
Rising Through the Fallout

WARNING! It will get violent. Heavy themes will be present. Including killing and r**e. I don’t like r**e, but it’s a very big thing in Fallout New Vegas and isn’t limited to the Legion, although they are the worst offenders in this regard. But it’s a big part of the story. So be warned, but at least the MC will do his best to stop any and all he can so keep that in mind. Other brutish topics are also present: torture, brutality, death, and other horrors of the post-apocalyptic world, both human and nonhuman. —————— A man dies and meets the Devil. He gets a new chance at life and is promised a system. Did he expect Fallout? No. Did he play Fallout New Vegas? No. But he did play Fallout 4. Years ago. He should be fine right? Well about that…. His system is a unique and experimental one, mainly because the Devil is a sadistic being. Read to find out what makes it a unique type system and discover what it can do. —————— Not really sure what else to put in for the description of the story. “Speaking” ‘Thinking’ (Author messages) [Status] or [Level up and perk details] I don’t own anything. Besides the OCs I make and the MC. All credit goes to the owners of anything mentioned in this Fanfic. Like Fallout, photos used, music used, and references made to. I was inspired by “Steel Waste”. I had read it since it was less than 100 chapters, but took a break at a certain point and have recently read past its 650th chapter. The writing is great, but at times tedious to read. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. I couldn’t imagine having over 200 chapters, not even mentioning that Steel Waste is over 700 now. So if you don’t like my fanfic, go check that one out. It made me want to play Fallout New Vegas and I’m only now getting around to finishing it. Mainly because my first play through had so many bugs it became unplayable. So I’ve decided to write this fanfic and toss my MC in and see what happens.

Quade_The_Unknown · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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34 Chs

Ch. 2 New Home and System Introduction!

The family of three stayed at the rundown house for and extra 2 weeks. Their food was running low but they decided to wait until Colton was fully healed.

After Colton was good to go they got ready to go. Jack in his combat armor and his Ranger Sequoia. He had Colton carry his sniper rifle and some other things they had. Samantha had her medical bag and her 9mm pistol.

Colton could tell that his dads hunting revolver was special. He hadn't seen him use it in his 2 week recovery, but as soon as the front door was opened his dad drew it in an instant.

They walked for most of the day. Jack lead the way while Colton and Samantha stayed back and tried to stay out of the open.

When it was getting darker out they made it to their destination. There was a small well like thing that wasn't working. But Jack said he could get it working by mid-day tomorrow. Mainly because he would have to do it 'single handedly'. Colton would have to help of course, it was a part of his training.

The new home was just a small shack with a bunker hidden beneath it. When the three of them pulled the hatch open they could tell it hadn't been opened for a long time.

Jack was the first to descend with his gun pointed inside as he climbed down the ladder.

It didn't take long for Jack to give the all clear and let the other 2 down. They all were tired from the walk. Having to be on 11/10 alert all day does that.

The bunker was relatively big. There were shelves of prewar food that was canned or nonperishable. Along with the food we're tools to repair various things, like the water pump outside. There was water containers to stir water, but they had to be dumped. Something had contaminated it, luckily Jack had noticed it before they drank it. Now Coltons favorite thing in the bunker was the massive gun storage.

Well, the massive ammo storage. There weren't any good guns. But he would be able to learn how to shoot and do maintenance on generic guns. There wasn't and energy weapons, but Colton didn't care. He actually was kinda scared to even hold one. If it exploded he would instantly be screwed.

In the end they closed the hatch with Jack and Colton on the outside to make sure it could be opened from the inside. Samantha was able to easily open it so Colton and Jack tried and it seems they fixed the bunkers hatch by forcing it open.

They sleep great that night. Well, Colton tried to. His parents didn't really get much sleep either, they were playing a new version of 'wack-a-mole' it sounded like.

Colton wanted to meet that Young Deathclaw again. How could they be so loud when they slept on opposite sides of the bunker?

But he can't really blame them. At least it proves they didn't do it when he was almost dead right? Or did they? Where they just horny rabbits?

Colton dreaded his train of thought as he eventually fell asleep.

He was woken up the next day and Jack took him to repair the water pump thingy.

Colton was very impressed by his dads knowledge. They took a break and had breakfast down in the bunker since going hungry would do nobody any good.

"Hey Colton" Jack said between bites. He fed himself this time.

"Yea dad?" Colton puts the plate on his lap and looks at his dad.

"What do you say about using my old pipboy? I saw you taking glances at it all yesterday whenever we stopped for a minute" Jack smiles.

Colton's eyes widen. "Really?! You aren't just joking?!"

"You'll have to pry it from my cold dead hand. But it's yours, I would have given it to you when you turned 18 anyway. But… it seems to have left my grasp" Jack seriously and jokingly tells Colton.

Colton is about to run over to it but is stopped by his mom.

"It can wait until you're done eating" She says, it's their first good breakfast in a long time. She even got to show off her cooking skills to the two hard workers. She also began organizing the things in the bunker.

"And there's also some prewar clothes in the corner. A lot of various sizes, pick something out for yourself while your at it" She lets Colton know. She wonders if he still likes wearing weird clothes after his injury.

"Will do!" Colton begins eating his food at a faster pace, but doesn't go too fast. Just enough not to get told to slow down.

"Thanks mom, it was delicious!" Colton hugs his mom and rushes over to the pipboy that was with the rest of their stuff.

"Don't play with it! If you can't get it to work just wait a little and I'll help you, alright?!" Jack warns.

"Not a toy, got it!" Colton responds before leaving the parent's sight around the shelves of supplies and various things.

Jack and Samantha smile at each other. Colton had been a bit getting worse mentally the more they were on the road, or off it since they didn't stick to the main travel way since the NCR was swarming that place mostly. But now he seems much better and happier now.

Colton pulls out the the Pipboy and looks at it.

The side of the device had 'Pip-Boy 3000A' labeled on it defining the model type. The screen was black and the clip on the back of the Pipboy was open so it swun when Colton picked it up.

Colton felt an itch on his left forearm as if it was reacting to the device in his hands. He hadn't been able to activate any form of system whatsoever. He even spoke commands out loud when he was by himself, which was rare.

He put the device on the forearm of his left arm. He clicked it shut and felt that it was too big for him.

"Of course. My dad has…..had a massive arm. Mines just a twig, so of course I can't properly equi-" Colton is cut off.

The Pipboy suddenly tightens around his arm. He can feel it fit firmly against his arm. The cushiony inside making it quite comfortable.

At least until he felt a sharp pain shoot through his left arm.

[ New Wearer Recognized ]

[ Stand By For Complete Body Scan ]

Colton saw the screen flick to life. He was already kneeling down, otherwise the pain would have forced him to.

It felt like multiple needles were sent into his arm. Each at a different depth. A few were even in his bones.

A painful tingly feeling went up his arm to his shoulder and spread throughout the rest of his body. It wasn't enough to make him shout or cry in pain. But it was enough to make him lay on the dusty floor and grit his teeth.

He forced himself to look at the screen. There was a loading bar that was nearly filled. But it want moving at all. Like it was stuck at 95%.

"Cmon!" Colton whispered to himself. It was getting a little unbearable after 3 minutes.

Suddenly Colton's eyes widened immensely. He thought the needles had gotten into his bones before, but suddenly the bar jumped to 100 and he felt something connect directly to his nervous system or something. It was so damn painful. Almost as much as his encounter with the Deathclaw. A very close second.

But after a minute of torturous pain it suddenly goes away.

His surroundings go a tint of green and it feels like something changed.

[ Integration complete ]

[ Enter Name ]

Colton looks at the Pipboy and sees that the screen is green and on. It has a dark green back ground with a light green border and text.

He looks at the buttons and dials on it but doesn't see a way to type. So he goes with his best option.

"Colton Lucky King" He states in a slow clear tone.


But nothing happens. He taps the screen but that does nothing either.

[ Colton Lucky King ]

Suddenly his name appears in the text. He sees the dial light glow so he moves it to the next tick.

[ Alter Appearance ]

"Is that really how I look?" Colton raises his eyebrow. His face pops up on the screen in full color.

He has jet black hair like his mom that is a mess on the top of his head. But it's only a mess since he hasn't touched it whatsoever. He pushes it back on his head so it flows backward. A few strands of his bangs stay in the front.

"Damn! I look great! And when I increase my age it just gets better! I have my dad bright eyes. And apparently his build, but toned down. I actually kinda like that. I don't particularly want those huge muscles...yeah"

He then see's a slider at the bottom. "I'm just gonna modify one thing" Colton says as he moves the slider. It wasn't drastic or changed his face or anything. Just the tightness of his underwear and pants a little. Not by much, but enough to give him a little ego boost.

He moves to the next dial.

[ Select What Makes You S.P.E.C.I.A.L ]

"I remember this much at least. It's just a bit different than Fallout 4….. I think…. I hope"

[ You have 40 points. A minimum of one is required per stat. Use all 40 as you wish.

Strength - It'll tell you how easily a cowboy totes his saddle and those bigger firearms, or how much help he's gonna be for ya in a saloon brawl.

This affects your: Melee, Unarmed, Inventory Weight, Damage, Weapon Effectiveness.

10 - Hercules' Bigger Cousin

9 - Doomsday Pecs

8 - Circus Strongman

7 - Beach Bully

6 - Barrel Chested

5 - Average Joe

4 -Lightweight

3 - Doughy Baby

2 - Beached Jellyfish

1 - Wet Noodle

Perception - A perceptive cowboy always knows when there's a lit stick of dynamite nearby… or when a varmint's sneak in' up on him.

This affects your: Explosives, Lockpick, Energy Weapons, Accuracy, Compass Range.

10 - Eagle with Telescope

9 - Sniper Hawk

8 - Monocoled Falcon

7 - Big Eyed Tiger

6 - Alert Coyote

5 - Wary Trout

4 - Unsuspecting Trout

3 - Squinting Mole

2 - Senile Mole

1 - Deaf Bat

Endurance - You can't keep a good cowboy down, not if he's the enduring' type… and not if he's got a six-shooter the size of all tarnation.

This affects your: Unarmed, Health, Resistance, Survival.

10 - Unstoppable

9 - Bulletproof

8 - Flame Retardant

7 - Tough•as•nails

6 - Hardy

5 - Stain•resistant

4 - Handle with Care

3 - Do Not Bend

2 - Crumbly

1 - Basically Dead

Charisma - You'll find there are some smooth-talkin' cowboys out there that got them-selves a voice sounds like an angel's harmonica.

This affects your: Barter, Speech, Companion, Nerve.

10 - Cult Leader

9 - Casanova

8 - Movie Star

7 - Diplomat

6 - Cheery Salesman

5 - Substitute Teacher

4 - Peevish Librarian

3 - Creepy Undertaker

2 - Old Hermit

1 - Misanthrope

Intelligence - A smart cowboy's good at most anything, from suckin' the poison out of your rattler bite to fixin' your broken wagon axle.

This affects your: Science, Repair, Medicine, Skill Points.

10 - Omniscient

9 - Genius

8 - Know•it•all

7 - Smartypants

6 - Gifted

5 - Knowledgeable

4 - Knucklehead

3 - Cretin

2 - Vegetable

1 - Sub•brick

Agility - When a fella's in a gun fight and shoots the other guy six times before they get off a shot, it's cause that fella is agile.

This affects your: Guns, Sneak, Speed, Action Point Regeneration.

10 - Walks on Water

9 - Acrobatic Marvel

8 - Knife Catcher

7 - Knife Thrower

6 - Cat Like

5 - Under Control

4 - Butterfingers

3 - Oaf

2 - Accident Prone

1 - Walking Disaster

Luck - Some folks claim not to believe in luck, but when they lose in a duel you'll hear them say "That was a lucky son•of•a•gun!"

This affects your: All skills, Critical Hits, Enemy Mishaps.

10 - Two•headed Coin Flip

9 - 21•Leaf Clover

8 - Leprechaun's Foot

7 - Lucky 7

6 - Stacked Deck

5 - Coin Flip

4 - Spilled Salt

3 - Sickly Albatross

2 - Broken Gypsy Mirror

1 - 13 Pitch•black Cats

All stats can be increased to a maximum of 10 and may be decreased to a minimum of 1


Skills mentioned are calculated as follows:

Skill = 2 + (2 x special stat) + every odd luck

1 luck = + 1 to all skills

3 luck = + 2 to all skills

5 luck = + 3 to all skills

7 luck = + 4 to all skills

9 luck = + 5 to all skills

Choose Wisely ]

2117 words

Please comment some perks. I have lots in mind. But need more. Specifically for certain milestones achieved and when he maxes a special or skill.

I like what “Steel Waste” did, but I don’t want to copy what he did exactly. And I don’t plan to either, but some things might end up being similar because morals were similar in the same situations because that’s how plot and the games were. But I will be trying to do new and unique things.

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts