
Troubles In Wallachia

+-June of 1488-+


Vlad sighed to himself as he sat upon his seat of power within Wallachia's capital city. His father was killed in the crusades when he sided with the Austrians, but they did end up supplying them with weapons and training to assist in the fight against the Hungarians. Vlad's brother had died two days after that due to him being captured by the Hungarians and brought to the Catholic pope to be executed for heresy, and even then a year after that his mother had died due to sickness.

All in all, Vlad was depressed most of his close family had died, he had an enemy on his border that seized almost six hundred advanced guns from the Germans and four twelve-pound howitzers that could obliterate the very palace he was held within.

The worst part of it all is that he had to either ask the German Empire for aid or face the Hungarians by themselves, luckily there was a rebellion against the Hungarian government so it could allow Vlad to stabilize Wallachia and build up its defenses.

It was starting to get late and Vlad had nothing to do yet he had no wife, no other country was currently willing to marry off a princess to some kingdom that was thought to be annexed in a handful of years, the men of his court we're already back at there personal homes, and even the servants had gone into sleep for the night, but as Vlad stood up a giant beam of moonlight hit him and slowly a new unexplainable feeling fell over him, but then there was nothing.


"Where the hell am I?" Falken said as he got up from the bed he had been sleeping on. He looked around the room it felt fancy, royal even, but also gave him a strange desolate feeling. "This isn't the IGSC.Falko'." Falken said giving the bedroom a curious look. Soon the small Headache he had when he woke up turned into a painful migraine that made Falken throw himself on the floor in agony.

Falken was able to muster a "What the hell!" before something clicked in his brain and the migraine suddenly stopped, but a headache arose straight after that moment of relief, memories of Vlad III started to flow into Falken's mind.

After two minutes Falken Immediately ran to the mirror in the room and blinked a few times upon expecting his "new look".

"You've got to be kidding me...." Falken looked up at the palace ceiling, he wasn't a devout follower of the German Church by any means but still had a vague belief that a powerful entity existed out there somewhere with the capabilities of doing unto him what had just transpired. 'So those Buddhist did know something's after all.' Falken thought mockingly to himself.

After taking a quick minute to collect himself he explored his new bodily features. 'Carmel brown hair, light brown eyes, pale reflection yet good physic, so this is the real look of Vlad III of Wallachia...' Falken thought to himself contemplatively. [Wallachia was not known for their art at the time as they were solely focused on militant advancement so all of the paintings of Vlad III were of low quality.]

Unlike many people that would react panicked or distraught by Falken's situation he remained calm and went over important details of the events that led him to it.

'So I died after a comet hit the IGSC.Falko' and was brought to the past and ended up 'taking over' Vlad III of Wallachia by some miracle' Falken now Vlad thought to himself. 'If it we're possible I would go to Germany but as the Voivode of Wallachia, that's basically impossible and it's not like it would get me anywhere in particular either...' Vlad sighed to himself.

As Vlad was stuck in his own thoughts trying to find a pragmatic solution to his current situation so too was the current leading force of Hungary trying to find a way to rise out of the ashes that the German Empire had put it in. The clock has started ticking and within time the count will land on zero.

Vlad started to feel pressured from this time restraint but then he remembered the story behind Emperor Berengars I 5 years plan that allowed him to easily defeat the crusades and now the tech that would help advance the world into a new era existed people just haven't started using it...yet.


The sun rose high into the sky and with it, the city that housed the Voivodes place of residences had also come to vibrant life. Despite the enormous cost brought out from the Austro-Catholic war, Wallachia was still doing surprisingly well off they had paid off their deficit to Austria now the German Empire fairly quickly, the treasures of the Catholic Churches was more than enough to make up for that, even though the army is shabby it still had hardened war veterans ready to defend the country at a notices moment.

Sadly national morale had plummeted considerably with a civil war and the deaths of most of the ruling family ripping apart a handful of it. In the end, though despite all of the cons there was one man who woke up with an optimistic perspective for he had a plan for the betterment of his 'new' home. This man was Vlad III of Wallachia.

Vlad took in a deep breath of fresh air before he dressed himself and walked straight to his throne room. Unlike the German Empire Wallachia still kept the traditional court system with some alterations like having a man of the Wahres Wort Gottes Church replace the Catholic Clergy.

Soon passing through the vast red-gold halls with shimmering silver candlestick chandler's Vlad had made it all the way to his throne room and took a seat on his position of rule a very fine throne at that (with a "made in Germany" tag engraved at the back of the left leg).

Vlad looked around the chamber noticing a few significant figures standing at the sides talking to each other he decided to ignore them before taking his seat for power. "It's time the council of Wallachia gatherers there is plenty we need to discuss..." Vlad bellowed out to those in the room and soon envoys were sent across the city to gather the needed court officials for the meeting.

[Update: It's late for me as of writing and posting this midnight to be exact and I have semester tests tomorrow which is also the reason I haven't been able to upload (or write) very often over the past week so after this week I'll be able to work a lot more on ROW (When I'm not spending time with the fam you know Christmas break and all of that.) this may also give me a chance to make a lot more chaps consecutively and get an actual upload schedule made.]

[Notice: Well I wasn't expecting this lil fanfic to get the small following it has but it already received 30 bookmarks (adds to ones library) some power stones (surprising me) and 3k views which for me is a damn lot on a fanfic of another story on here XD. Anyway I won't be dropping this anytime soon with at least 30 people interested in it just know that chap release rates aren't that great due to being busy in other areas].

{Updated: Spaced out some of the paragraphs }

[discord Link: https://discord.gg/Ag9jS7GSDh]

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