
Rising Heroes

Cain Maverick, a young adventurer is working hard to become the King of Heroes in the time as of now and in the upcoming future. The title is given to the person who leads heroes or who changed the shape of the era. But it isn't always an easy one, as Cain travels around the world, he gains some friends, crosses paths with another people who wants to become heroes with high prestige. Explore the world, find treasures, fight dragons, brave the oceans and conquer the unknown. This is the story of an undestined man, an adventurous spirit that roams around the world in his conquest of becoming a hero that inspires a spark in the current era of heroes!!

TriggeredApple · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Forest Boar

( ) are used for dialogues

[ ] are used for their thoughts.

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In the snowing forest, feeling cold and shivering, as the young girl wearing a black cloak covering her figure is going up against the tides of the snow.

It is the environment of cold and harshness. It is freezing. Tall trees. And strange plants. She was feeling cold even with the cloak on.

Not until an upcoming another figure in the back was trying to approach her furiously. It was a figure of a wild animal that has the size of a 3 - story building.

The young woman noticed what was coming for her and is quick to run away from it.

(Huff... Huff.... Huff)


The woman was panicking and running as fast as she possibly can. No turning back.

But there is no way to outrun a furious beast that is hungry for its prey.

The beast's figure was still clad in shadows and what she heard are footsteps that trembles the ground and creates waves each time it steps.

[W - What to do? What to do now?] was what the young woman thought of the situation.

The young woman was thinking of what's the best to do in the situation she's in.

[No choice. I have to fight back... ]

It was what she thought would be best.

She removed the thick cloak that was covering her figure. The cloak was removed, showing a beautiful face and a mature figure of a woman. She was wearing a thick jacket and a pouch bag in her waist.

Thinking fast, she removed the cloak immediately as this only now bothers her. She quickly opened the pouch bag and picked up what she wanted to use to fight the beast.

(This should be of help.)

The young woman eventually turned back to face her opponent.

A knife, it isn't an ordinary knife as it is imbued with a mysterious orange - colored energy. Obviously , it came from her pouch.

As she would had tried to outrun the creature, she would have depleted her stamina a long time ago.

Despite the deadly circumstance, the young woman wasn't afraid of the danger she's facing.

The beast charging, she took a stance. It was the stance of a hunter. She is quite maybe good at hunting.

(No turning back. I'll face you head on, monster!!)

The young woman screamed with her outgoing courage and determination.

Before she realized it, she was already outside the forest. The beast is nearly approaching, she is clearing her doubts.

The beast now revealed from the shadows, the creature was nearly as tall as the trees in the forest she was just in.

It was a creature that has a physical appearance of a boar. Except it has lethal - looking horns on its head. And the color of its fur is red.

(W - Wha!!?)

She was terrified and frightened at the same time as she was unbelievably not expecting what it was going to be.

She got the shivers. She was sweating hard. Her beautiful face has turned frozen out of fear.

[No! I shouldn't be like this.... ]

The young woman tried to reflect in her emotions.

(But I just couldnt imagine that it would be a fiercer monster than anything I could think of.) She murmured.

(That's a Forest Boar!!!!)

Despite it all, she faced her emotions. No turning back. Because she now trusts herself and the knife she is wielding.


She took a deep breath.

The fierce boar now then shouted loudly like it was saying something.


The loud roar was heard throughout the entire forest. It was so loud that the young woman was forced to cover her ears tightly.

The young woman now noticed the opening of a vulnerable attack.

Hack!!! Hack!!! Hack!!!

The woman released a powerful surge of energy from the knife in the form of a slash.

It was 3 slashes.

The Forest Boar received the slashes, but only two made it. As the first slash released, it was blocked by the boar.

The second and third one made it, the second slash cut the boar at its chest. But it wasn't deep.

The third one slashed the boar's right ear.

As expected, the knife was very sharp and powerful.

It is mysteriously imbued with an orange aura and energy.

(Wow... It's very sharp...)

The young woman commented on the sharpness of the weapon.

After the surprise attack, the boar was angered and screamed as loud as it can again.


The wind went chaotic and the air trembled of the mere howl of the boar.

She was covering her ears again because of the sheer intensity of loudness of the creature's howl.

After the intense howling, the boar then fiercely charged straight at the young woman. It was a full - speed charge approaching.

Focused and concentrated, the young woman tries to dodge the upcoming attack of the Forest Boar.


She dodged it. She just barely abled to.

No movement wasted. She turned and made another slash in the air again.


Of course, the boar evaded to the side quickly as it relies on its feet for speed.

Using its speed as momentum, the boar lowered its horns for a speed - offensive attack.

A full speed charge!!

The young woman wasn't able to react to such speed.

So she thinks fast of what to do.

She got it. In her pouch bag, there she pulled out an item that seems to be a stone.

The stone was glowing orange.

(Haah.... I only have one chance.)

She then inserted the stone at the knife that seems to have space warped around it. It was also glowing orange.

The knife's energy trembled. It was full of power. What she imbued it with was a stone that somehow enhanced the quality, sharpness and power of the knife.

[Yosh!! I can do this!!! ]

She then released another batch of slashes at the charging beast. Four slashes.

Hack!!! Hack!!! Hack!!! Hack!!!

Not only the power of the slash drastically increased, but also has the speed to match the quickness of the boar.

One missed, one was dodged.

But it seems two made it.


The slash gravely injured the boar's chest as it hit on the same spot as it was earlier.

Blood spurted. The boar suddenly stopped in its tracks only to receive another slash from the left side of the eye.


The boar screamed in agony and pain. It was painful even for it.


The Forest Boar known for its terrifying reputation is heard across the forest screaming in pain.

The suffering of blood loss. The howling cry didn't stop.

(Haaaaah... Haaah.. Haaaaaah....)

The young woman panted. She was heavily breathing in the snow.

(What's with this?)

[Why do I feel like the knife is taking a part of me? ]

[It's sucking me apart.....]


Her hand was boiling like water. It was very hot to touch the knife. So she let go of it.

(Woah... I can't believe it.)

(I defeated a Forest Boar.)

The young woman praised herself for an astonishing achievement.

(Well... I guess it's thanks to you.)

She is referring to the weapon she used.

Feeling achieved. She cheered herself with relief and victory.

As she is busy celebrating her victory, the boar suddenly woke up again.

Its eyes opened.

The young woman felt that something was wrong.

(C - Could it be!?)

The boar surprised attack the young woman unguarded and unprepared.

Due to the fatigue, the young woman cannot fight the boar again.

But despite the disadvantage, she picked up the knife, stood up and took a rushed stance.

[I - I won't make it!!!]

(Damn it!!!)

The young woman felt regret, anxious and terrified as she is at death's door.

She couldn't move anymore. Her body surrendered.

(H - Heeeeeey!!!)

An unknown figure from the exit of the forest was heard shouting.

It was a human. Specifically, it was a voice of a young man.

That's what she knew. Then she fell.

The boar then attacked from above. Hoping to crush the young woman.


(I won't let you!!!)

The figure jumped like a jet towards the boar.

He unsheathed the sword in his hip.


He then charged and slashed all the way through the boar's head.


A heavy blow!!

The blade disembodied the head from the body. Blood gushing out.

The supposed young man performed a triple frontflip in the air landed smoothly in the foothold of snow.

Chapter 1 Done..

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