
Alpha Reigns! 40

"I assume there was a trade-off for enhanced strength?" Castor smiled as he swung the Warhammer into the suit, dazing him. And the hit vibrated the halls. The inspector jumped back but he saw Castor's hammer flying towards him.

The inspector smirked as he caught it by the caught the warhammer and the suit started to absorb it. The Warhammer was sucked in but in the shadow of the hammer's absorption, Castor punched the inspector's suit in the face.

But it was such to his face, Castor tried to pull his hand away but he was being sucked in. A thought crossed his mind to punch the machine with his left hand, his hand flew through the air and reached within an inch of the suit.

Castor thought it was absorbing his other fist as well so he didn't. Castor seeing his entire forearm had been sucked started to think even faster. "Metal, if done correctly fast enough and forced enough can change elements if interacted with another element."

Castor thought fast and started to waft his hand up and push air molecules towards the suit. His entire arm had been sucked.