
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Kỳ huyễn
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217 Chs

To Their Stations

"It's the same as before", I muttered.

It didn't carry. The wind was rather merciless that day. I felt like I could get swept away any second. And I sincerely wished I would.

The same as before. Indeed, what sprawled before me only brought back the dreadful memories of that day. I could still just sit there, helpless, and hold her hand till I knew it was over. But I refused to sit down. I just went on looking down at her.

But it was all too perfect. It was exactly as I remembered it. There wasn't one trail of blood that was misplaced on her. I knew there wasn't a difference. After all, even if I rewrote existence, she was the same person.

How had it come to this? I asked myself over and over again and cursed myself for being so careless. I had completely forgotten my promise.

"Why that look, Seraph?", she asked, with what little strength she had left.

"Please don't ask me that, Lady", I summoned my courage too.

She smiled vaguely but couldn't reply.

I hadn't seen it coming. It was a wonderful day just three days ago when I was floating carelessly in her pond while she stood at a distance watching me with an annoyed look on her face.

I had made it a habit to occupy her bath every day just so I could piss her off. Ever since Chopper left, I was uncontrollably spiteful. And I made it a point to take it all out on Lady. For some reason, she was completely helpless when I occupied her bath, despite the fact that she hated me for it.

It was three days ago when Lady had been annoyed to no end when she refused to talk to me. Quite a childish move on her part but the two of us hung out together everyday, all day, having nothing better to do and with so little people to hang around with. All the fun guys were gone. And Sight didn't make frequent appearances.

"Lady, you're such a kid", I spent most of that day, trying to convince her to talk to me, without actually begging for it.

She refused to even look at me. I was bored out of my mind, and Lady was a piece of work. I sprawled out on her table, fiddled with the pretty box on her table, picked on her all the possible ways but couldn't draw a reaction out of her.

"Alright, I won't take a bath in your pool anymore", I figured I'd give it a last shot.

She looked at me, irritated and suspecting.

I smiled, cheekily, having drawn her attention.

"Write it down", she demanded.


"Write it down. That you won't go near there."

"I didn't say I wouldn't go near", I answered, turning to face her, as I was flat on her table.

"Write it down", she was done playing around.

"Alright, I swear", I caved before she could send me flying.

"Get off", she said, hiding her smile.

"God, you're such a kid, woman", I suppose something in my tone ticked her off for she flung me off the table with such speed and violence, I lost most of my faculties.

"Clear off. I've got business", she suddenly sounded serious, so I lay plopped beside her table where she'd thrown me.

Before long, June walked in. She seemed to be carrying her typewriter, folded into a much more portable briefcase. She stood before Lady's table, silently. Lady folded her arms on the table and stared at her silently. I just knew something was up.

"Ready, June?", Lady asked after a very long silence.

June didn't reply, she averted her gaze. Lady sighed.

"This isn't how I wanted it either", Lady stood up, "But there's nothing out there that you shouldn't see. This time, you live, June."

June pursed her lips, "Lady...but..."

Lady walked around the table and took off her heavy fur coat, placing it on June's shoulder.

"A real friend gave this to me. I was saved by that person. You already know everything. Now I'm giving this to you", Lady said, with a somewhat serious look.

June looked troubled. This was the first time I had seen a hint of emotion on her face. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Where will I go, Lady?", she asked.

"You won't be alone", Lady replied, "I'm sorry I'm sending you off with the guy you hate so much. He may be a womanizer but you can count on him. You understand, June?"

Lady had never sounded so gentle. Just then, Lubbock made his entry. He was packed and ready to leave. He ran up to Lady and June.

"Stand back, Lubbock", Lady stopped him midway.

Lubbock halted and stood frozen in his place.

Lady stood with June, telling her how she needed to see the world, convincing her that everything was alright outside. June couldn't even look at her face. It went on for a while, I almost thought June would chicken out.

"This isn't time for the last episode yet", Lady said in a low voice, almost like a whisper.

A tear rolled down June's face and she quickly looked up at Lady's face. She stared emptily for a while, with a rush of emotions on her face that had never been there before.

"I will see you soon, Lady. Thank you for saving me", she said, slowly, and Lady smiled.

She bowed her head to Lady and I thought it wasn't so often anyone was so grateful here in Valhalla.

"Now you, Lubbock", Lady said, "Take good care of her, you hear?"

"Yes!", Lubbock answered obediently.

"And see everything I didn't. You're the most human of us all, Lubbock", Lady patted his shoulder.

"Yes!", Lubbock smiled, ear to ear.

I wonder what had him so excited.

"Well, off you go!"

And off they went. And we watched them go in complete silence. When the door was closed behind them, it seemed so dark inside.

"You think they'll be alright?", I asked.

Lady nodded. She'd sent them off to see the world.

"You think so, Lady?", I asked again.

"Everyone's got to take up their stations, Seraph", Lady answered before returning to her chair.

"Does she really know everything about you, Lady?", I asked, "You just said that to her. I heard."

"Well, what if she does?", Lady asked, reclining back.

"Then, I'd have liked to go with her instead", I answered, honestly.

Lady laughed, "I wouldn't send you with her in a million years. You're about the most annoying man I know. You'll chew her ear off and she'd kill you. And then, she'd have no choice but to come back."

"I'm at least not as annoying as Lubbock", I didn't deny the charge completely.

"Those two are perfect, didn't you see?", she said.

Lubbock and June had been holding hands like little kids when they left.

"I suppose. But does she really know everything?", I asked.

"It's her ability, don't be so impressed", Lady answered, "She can read memories right down to the minutest detail. She just needs to pinpoint the person she wants to navigate and nothing can stop her. I had her read my memories and write them all down."

"Eh? Is that what she was always writing?"

Lady nodded, "In the war, Seraph, there are so many that get lost without making it into anyone's memories. I made sure those people won't just get erased. She wrote it all down."

I sat agape, emptily staring at her.

"Why did you do it?", I asked after a long pause.

"That way they can live a bit longer", Lady paused for a thought, "Well, this was what they wanted. If not for June, I'd have forgotten. There really was no other way to do it."

A long silence pursued. I think it might have been a full hour before we talked again.

"Where's mine?", I asked, looking up at her from the ground.

"What is?"

"My station", I answered.

"Where's yours? Right where you are."