
Rising to divinity

As a young boy, Lu Shang was a curious and adventurous person, always seeking out new adventures. One day, he stumbles upon an ancient artifact while exploring an ancient tomb. but unfortunately, he died in the process. Just as his soul was about to disappear, a portal opened and sucked it in, and he was reincarnated and brought to a strange world. Learning his newfound powers to adapt to this world, it wasn't an easy feat but a one of difficulties as he faced different problem and life-threatening battles head-on. Will he be able to accomplish his desire or will he succumb to the dangers that lie in wait?

Magical_Finger · Huyền huyễn
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126 Chs

Point of destruction

Time passed quickly.

Three years later. 

~Supreme Military Corps~

A young handsome man with cold expression could be seen dressed in a gallant military uniform with so many stars on it. 

He has shoulder length black hair, cold blue eyes and also his body looked really strong despite not being that muscular. 

"Supreme General William, we will miss you!" 

"The dragon division pays deep respect to the Supreme general William." 

"The golden falcon pay deep respect to the supreme General." 

"The hell racers corps pay deepest respect to you, great sir." 

More than one hundred high ranking soldiers of the supreme Military corps saluted. 

Most of them had tears in their eyes, the supreme general is leaving!

William looked at the soldiers with a smile on his face.