
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Kỳ huyễn
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217 Chs

What Sight Sees

"So what are you doing here, Master Sight?", inquired Lubbock.

"Ah, did you always call me that, Little Lubbock?", questioned Sight in answer.

"Ahaha, and did you?", chuckled Lubbock, with a bit of contempt.

Sight infinitely went down on his snake on the stick. The thugs left immediately after leaving us with him.

"Ah, pardon my interruption but by any chance, do you know this person?", asked Claire with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Yeah! We're actually pretty close, Mer", answered Lubbock.

"Really?! Then we're saved!"

I wanted to tell him not to be too hasty in his judgement, considering it was Sight we were dealing with. I tugged on Lubbock's arm without opening my mouth.

"What are we planning to do?", asked I, telepathically. For quite a while, Lubbock and I had only been reading each other's thoughts. We hadn't spoken to each other all day.

"What do you mean? This is our perfect opportunity!", he answered.

I mistakenly thought we were nearing the conclusion of this ridiculous business. Lubbock had no such intentions, unfortunately.

"This is our friend, Mer Claire, a professor at Norn", I introduced them, "And this is our friend Sight."

"Sight...oh my apologies, I assumed he was bereft of the gift of seeing", his assumption was quite natural too, considering Sight was blindfolded.

"Yeah, you might actually be right about it. We're not sure ourselves, he insists he can see very well. I highly doubt that though", I replied, to which Sight chuckled.

"Oh boy! You're still hilarious, boy!"

I faked a chuckle in response, "Won't you show us to your abode Sight?"

"My abode? Why, I have none. I'm just passing by like you, boy."

He was quite wrong about us just passing by.

"No, well we heard you were the husband of their boss", I pointed to the thug camp behind us.

"Husband? I am?! Oh boy! I have no idea what you are talking about", he munched on his rocky snake snack.

"Right, why am I not surprised?"

After a while of chattering in which Sight told us he was returning from an assignment, we took a walk which ended us up in town. We hadn't thought it was so close by. Those thugs seemed even more ridiculous now.

"Hey listen Sight, actually we need your help with something", I whispered to Sight while we were walking around town.

"Huh? You do, boy? Oh, look! This fish looks like Chopper, ahaha!", he was engrossed in his window shopping.

I wondered why they were selling goldfish so close to the desert. That fish, upon closer look, did indeed look like a total grumpy Chopper. It made me giggle.

"Hey, hey, Sight, listen this is important", I still needed to get back to the matter.

"Huh? What, boy?"

"So see, Lubbock isn't listening to me. I want you to prove something to him. I know you can use barrier magic. And if I'm not wrong, you can mingle with the mind barrier, can't you?", I thought I could remember seeing him using something similar on Prophet.

"Hmm, why do you ask, boy?", I finally had his attention.

"Well, its a long story but I want you to look into Claire's mind and see if he remembers who I am. I mean who I really am."

Sight stared at me listlessly. He stared long enough to make me wonder if he hadn't dozed off. It made me kind of anxious.

"What, boy! Look at the sky, its redder than before!"

In fact, the sky had been red all this time.

"Sight! This is important. Lubbock is going on about this ridiculous business that-"

"What did you say, boy? About who you really was?"

"Huh? Uhh...well I meant...about my past and well..."

"Alright boy. I can do what you ask. Isn't he some big Norn mage though? You aren't getting me in any trouble, are ya boy?"

"Err...well no. I thought if anyone had a chance, it would be you. But to be fair, I think I already know he isn't lying to us."

And thus I told Sight about all the major things that had happened. We'd lost Lubbock and Mer on the way. They were probably goofing off somewhere.

"Alright, boy", Sight answered, "But you are right, he isn't lying. He really doesn't remember anything. You can never underestimate a drunk man, boy. You'd do well to remember that, boy."


"Ah, look! A butt-chinned kid, ahaha!"

"Ah, no, hold up. What do you mean by that? Why do you know he doesn't remember anything? We can't be sure until-"

"Of course. That's because I already looked into his head the first time I laid my eyes on him, ahaha! That's the first thing I do, boy!"

For a brief moment, I was terrified of him. If he hadn't been dragging me along by my neck, I'd have stood frozen in my place for a good long hour.

"What do you mean that's the first thing...?"

"Huh? Oh boy, you look like a fish out of water! Here, have the rest of this snake. I warn you, it doesn't taste like a snake. Not that I've eaten one before, ahaha!"

And that's when I figured out why Chopper said Sight was the scariest of us all. Sight indeed saw a lot more than any of us. I knew it was Lady who blinded him after something trivial happened. I really didn't know what to think of Lady, then. But I think I now understood, why she made that sort of judgement. It was so like her too, to never make her intentions clear.

We spent all day prowling around uselessly before finally finding Lubbock and Claire. We decided to book us a room and leave town first thing in the morning. I told Lubbock about what Sight had told me.

"Of course, I know he's not lying!", Lubbock answered.

"Huh? Then why are we chasing him around?!"

"We're not chasing anyone! We're just accompanying him. Just imagine where he'd be with those thugs if we hadn't been with him."

Another shock of the day was Lubbock's utterly pure intentions, very unexpectedly so.

"With the husband of the boss, I'd presume."

"Ah!", Lubbock suddenly realized something, "We should tell Sight he can't get married!"

I sighed, rolling back into my bed. I slept like a baby that night.