
Road to Nowhere

The year 2024, Humanity used to face every kind of catastrophe and each time they still clutched themself out of it. Standing still and gracefully, yet this time.. this challenge will be different, The whole world suddenly turned into chaos after a Rupture appeared! A Rupture, dimensional crack, connencting their world with another. as various entity invaded their one and only Home.. will Humanity able to survive this time?

MercenaryRen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
4 Chs

#4 : Phenomenon

As Ken and Arno began to walk down the quiet and empty railway, the only sound they can hear was the mouse noise, and a faint sound of rain upperneath

Arno, couldnt help but ask something to break the silent.

"This place sure is quiet, and does it raining outside?"

Ken, look at the ceilings of the tunnel for a while.. then focused back on the railway

"It seems so, btw is it just me or that this tunnel is kinda nerve wracking."

Arno, without wasting any second answer Ken immeadiatly:

"It sure is! i mean, after all we've seen.. you sure are a tough one!"

Ken, shaking his head answer with a quiet voice:

"That's why im confused."





"Ah, it seems this is the end"

Ken look at the blocked tunnel, it seems the Earthquake manage to crumble the tunnel down. the faint light of the sun also breach through the tunnel from that blocked tunnel ceiling.

Arno, scratching his hair in irritation. then asked:

"So, what are we gonna do know?"

"Probably turn back and-"

Just before Ken could finish his sentence, his attention was shifted to this small entrace just beside the tunnel they're in

"I dont remember this tunnel has intersection?"

Arno said, and Ken shake his head

"Me neither."

Ken and Arno knew that rather than going back all the way to the first station, they'll just discover what this mysterious tunnel and began to decipher what's supposed to not be unveiled.

Just like a moth to flame, they began to go into that passageway




Its been 5 minutes yet they cant found the exit of this long passageway

"It look different!"

"I can see that"

Ken nodded to Arno suggestion, as they also examined this whole passageway, the wall is different, its not made like the one in station, it have its own pattern just like that of a basement. they cant even hear the faint sound of rain anymore in here, the road only consisted of one straight way

They probably should've turn back and just track their trace back. but no, curiousity got the best of them, they continue to walk down this path of unknown that will lead them to unknown result as well


Ken and Arno freeze, as they feel like they're step on something.. crunchy. the sound resonate through the corridor as they look down to examinee what kind of thing they just stepped on

"..A bone.."

"A Bone!?"

Ken freeze as he examine there numerous what look like bone scattered on the floor, while Arno cant help but shiver due to the fact that he knew what kind of bone this is.. its a human bone

"Something is not right! we should probably turn back and-"

"Go back to the upperground and get brutally tear off by those wretched goblins? no thanks. did you see that?"

Ken pointed to one direction, where the scattered bone end at.. its a human skeleton, sitting on the ground while leaning its back onto the wall

Arno, focused his eyes and nod

"That.. a human skeleton for sure"

They both approached it very carefully, Arno with his baseball bat poke the skeleton just incase if it suddenly turn alive and jump at them.

But of course that thing didnt happen, it just a normal skeleton

"He holding a sword?"

Ken examine the skeleton, it wore a medieval helmet and its torso was covered in thick armor that seems like it made out from a metal. the skeleton holding its sword quite tight as if it was the most dearest thing it got

"Seems like a wounded soldier"

Arno said, he actually kinda made sense. the skeleton is perfect with no limb missing, but then it began to raise a new question on Ken and Arno. who bone are they stepped on before?

Ken, seems like murmur something under his breath that what seems like praying. then he does the unthinkable, he grab the hilt of the sword and take it away from the skeleton, the skeleton couldnt help but lost its grasp toward its treasure helplessly

"May your soul rest in peace, then ill take it"

Arno couldnt help but just watch at Ken, Ken examine the sword, from the hilt to the blade and at the end to the tip. its a normal length sword that seems came from medieval era, its length consisted up to 120cm including the hilt. its a bit rusty, but still useable for a couple strike before it turn to garbage

Ken swing it around clumsily, and try form a stand while holding it just like any man would do. he nod in satifactipn

"Have you ever hold a sword before?"


Ken answer immeadiatly, Arno couldnt help but take his own palm to his face and sigh. after all that what seems like silly interaction, They continue to walk further into this what seems like corridor. as they walk further, they can see a faint light.. they walk faster and faster till eventually they enter this huge hall, that seems like the center of the passageway, there a glass upperneath that emit a faint light

The hall is huge, there also numerous pattern on the wall. with a chandelier on the ceilings with a dim lighted candle

"This is insane"

Arno couldnt help but mutter what is on his mind, and Ken couldnt help but agree either. this all just look like, unbelonging to this era.

Numerous dusty painting, a rack of what seems like books and glass veil. and hundred of chains on the ceilings, its all look.. incredibly weird

As Ken and Arno continue to admire the scenery that unfold before them, their attention was shifted to the middle of the hall, that what seems like an altar.. a chains that attached to something they're very focused in the middle

Ken was shocked, and Arno was intrigued


Ken, just approached that altar, and began to examine the thing that they're very focused on.. what seems like a window, or a crack, whetever it is! its hovering above the ground, and emit a faint white light.. it seems like as if the very space was teared apart and open this gate or whetever they're amazed on.

The chains was attached to that gate for a some reason

"This.. this is unreal"

Ken couldnt help but continue to examine the what seems like a gate, walk around it. while Arno himself does the same

"This is like those in videogames man!"

Arno answer, he still had some knowledge in video games. Ken who been playing games a lot since child agree by nodding his head





They both freezed in place by the sudden sound that seems like a sound of rattling chain

*clink* *clink*

The sound is clear, and they knew that its not just their imagination. there is only one part of the room that had chains, its the ceilings.. in one quick motion they turn around and darted their eyes to the ceilings


Ken and Arno couldnt help but freezed, Arno immedieatly step back, and Ken was freezing in place.. on the ceilings, they can see what seems like a humanoid figure with 4 limbs. but not human! its face was distored and its body was full colored in white, it look very skinny and they can clearly see the bone of the creature.

*clink* *CLINK* *CLINK*


Ken was the first to break the silence as he was stumble and fell on his terrified by the uncanny sight of the creature

That creature descend from the ceiling to the ground a couple meters away from them, its walking on four just like an animal with its slender long limb, the head even spin around and look at them.. Ken and Arno couldnt see what kind of face it had but it sure is wrong and unbelong to this world.

The creature began to pace up and crawling to Ken, Ken pupil shrink terrified by what is approaching infront of him.

Just as the creature crawl faster and faster to Ken, Arno in a heated decision grabbed Ken hoodie and pull him into the altar. and together they went inside the Gate.

If there any grammar miss or any typo please remind me! i'd appreciate it a lot

MercenaryRencreators' thoughts