
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Kỳ huyễn
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217 Chs

Vampires Of Wallach

// This happened before Seraph and Felix reached Wallach. Missing chapter between 'Onwards to the Past Again' and 'Nosferatu'.


"You've realized by now, haven't you? About what Deli is?"

"Yeah, it's ironic that we were just talking about that the other day".

"It's not just her. It's all of Versailles", Felix reminded me of Amelia and that night I had forgotten came back to me. Everything made a lot more sense now.

"She protected me from her own kind...it's funny", I couldn't help but think this way.

"You're not exactly wrong about that but...", Felix paused, "I'm sorry, Seraph. Sometimes I say things that don't make sense to you, don't I? Through all my travels, I've come to learn a lot. I'm not bragging about it. I'm just saying, I've heard some stories".

"What are you trying to say, Felix?", both of us were on our way to Wallach.

"Seraph, in Versailles, people don't come out at night because they are afraid of the bloodsuckers. And it's an unspoken rule but no on talks about their existence. No one knows how many there are, where or who...all that doesn't mean a lot in the end. These bloodsuckers-"


"Err...no, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Versailles is full of these bloodsuckers but they aren't vampires. They are more like ghouls. They live off of blood but they don't have any prowess like the vampires. In the first place, vampires all stem from nobility. They aren't some commoners like those in Versailles, like Amelia was. The truth is, vampires are still a myth. No one has seen a vampire in as long as can be remembered. Despite their long ages, it is near impossible to reproduce for vampires. That is why they were all doomed to end one day. Though, they seem near immortal to us, they do die. In most cases, they abandon living...that's sad, isn't it?", Felix did look slightly pale as if it was a heavy task for him, telling me all this.

"Felix...?", I looked at him through the corner of my eye.

"Ah, sorry, I was saying. The original blood line of vampires existed in Wallach. Though I hear, their princess was married off in the upper class of Mercae. Maybe you've seen some of those noble castles in Versailles, that's what I'm talking about. It was a political wedding. But in the end, the alliance fell apart and the princess was killed off. That brought an end to the vampires, or anyways that's how the story goes."

"So what's the truth in all this?"

"Who knows? They say big castles are built by the most insecure people, its so their secrets would never leave the walls".

I nodded and we kept going for a long while before we were finally there.


"Is this where you got lost? Then this is where we can access the gate to Wallach...", Felix set down his stuff and opened his bag, taking out a small pouch.

"This is the dirt of Wallach's ground. If the spirits connect like you say, then this is the best connection we can provide", Felix said before spreading the dirt all around.

"Then what provided the connection last time?"

"I couldn't tell you, Seraph. Something you had back then that you don't have now. Can you remember something like that?"

"Of course! Nasty!"

Before I could receive a proper response from Felix, everything was engulfed in darkness. And we were seeing the darkest tunnel of clouds, I had ever seen. Somehow it reminded me of that storm of nightmares but this time, I went in without any hesitation. In my heart I knew that on the other side of this tunnel was Wallach.

"Just hold on a little longer", I thought to myself.