
Rise of the Witch Queen

Raven, a strong willed and independent young witch, enters into the witch academy. On her journey will she discover the hidden truths about her origin? What enemies and friends will she make? And whats this trouble brewing in the distance? Will it come knocking on the door or will she be knocking on it's door? The cover pic was made by https://www.deviantart.com/bluebutterflygirl1

ArrowXNight · Kỳ huyễn
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New Beginnings

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before I left. My long black hair was tied up in a beautiful braided bun. I wore dark jeans with a black blouse. It complemented my pear shaped body and olive colored skin perfectly. My nails were cut short and painted black. I wore gold accessories to match my golden eyes. I was ready to go.

I walked down the stairs of my apartment building. At the bottom of the stairs was my friend Jenna. She had red hair and wore a turquoise blue blouse and jeans that matched mine. We were going to the acceptance ceremony of the number one witch academy in the country.

We got in my 2017 Dodge Challenger. Before long we arrived in front of a grand black castle. Its flags the symbol of the witch council decorated the castle in silver and gold. The ordinary person wouldn't know the meaning of the symbol or even be able to access the grounds.

We walked up the grand stairs made of black marble into the ceremony room. It was filled to the brim with young witches ready for their debut into the world of magic. The ceremony wouldn't start for another 10 minutes. So in the meantime everyone mingled around.

"Do You think I'll do good?" Jenna asked.

"Why wouldn't you? You're the best witch I've ever met! Of course you'll do good!" I replied

We talked for a while more till the ceremony started. The lights around us dimmed while the stage lights were brightened. There was a white crystal ball on a podium In the middle of the stage. A Elderly lady walked up on stage dressed in a silver and black robe.

"Hello initiates! Welcome to the selection ceremony! We will start by sorting you all into groups based on your strongest element. Names will be called randomly. When called, walk up to the crystal ball and direct your energy into it.

.... 138 initiates later....

" Jenna Lee!!!" The announcer called out.

Jenna walked up to the crystal ball and directed her magic energy into it. When she did it glowed a bright green signifying that she was a plant elemental user.

Awhile later... "Raven Timberly!!!!!"

I walked up to the crystal ball with shakey legs and a racing heart beat. I slowly directed my energy into it. When I did it glowed bright silver with hints of purple scattered about.

"Electricity! Please move to Room seventeen! Next is.... "

I walked to room seventeen and opened the door there were 6 other people. "Welcome to the purple level electricity room! I am the test supervisor and I will be monitoring your test. We will not start the test till the sorting ceremony is complete so, in the meanwhile you may have free time. " the supervisor said.

About two hours later the supervisor announced the sorting was over and the test would begin. "The test will be to measure your stats with your strongest element, depending on your stats you will either fail or continue on to the next test. The test will consist of directing your energy into the piece of paper on the table, which, will then display : how synced you are with your element, your control level, your elements strength level, and your regular strength,agility, body coordination, defense. To pass all elemental stats must be above 300. I will start with..... "

... a little while later.....

"Raven Timberly!" I walked up to the paper and directed my energy into it. It started to form letters and numbers displaying:

(Max stat is 1000)

Elemental Control-367

Elemental Aptitude-784

Elemental Strength- 320

Body Coordination -247

Body Strength- 132

Body Defense-307


"Pass! Please go to the front desks with this paper and you will be assigned a dorm room and a schedule for classes."

I walked down the hallway to the front desk where I filled out paper work and they gave me my ID card, dorm room number and key, and schedule. Walking down through another hallway I soon find my dorm room.

I quickly unpack and get ready for bed. Getting in bed I think about tomorrow and imagine how classes will go, I soon drift off.

...."Beep! Beep!"...

Turning my alarm off I get up and get ready for classes. Leaving my dorm I look for my class.

... a little while later....

After a bit of searching I found my first class and entered it right as the bells rang. The teacher walked in after me. Announcing that as the first day of magic creatures class we'd be getting our familiars. We then went to the teleportation array where we all were teleported to the familiar selection grounds.

"Here you will be finding your familiars on your own but be sure to return in 50 minutes. You may begin! "

I walked to the water elemental habitat and roamed around till I saw a cave that had strong energy radiating from it. I walked over to the cave and slowly entered. I walked for awhile before I finally walked into a bigger space where I saw a single wolf pup with white fur and blue and silver streaks.

The pup opened its eyes sensing that I entered the area. I walked up to the pup slowly stopping a foot away from it and crouching down. It stood up and cautiously walked to my outstretched hand and sniffed it. After sniffing my hand it slowly rubbed its head against my hand wanting me to pet it. As I pet it we both began to glow an array lighting up underneath us. When the light died down I could feel a connection between us and could tell what she was saying.

"I'll name you Sapphire! How does that sound?"


" Sapphire jumped up in my arms and I walked back to the teleportation array. Where I talked to Sapphire till the time was up. They did a role call then we went back through the teleportation array. We then were dismissed to head to our next class.

Sorry for any mistakes on my part I am a new writer, sincerely the author

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