
Rising of a New Reaper

In this novel we focus on our Main Protagonist regressing to the past where it all started and trying to relive his new life and defeat new enemies. (any concerns or questions towards this novel please inform me about it and I'll respond accordingly to it)

unknown946 · Khoa huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 1:New Fate

*Edited on 2-7-2024*


"W-where am I?", said the confused man as he slowly woke up.

He lifted himself from the ground and he looked around at his surroundings. The man looked around since he didn't know where he was or who he was. Due to his curiosity, he walked and observed the strange environment he was in. It took him about one hour just to explore the area he was in. During his exploration, he found some blood splatters near bodies that were smashed into the cracked, black walls. He went towards some of the bodies. 

 He didn't recognize any of them, but something was telling him that something bad happened there. So, he just left them there. He ignored any corpse he crossed paths with.

He thought in his mind, " I need to get out of here or I'll get killed here by the same thing that killed the people here."

 He kept going forward trying to find an exit. But instead of an exit, he saw something. A shining light was in his view. Since he was enchanted by it, he went towards it. As he came near, he found a mirror. When he first saw the mirror, he was intrigued by it. 

 But as he came closer to the mirror he got startled. The reason for him being startled was because of the reflection. He backed away from the mirror. But due to his curiosity, he went towards it again. He then stood in front of it.

 He thought to himself, " What the hell is this body? Who was I before this? But to think I had this so many cybernetics all over my body." He looked carefully at his body and his face.

The body he was looking at can only be described as strange. The reasoning for it was that his body had 12 well-defined metallic abs, a thin but well-shaped body, thick drug-enhanced muscles everywhere on his body, and a fine handsome face with cybernetic eyes. He had other cybernetics on his body, but he couldn't figure out what those were.

 As he was looking intently at himself, he heard voices in the distance away from him. So, he went quickly towards where it came from. As he came closer, he had to hide behind a wall because he didn't know if they were the enemy.

 But since he was hiding, he took the chance to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Captain, are you sure we should be here?" Said the scared and nervous officer.

"Don't be a wuss rookie. It's not like we're going encounter the psycho around here." Said the captain with a calm voice.

 As the unknown man was eavesdropping on their conversation, he felt a painful sensation. He looked down at his chest. He found a 5-inch blade showing on his chest. Then heard a voice coming from behind, " Got you! You derange psycho!" Once the voice stopped talking, he felt strange.

 The unknown man felt that he was changing into something else. Then slowly a deranged, horrifying smile went over his face. As soon as the smile went over his he said to the man behind him in a terrifying, dark voice,

" Are you trying to kill me? Well too bad. I don't die easily unlike others."

 As soon he finished talking, he deployed long blades from his thick muscled forearms. Once the blades were fully protracted, he turned around quickly and swiftly towards the man behind him. As he looked towards him, he immediately chopped the man's head off with a swift slash towards his neck. 

 With the man's last breath, he said " What the hell are you...." The unknown man quickly answered his question with " The Living Reaper." When he answered the man, he killed his blood splattered everywhere even on him. The unknown man suddenly chuckled til it turned into a psychopathic laugh. 

 The two officers in the distance heard the laugh and ran in the direction. As soon they arrived they had a terrified and disturbed look on their faces as they looked towards the man.

"No way ... it's him." Said the captain." Who is he, sir?" Said the confused rookie officer.

" Didn't you read the brief report you idiot! This man is Strat or what people know him as The Living Reaper" said the captain with a scared face.

As soon he finished his explanation Strat went towards him and stabbed him with his long sharp blades in his stomach. The captain looked at Strat and then coughed up blood profoundly on him. Strat looked at the captain with an angered look.

Then slowly took his blades that impaled the captain in the stomach and twisted them, then slowly pushed them in a vertical direction. As he tried to split him, the captain was in a whole lot of intense pain in every part of his body.

As soon Strat found a way to split him, he immediately did exactly that. Before it all ended the captain's screams of pain were spread everywhere in the area. During this whole process, the rookie officer was witnessing this whole torture session. In his mind, he wanted to save the captain, but he had doubts about doing that. When he got all his thoughts together the officer slowly looked for some type of weapon on himself. 

After a few seconds of looking, he found a gun. As soon he found the gun, he immediately aimed the gun towards Strat's head and shot it multiple times. Bang! Bang! The sound of the gun was heard by Strat and the captain.

Due to seeing the other officer Strat immediately killed the captain swiftly with his blade and went towards the other officer. As Strat came closer to the officer, he retracted his blades. When the blades were fully retracted, he immediately grabbed the officer and started to punch him aggressively. 

With each punch, he broke every bone in his body including his intestines. As he slowly stopped punching the officer, he dropped the now broken officer to the solid ground. Strat now looked towards the officer on the ground. He slowly went over to the officer to see the state he was in. As he finished observing him, he slowly lifted his leg and lowered his foot towards the head of the man.

When his foot finally went on the man's head, he immediately put an impressive amount of pressure on it. Due to the pressure the head of the broken officer exploded with only bits of his brain left with blood that splattered everywhere. When everything ended, he slowly went towards a wall away from the dead officers. 

When he arrived towards the wall he immediately sat down and leaned towards the wall due to him being tired.

Strat thought to himself " I'm fucking tired of this. I need a break from all of this. Let's just hope the extermination team doesn't come."

As soon as he finished the thought he instantly went to sleep. He slept for a while but was woken up abruptly due to an explosion near him. The explosion left a hole in the wall enough for a team to go through. Strat immediately stood up when he heard footsteps coming through it. But as soon he was up his leg was shot at. A whole team went all around him with their guns straight at him.