
rising of the demon emperor

kasim after he was sent into another world with his family and his only friend and find himself with a non title in a world that the title is everything there he and his group was sent into a dungeon to get a title for him but they got against a monster that twist the time itself he got sucked in while rescuing his friend after his brother throw him into it he get into despair and seek revenge with his new title demon

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 4: sender’s dungeon

After we saw Delia's true face the four of us go toward the north (hey why are only Bela the one who are riding at the horse)Midle as she looked at me (the horse can't have two people while he has the bags with him and the other one is still a kid)Kasim as I looked at her (then why don't you let the others ride with them I don't really think you have the heart to let this beauty move the whole journey)Midle I looked at her (okay then)Kasim as I left her while she smiled and got two bags from the young horse and go near her (you want to ride right okay then you can if you just hold those two all the journey)Kasim as I left the bags at her hand but the two of them fall with her with them (w-why they are that full)Midle as she found some steal inside of it (do you really think that I let her be like that she is training even at times like this)Kasim as we saw Bela have two bags like this at her back but as she saw us she jumped from the horse and come near us (w-what are you doing)Bela Midle looked at her with Kohaku the two couldn't have the bags (how can you hold them for that much time)Kohaku as she left the bag Bela came near them (I trained with Kasim since I start going with him at this journey it was very harsh first but I used to it with this training every hour I take more strength point)Bela as the two looked at her (you mean that training is that good normally the soldiers need to train their swordsmanship to kill monsters to improve their skills but you only have bags at your back)Kohaku I left them and go toward the horses I took two bags with less weight and had them have them (with those your power will improve after three hours keep them on all day and night okay)Kasim they caught them and we head at that night Bela prepared food while I looked at my spear (what are you doing)Kohaku I looked at her as she sit beside me (nothing my spear are about to get destroyed I need new weapon now)Kasim I used this spear since I get out of that dark hole (can I ask you a question about your past)Kohaku (yes what is it)Kasim as I looked at her and left the spear (how was mom when you were at the other world)Kohaku I got a little angry (if you don't want to remember it's okay)Kohaku I calmed down (no it's okay I knew her since we were younger than you I saw her the first time when we were going to the same class I was always the first at the whole class at grades and your mother the second she always challenged me with grades the lost must do anything that the winner ask him to I always win and the only thing that I asked her is to be my friend she wouldn't come to this world if I didn't ask for that)Kasim as looked at the sky (so you were good friends until that dungeon right)Kohaku (yes until that dungeon we were at the de- wait why did she even come to protect me at the first place when she was going to kill me)Kasim (what do you mean by protecting)Kohaku (before we go to the dungeon she came to my room and tried to stop me from going to the dungeon why did she do that)Kasim as I looked at Kohaku (I don't know too but mom was doing something weird recently)Kohaku (like what)Kasim as Midle came near us (well she was taking too much money for herself and torturing people a lot she wasn't like that when she came to this world I read that after they challenged a dragon and got the last relic with gunner class they all changed)Midle (so that relic was the problem hmm oh I got it)Kasim (got what)Midle (I need a relic to defeat them with this spear it seems like the next time I meet them it will break)Kasim (well relic are useful but they aren't that easily found you know and even if you found it the relic are the one who choose it's user not the other way)Kohaku (don't care for that I need to know all the melee relics)Kasim (well the new gunner got all the guns and that only leave nine relics and only five of them with melee power)Kohaku (did my shit brother completed his set of guns then his battle won't be that easy so what kind of relic are those melee power)Kasim (well there are one like gloves the second one are spear the third are long sword the fourth are a knife but it was stolen the final one is twin swords but leave the last one that leave only four)Kohaku (why leave the final one)Bela as she came near us (well those swords didn't choose any user since the maker of them so no one dare to touch them if you aren't his match you will be burn from one sword and turned into ice from the second one so I think the spear are more useful but we don't know where are those five relics anyway)Kohaku if I remember I took a knife from that man it seems powerful than the rest of the weapons and it always like about to explode (hey Bela where is the knife that I handed it to you)Kasim she took it out (is that the relic that you were talking about)Kasim as she saw the knife she jumped back (why all that move for this small knife)Bela (you don't know how powerful that weapon is no matter how powerful your enemy is only one injure with this and a poison will go inside his body and he will die)Midle I took the knife (h-how can the two of you use it anyway you should be dead now)Kohaku (poison don't affect anyway so it's like a normal knife to me)Kasim they came near me (how doesn't it affect you)Midle (I don't know but my body became more resistant since I killed the demon emperor so no fire or poison affect me at all and I don't feel them either)Kasim (and I got that skill from him after I turned into the demon emperor minion I got another skill from him it's the resistance against non abnormal affects)Bela (so the two of you can really use the relic without any problem right that's amazing)Midle as we slept and the next three days we didn't do anything but training all day and moving toward the north at the fourth day we reached the gates of Sendar the guards stopped us (don't move why are you here for)the guards we can't let Kohaku appear now so we hide her with a coat (we are here to get inside of sender's dungeon)Kasim he came near me (then hand over your card of status)the guard (okay here it's)Midle as he saw her title he was on guard (he is a demon go back)the guards well it can't be helped I go near him while throwing away my spear to Bela (don't worry you should have got a message from Myra about us right)Kasim he looked at me (y-you really looked like the man that he mentioned but how do you know him his village was destroyed)the guard (well I don't know him that well I just rescued him before)Kasim as the guard heard that he go back (you rescue the best warrior at the country I don't believe that)the guard was he that powerful then why couldn't he handle the demon emperor the guards opened the gates and let us inside of sender as Bela saw the city she was very happy (what's with you Bela)Kasim (what do you mean it's the most beautiful city at the whole world)Midle (really I saw more beautiful one than this one)Kasim as we get into the city I saw someone I don't want to see it's max I took the girls and hide from him (hey Kasim why did you hide all of a sudden)Kohaku (it's max we can't win against him at the moment)Kasim with his relics we don't stand a chance to defeat him he stopped mid way (what is it master)the guard (I feel something weird like there are a demon at near here)Max did he saw us (it seems like it's just my imagination)Max as he laughed and left (we are safe)Bela as I saw a shot coming toward us I protected Bela with my hand It pierced my hand but It regenerated after that (come out now I know you are there)Max he saw us as I go out and left the girls (you caught me Max)Kasim as he saw me he opened his eyes wide and then calmed down (didn't you die along ago)Max as I prepared my spear (I won't die before killing you first)Kasim (well you really want to revenge that much sadly that you won't have it)Max as he get his two guns at me (change mode gun form)Max as the guns changed into two bombs and he throw them at me I throw them but as I touch they just explode but because of me throwing them they didn't hurt me but as I saw a kid and his mother was about to be crushed I jumped with them (I see that you are still good heart)Max as I get out with the two of them (run away)Kasim as I ran toward Max (you won't come near me bombs defense mode)Max and he then throw about ten bombs near him as I go near him I jumped (dark wave)Kasim it was nearly touching him but I saw a barrier that shield him he smiled (do you like my new skills)Max as he got his two bombs (change mod assault gun)Max and his bombs changed mode into two assault guns as he shot me (dark shield)Kasim I activated my shield but his attacks was too much for me I was about to collapse from the lost of hp I then go toward him (it's useless)Max as he was about to shot me (dark wave)Kasim I shot the near building as he was dodging I ran as my spear got broken (trying to run away)Max as he shot my shield it was destroyed but I wasn't inside of it I used the shield at a rock as I throw it away I took the girls and the four of us ran away (w-who is that guy)Bela (he is Max the only gunner at the country)Midle (and my brother too)Kasim as they all looked at me (was that man your brother)Bela (yes he is I told you we can't win against him now uh)Kasim as I spit some blood (hey are you okay)Kohaku I looked at her (no I was shot what do you thing)Kasim as I looked at them we get inside a house as we saw a guards running at our direction we hide until they go away they looked at their back as they saw two people sitting at a chair with knives (w-who are you)the man as the woman was scared I spit more blood the woman left the knife and ran toward me (are you okay)the woman I was about to collapse (we have to cure him prepare the herbs get him here)the woman as they let me at the table she removed my clothes and then saw all the bullets inside of me (h-how are you alive after all of those bullets are inside of you)the woman lucky that I lost my sense of pain when I changed to demon she prepared some drugs to ease the pain (don't bother just cure it)Kasim as she left the drug and go ahead to the bullets she get them out one after the other after she took every bullet out of my body and after that she used something I couldn't see well when she started to continue I lost too much blood I'm dizzy and can't let my consciousness awake for too long and after a while I waked up I saw the Bela crying (are all of that for me)Kasim as she saw me sitting she ran toward me and hugged and (d-don't ever do that again)Bela she then continue to cry so I left her and after a while she left me as I got my clothes and I saw the woman who cured me (thank you madam here is your pay)Kasim and I throw a gold coin toward her she get it and as she saw it she was surprised but as she saw me she calmed down (why did you have relic bullet at your body)the woman I looked at her (doesn't it make sense that I fight someone with relic and was beaten)Kasim she looked at me (wow amazing normally if you fight someone else with relic one of the two must die)the woman I looked at my broken spear from the last dark wave it broke from me (do you mean this spear is a relic)Kasim well it was with me for too long now I'm surprised that it was able to mentain it's form for that long (well it's broken now I can't use it any longer)Kasim I then left the spear and we was going to out (wait)the woman (I heard from your friends that you want to go to sender's dungeon I can help you with that)the woman I looked at her (and what is the price)Kasim (well we are low with income so I will accept three gold coins)the woman I throw them to her (then it's decided I will help you come with me)the woman as she get a coat and lead us to a tunnel (if you use this tunnel you should be near the entrance without anyone seeing you)the woman as we get into I throw her another gold coin (don't tell anyone that you saw or met with us)Kasim as she looked at the coin (I don't even know who are you)the woman as she left me and I get inside of the tunnel we head strait until we saw a light we get out from one rock it's illusion (wait)Midle (what is it)Bela (there are guards for this dungeon to protect the people from the monsters from getting outside of it)Kohaku as I them (I will take care of this problem)Kasim as I jumped at their back and then hit the two with one attack and they fall the girls came near me (okay then leave the weight here we need to use our full power)Kasim as they left their weight inside of the tunnel and we get inside of the dungeon as I get inside of it I sensed a huge power coming from inside of the dungeon so we get ourselves ready and head strait ahead we saw a goblin but it couldn't come near us since Midle hit it with an arrow at his head we continue on our way until we reached a cross ways (which one)Bela I sensed the power again the left side is stronger (this way)Kasim and we get into our way as we saw a door it opened as we came near of it we saw a huge statue with a sword with them as we get inside of the room (those who seek the power must meet a test first will you accept it)the voice (we will)Kasim as the statue start moving they are fast compare it with their size as they ran toward me I jumped toward them (dark wave)Kasim it didn't pierce it I don't have enough power without any weapon (ice spike)Bela as two huge spike came to the statue it make him fall I then saw Kohaku jumped at him (sword art falling light)Kohaku as a huge light came from her sword she tried to cut him but her attack wasn't good enough to kill him she jumped back as Midle get her arrow (water arrow)Midle as she hit his head I saw a gem inside of his head but it recover quickly that I couldn't reach it as I used his body to jump back he swing his sword toward me (light step)Kasim as I get ahead of the attack but somehow he reached me and I was thrown back and the wall got broken with me I fell I stand up but we can't fight him with our fire power I saw two swords stuck at the ground one red the other blue are those two the relic that Kohaku mentioned well that's good as I touched the two of them I sensed something great that I was pushed back from it (huh good it's powerful weapon I will take you)Kasim as I ran toward them and took them from the ground they toke out some form of monsters it's a dragon two of them (who dares to try to take us)the dragons (I'm the one I have to take you)Kasim as I smile at the dragon (hmm I will test you to see whether you are good enough to be our master)the ice dragon (go and try)Kasim as I jumped toward them holding the swords (then we will start)the fire dragon as the two of them shot at the same time with their breath it's enough to kill me and nothing will remain (dark shield)Kasim I protected myself and after their attack is finished (dark wave)Kasim and I shot at them as they fall at the ground with their half cut (you are indeed powerful one we will serve you)the fire dragon he seem happy with me (then I will take you now)Kasim as I woke up I saw the two swords at my hands okay then it's time to attack I get out of the wall and I saw my friends struggling I go near the statue (dark wave)Kasim and I shot him as he fall from the impact with his legs destroyed (you are back)Kohaku (you are late)Midle (I have to get a pact with those two)Kasim as they saw my swords they looked happy and surprised I then saw an attack from the statue's sword I protected myself with the two swords but the impact was too much so I was bushed until I reached the wall I then unleash myself and jumped toward his head (it's time to sleep flame enchantment fire wave)Kasim as I enchant my fire sword and I injure his head the gem appear (snow piercer)Kasim as I was jumped back as his gem get destroyed and he fall at the ground as all of them came near me (how powerful)Midle as she saw the sword but it get an aura around her and then throw her away (it seems like it doesn't like other people touching it other than their owner)Kohaku we then get out of the dungeon on our way (explode)??? I saw the whole ceiling falling at us I throw them forward but I couldn't run away from it I saw Max with at the other side (die this time)Max as he looked at me with his evil eyes I was under all the rocks I tried to move many times but it's too much for me will I die here but as I was about to lose hope I saw a light (I will help you but with one condition)the voice (what condition)Kasim as I heard it (I will ask you later to do something for me and you will have to do it no matter if it's easy or hard)the voice (I will just hurry I have to help them)Kasim the light get stronger until I couldn't open my eyes it then get down until it disappeared I opened my eyes and I saw the girl from my dreams (so It was you)Kasim as I looked at her (don't forget your promise I will wait for that time)the girl as she disappear again more over I have to get the girls she came back (oh yeah they are at sender at the moment you have about two hours until their judgment)the girl (okay leave the rest to me)Kasim as I get my swords (shadow wave –fire wave)Kasim I used the two skills at the same time and the rocks get destroyed and away was opened (just wait Max I will settle what you have done)Kasim as I head toward Sender