
Alpha Reigns! 49

Nora laughed as she kicked Sultan away with authority, "You guys should have just bended to will, especially you Castor but no worries." She laughed, "Death will be sweet."

She pulled out a spear, her weapon of choice and hurled it at Castor trying to impale him. Castor side stepped it, as he dived at her but he just hut her barrier. She uppercut him sending him staggering.

Nora smiled as she summoned another spear and tried to impale him. Castor managed to catch himself as he saw a spear hurdling towards him. John ran in and cut the spear.

John then slashed the shield, odd. It nearly cut through it, she grabbed John head and for the first time was scared. She slammed his head into the ground as get fired bullets at her. John tried to decapitate her but obviously it hit her shield.

"What if I cloned myself and convinced the clone to kill you all? That would be so fun." John was suddenly launched backwards at insane speeds and felt like he was being crushed and grinded into wall.

"I could beat anyone with the power, I can even beat the world eater!" She laughed insanely.