I don't even know what promises I made- I've just had these fulfilled promises around my wrists for as long as I can remember. So maybe I'll learn something about that! If not, that's ok- it's a big universe out there! I'll be happy to go to every world I can and see everything I can see.

After answering everyone's questions and eating my last bites of pancake, the other girls finally allow me to leave the table. As I head to the door, Chris stops me.

"Before ya head out," he says, handing me an envelope, "I know a guy on the next planet over, Arbnia. Don Tom's his name. He does the boats. He'll hook ya right up."

"Oh! I honestly figured I'd just swim everywhere," I say, taking the envelope. It says 'Don Tom' on it, and feels like a letter.

"Any proper world-hoppin' adventurer needs a boat! What if you find treasure? Go get you a boat, and tell 'im I sent ya," he insists.

"Alright!" I put the envelope in my pocket, thank Chris, say "Goodbye!" to everyone one last time, and walk out the door.

The walk to the world dock never felt this long before. I already have my first destination plotted out, I can't believe this is finally happening. The diving platform is in sight now. My chest burns with excitement, when suddenly–


Oh no. This is what I wanted to avoid by leaving so early. Goodbyes are hard, but some are harder than others, and I'm not ready to say this one.

I turn around, and sure enough, Pom is sprinting after me, eyes wide. Her long, white floppy ears wave behind her. She's my best friend, but she can't leave her family to come with me.

She comes to a stop in front of me, and takes a second to catch her breath. "I got to Flo's house to see you off, but she told me you already left!"

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to make either of us sad before I leave and-"

"Don't be stupid!" she shouted, tears forming in her eyes. "Sit down, I have something to show you."

We both sit down on the ground across from each other.

Rummaging through her bag, she says "I've been saving this for the right time," and pulls out a little black rock.

"A rock?" I say, with my head cocked to the side.

"Not just a rock," she says, holding the rock like it's a fragile artifact. In the light, a flash of iridescent silver becomes visible. "My mom brought it back from a trip a few years ago. She says it's the real deal."

"Wait- a promise stone?!"

"Yep. Hana, I can't come with you today. But I promise that I'll set out too one day, and I'll join you. Will you accept this?"

The promise stone begins to glow silver in her hand. She's looking me in the eyes with intense conviction.

"I accept."

The now completely silver stone glows blindingly, and becomes a line wrapped around her left index finger. The line flashes one last time before fading to black. We both just sit there for a second, half mentally recovering and half waiting for the other to say something. Finally, I stand up.

"Well," I extend a hand to help her stand up, "do you feel anything?"

She takes my hand.

"Dizzy," she says, as I pull her to her feet, "can't tell if I have powers yet."

"Maybe you'll figure them out before we meet again!"

"Yeah! And you'll have figured yours out too!" her eyes light up.

We walk together to the world dock, still holding hands. She walks with me all the way to the end, where you can jump off.

"So I guess we don't have to say goodbye anymore," I say, smiling big.

"Yeah! I'll catch up with you later!" she says.

"Alright! I'm off then!" and I jump off the dock and into the aether.

"Good luck!" she shouts after me, waving her hand high.

And my adventure begins!

Hi! I tried publishing this story on Royal Road because my husband publishes his story on there, but got demotivated when nobody engaged with my story. So I figured I'd try this website! Hope you guys enjoy it :)

I'm dumping the first nineteen chapters today to see how things go. Posting might not be super consistent, because I'm also focusing on a modeling career. But if y'all like it, I'll make more time to write more!

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