
Road To Omniscience

Can a human be omniscient? You will be following the "crazy" journey of Sage.

LLamb · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs


 -I'm Sage, I live in Givga, a city located in a small country called Patra. Givga is a small town, roughly 1,000 people live here, and everyone basically knows each other. I turned 17 on March 2nd, exactly 3 months ago. It's currently summer, the school will end soon and I will reach 12th grade, which means I should be preparing for a university. However, I'm struggling academically, I live alone, with no loved ones, no relationships, and no friends... I'm basically all alone...

 -Kids demonstrate their above-average skills as early as the age of 1 year old. They're what we call gifted/talented children. They further develop their talents from then on. I've always wondered, are they really gifted?, or can we reach their levels through practice?

 -It disgusts me, to see talented people get praised, "Oh my, you're so great" while thinking that the people they praise just got lucky genetically. It's so easy to blame everything on genetics, isn't it, they just give up, saying they just got unlucky. How stupid, we only get one chance at life, and you just blame everything on luck and just stop improving?!

 -Well, I'm not much different from them. However, I at least know what a person should strive for, unlike them. But, as a famous writer from my country once said, "Why were we given knowledge if we're not supposed to act on it?", I know what a person should strive to be, however, I'm not trying to strive to be that kind of person, actually, I'm not striving to be anything or anyone... so let me ask you, how am I different from those people that don't know what an ideal person is? The answer is that I'm not much different from them. No matter what your ideal is, it's the action that counts. You can't become better just by wanting to be better.

 -Yes, that's it! I'll become a better person, my ideal self. I've read in a book that people don't grow personally without anyone guiding them. However, what if I just guide myself to my ideal?