
Rise of the White Tiger Priestess

"I seek the strength, beauty, and spiritual power of the white tiger to be released in myself." Song Yuna is an idol trainee in one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. With only 100 days left before her debut, she accompanied her best friend to the national library to study. Yuna discovered an interesting painting that came from the Joseon era, 'Tiger under a Bamboo Tree', she transmigrated inside the painting and found herself trapped in the year 918. In order to go back to her world, she became the appointed priestess and was tasked to find the six celestial knights who will summon the White Tiger of the East with her to unify the three kingdoms of Goryeo, Baekje and Silla! Obviously, she has to keep herself pure and virgin as the vessel of the celestial being, but she found herself falling in love with one of her celestial knights! Will she be able to finish her mission or will she be trapped in the world created by the unknown? +++ This is my first entry for Webnovel's Spirity 2021! Hope you guys can support me! Thanks! The cover is not mine but edited by me. Call me to your attention if it's yours and you want me to take it down. Ps. FL is still young but scheming. She is a little bit stubborn,, rational, logical and a fashionista at heart.

LeeMaRi1999 · Lịch sử
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177 Chs

Hide and Seek

Prince Won was nowhere in sight.

The palace was already not that busy. No palace maids or guards were running around the area. It seemed like everyone was already asleep at that time.

But it was impossible.

Yuna realized that they had to be more careful about hiding if they did not want to get punished. She just followed Min as they tried to enter a particular part of the palace directly without any issue.

It was because the sliding door was already slightly opened. They did not even have to deal with so much hardship and entered it. For sure, that room will be connected with several other rooms on display.

As both of them practiced stealth in every step they took, the room they entered seemed like an extensive library. Several different books were there.

They were probably accounts and information about several important people like the king, some corrupt officials, or their contribution to their kingdom.

Yuna became curious about those accounts. She was sure that maybe there was something about the white tiger that she could find in this library.

It might not be the first time that someone like her, from the real world, has entered this world. As she went around, there was one book that seemed too different from the others.

A certain book in a particular bookshelf kept on glowing. Yuna approached it and grabbed the book; as if on cue, the first picture that she saw in the book was a white tiger. There was a girl who was standing behind the white tiger, and her palms were clasped together.

The girl's mouth was slightly opened as if she was saying something like an incantation. Her eyes were closed, and she wore heavy accessories in her head.

The clothes that the girl wore looked highly fancy. Yuna even thought that the artist drew it very well. It was as if she was calling the white tiger's supremacy.

The white tiger fangs were shown, but there was a hint of elegance behind it.

Min caught Yuna's attention as he closed the sliding door slowly. He approached her and looked at the page of the book that Yuna was looking at. Yuna became nervous about why Min was so quiet all of a sudden.

He spoke with his extremely attractive low voice, "Don't you think that girl is familiar?"

"Huh?" Yuna let out a tiny squeak, confused with Min's sudden question. "What do you mean?"

Min did not answer Yuna's question, but instead, he looked at Yuna's face, then at the girl, then back to her face.

"For some reason, I think the girl here in this drawing looked similar to you." Min commented, his black-brown eyes expressed sincereness. "Don't you agree with me?"

Yuna stared at the drawing. She could not even understand why Min told her that the drawing and the girl resembled her. If she was to compare, she was much more beautiful and voluptuous than the one in the drawing.

The room was quite dark, and only a portion of the whole area was lit up by a full moon shining brightly from the outside of the room.

As she was about to open her mouth to say something, Yuna did not continue to do so when she saw something move at the corner of her eye.

There seemed to be a black figure moving at the corner of the room. Yuna did not become too scared and tried to focus her eeyes in that direction. She could only see long straight hair; if she was alone, she could have been scared to death.

Min noticed her, so he immediately followed where Yuna's gaze was. It was definitely a man's figure and an extremely familiar one.

Yuna lowered her voice and whispered, "A ghost?"

"Nah," Min shook his head slightly, denying Yuna's suspicions. "I think that person is Prince Won."

Prince Won?

That made sense. If that was actually the main reason why the doors were open, then Min was right. Prince Won could not have made it too far. The man was still standing near the door and did not even talk.

The door connected the outside part of the palace and the inner part of the palace. The inner part of the palace would be crucial for them to enter the chambers they aimed at in the first place.

His back was the only thing Yuna could see. She found it amusing that the alleged Prince Won did not even notice them coming in the room. It seemed like he was so fixed in looking at the hole he made.

Like the two of them, the man was looking for a way to get out of the room without getting caught.

Min tiptoed towards where the man was standing, and she followed his footsteps. She tried her best to sound light as possible.

Yuna could already see those familiar color combinations of green and teal, which made her realize that the chances of it being a real human than a ghost were clearer.

Before Yuna and Min could go towards the man, the man somehow sensed that the two of them were already near his proximity. The man turned his head, and it really was Prince Won.

Yuna immediately walked towards the prince and said, "Prince Won. Did you not just try to ditch us? We were all in this together, how could you do this?"

Prince Won seemed like his eyes lost focus and squinted his eyes, leaning his face closer to Yuna so that he could see her face clearly.

"You look beautiful," Prince Won said. "Do you want to spend the night with me, young lady?"

As they always said, do not talk to a drunken man, for all you will get is a nonsense response. But honestly, when would this man sober up? How many did this man drink that he was still not in his apparent state of mind?

Yuna observed that the bottle of rice wine Prince Won brought earlier has disappeared. All Yuna could ever do was shake her head in disbelief.

"What? You do not want to spend the night with me, young lady?" Prince Won held both of Yuna's shoulders and continued, "Are you saying no to a prince?"

Yuna wanted to kick this man's ass, but she chose not to because he was the only key for them to guide them where the statue of the white tiger was.

Yuna did not answer, but the next thing she knew was that Prince Won kissed her.

His lips tasted like a refreshing breath of rice wine. It was not that unpleasant, but she hated the fact that he did it without her permission.

Just because he was handsome did not mean that she would just let him do whatever he wanted.

As she slapped him in the face, she spitefully said, "How dare you do that to me?!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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