
Ritual Ascension - A multiversal journey (HP start)

Dying by getting shanked by a hobo? Bad. Finding yourself the entertainment of an omnipotent version of yourself? Possibly even worse. Finding out that you're actually a decent person, even with unlimited power? Great. This is a self-indulgent story of an average dude going through the multiverse. First world: Harry Potter

DoBeDo · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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32 Chs

Convenience and inconvenience

You know the feeling, the same one that you feel when you miss a deadline for homework only for the teacher to say that those who didn't get the supplementary stuff can hand it in the next day. That feeling of sheer relief as they just hand you the excuse for not doing your work.

That's what I was feeling as I listened to Dumbledore talk about Metamorphosis. Not that I could show it.

"Is that why my eyes and hair have turned to this," I ask him while dispelling the colour changing charms on my eyes and hair, watching as his eyes almost imperceptibly widen.

"…indeed," and now I'm anxious again.

"Uh, is there a problem, sir? You look distracted," that was an understatement, seeing as his eyes were completely glazed over, but my words seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he'd been in.

"Ah, apologies, mister Adams. I was just reminiscing about things, as you tend to do when you reach my age," he made a show of rubbing his beard, but it was obvious something was bothering him, "it's just that your appearance reminds me of another student."

… he was comparing me to young Voldemort wasn't he? I mean, I know I have black hair, but I'm pretty sure young Voldemort had green eyes… though I do look more like Harry with my recent changes to my facial structure, and it did say in the books that he looked like Voldemort when he was younger…

God-damn it, I do look like a mixture of young Voldemort and his older evil self, don't I?

"Are there any other things that'll happen to me professor?" I ask in an attempt to pull the conversation back on topic, "because you said 'mutate' and that… doesn't sound good."

"Hmm? Oh no, you needn't be worried about that," Dumbledore, after refocusing on me, swiftly reassures me, "the major mutations are caused within the first six months of the start of the process, mostly in the first three months even, so the most dangerous times have already passed for you."

I nod, pretending to digest that information, "are there other changes sir? Other than the changes to my eyes and hair."

He nods before opening a drawer on his desk and digging through it, "it is different for each individual undergoing metamorphosis, but a common factor an increase in intensity of the sensation of casting magic is an increased ease in casting spells that you have no experience casting. As for the rest, you may find them in this."

I look at the book in his hand before accepting it with a thanks, my mind on another matter. Specifically, his mention of the increased intensity of the magic casting sensation, the thing that happened every time I used magic near the philosopher's stone.

Was there a connection there, or was it another coincidence?

"That book contains all you may wish to know of about metamorphosis, and it should also allow you to judge for yourself how much you have changed," he closes the drawer, "now, with that out of the way there is also another thing I wish to inform you of."

"Is it bad sir?" I immediately ask.

"Nothing too bad, I merely wish to inform you that I will be making a… 'doctors' appointment' for you, as I believe the muggles call it. You see, I did not expect the changes you have undergone to be so… drastic, not to mention that you are also the youngest wizard to undergo metamorphosis, and so I will be contacting some friends of mine to give you an… examination. To ensure that your development will not be negatively affected."

I take a deep breath.

On one hand, this is exactly what I need. Ever since I'd started taking the essences, I have only been documenting the changes through whatever tests I could come up with, and I'm no professional nor was a doctor in my past life, using whatever tools I thought about getting from the room of requirement. So having someone who is actually a medical professional look at me would be very useful.

On the other hand, it's clear from his tone of voice and wording that this isn't optional. Not to mention the possibility of the 'professionals' finding out about the fact that I've been consuming essence. While it wasn't that likely that I'd be found out, seeing as the essences should be fully integrated into me, it was still a distinct possibility.

"When is this, sir?" I ask, seriously regretting showing my actual hair colour and eyes to explain them away.

"While I cannot give a specific time, I believe I should be able to convince them to see you this summer," I nod, noting the time I have to come up with a excuse in case my secrets were revealed, "now, I believe that is all I wished to speak with you about and I am sure that you are getting hungry, so I will let you go get back to your breakfast. Have a good day mister Adams, and be sure to read that book."

"I will sir," I say, taking the dismissal as it was intended, and make my way out of the room, "thank you for the help sir."

The second I was out of the office and past the gargoyle however I immediately made my way to the room. After all, I needed some information if I wanted to get the right excuses to fool the professionals.

---- Dumbledore's POV ----

Watching Noah Adams leave the room, Dumbledore breathed out a sigh, ignoring the pain it caused in his chest.

"The boy was hiding something Albus," one of the numerous animated portrait of previous headmasters on the wall, specifically Dilys Derwent's, spoke.

"I know," Dumbledore replied, "but he does not need to tell me if he is not comfortable."

"Hmph!" she huffed, "back in my day students hiding things from me was the same as lying."

"Children will hide things Dilys, it is a fact of life," Dumbledore shook his head.

Not that it was bad of course. Dumbledore understood that sometimes children hid things from embarrassment, or even no reason at all. In fact, it was to be expected when dealing with young children, as Dumbledore had learnt in his time as headmaster.

But regardless of that Dumbledore pushed himself off his chair, taking more effort than he'd care to admit, and lumbered over to the fireplace. Grabbing a significantly more than an average fistful of floo powder, not wanting to have to duck and stick his head through the fireplace, he threw it into the fire.

"Flammel's rise!"

Hopefully his old teacher and friend will not be in bad enough a mood from learning his stone has gone missing, to deny his request.