
Canterbury 5

The rest of Sigma signalled for all their men to shift onto the pavement. They emptied from the streets onto the pavement as the horde came at both modified M1A2 SEPv4 tanks. Both M1A2 SEPv4 tank turrets veered around at the horde and fired.

The horde that existed was mostly shredded by the shells but then the shells exploded. Most of the C ranks in the horde of 600 died. Sigma team started to fire their monumental guns which fired off, hollow point rounds. The tanks fired again and the flocks were terminated.

The ranks started to roll over the ashes slowly so Sigma could catch up. Now they were rolling past a wide apartment block as hundreds of civilians started running in the direction. The tanks obviously slowed down to a halt.

"What's going on? Why have you guys stopped?" The same guy who signalled for his men to shift spoke, "Constantine ranked: SS+ has told us to stop for civilians."

Hero 19 spoke up, "Run them over. Hero 19 out." The guy receiving the signal looked at Constantine in his white-black trenchcoat with the letters SS+ on. He was bald with a scar across his eyes. "Hell no. Do not move until all civilians have cleared."