
Rise of the White Devil

I was always alone, throughout my life. People looked at me with disdain because I was an orphan without parents. Constant abuse followed me everywhere. I lost touch with how to interact with others. With each passing day, I grew more distant from my emotions until I scarcely recognized myself. The warmth of family and friendship felt foreign to me. In the end, I snapped, and I became what I hated the most... something that wasn't human anymore... something that shouldn't have been born... That was until I was reincarnated as Lucas Nightstar, granted a second chance at a happy life with a loving family. Now, I would do anything to protect them, live my life to the fullest, and was willing to destroy anyone who dares stand in my way of my newfound peace. Yet... Little did I know what fate had in store for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing a novel, so please give me feedback and point out my mistakes. English isn't my main language, so I could make some grammatical errors. I don't know how this novel will turn out since I am writing this for fun. I don't have a fixed schedule for when I publish chapters, but if I see that it is going well, I might get more serious with my upload schedule (currently 2 chapters/day). So please support me through this journey with reviews and power stones. Discord: https://discord.gg/9zZ69PVNFJ

Crypthh · Kỳ huyễn
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121 Chs


Two people could be seen stepping outside of a luxurious car hovering right in front of a massive gate leading to a huge mansion.

One was a man with red hair and eyes, wearing a three-piece black suit.

The other was a woman with white hair and blue eyes, wearing a one-piece red dress.

Both were the parents of Lena and Lucas Nightstar, Alexander Nightstar and Violet Nightstar.

As they stepped out, the two guards in front of the gate bowed their heads and greeted them.

"Welcome back, Lord Alexander and Madame Violet!"

"At ease," Alexander said, making them stop bowing.

"So, did anything troublesome happen?" Violet asked one of the guards, Lenard.

Lenard and Mike both broke into a cold sweat as he answered, stuttering.

"W-well, I-I don't know about t-troublesome, Madame, b-but..."

"But?" Violet asked, her eyes narrowing as she inquired for him to continue.

"P-please, Madame, Lord, it would be best to enter the mansion and see for yourself," Lenard said with fear, knowing it was a little disrespectful not to answer them, but he just didn't want to get caught in the crossfire!

"Hmm, I see. Very well, then, this better be worth the trouble," Lucas's father said, deciding to enter with Lucas's mother while holding hands. Yet both, for some reason, were a little nervous and had some dread in their hearts.

As they entered the mansion, they saw a maid cleaning the hallways.

"Bruna, where is Lena?" Lucas's father asked.

"M-my lord, uh, Lena is currently in the dining room eating," the maid answered, whose name was Bruna.

"Already?" Lucas's mother asked. 'She must have gotten really hungry from playing with Lucielle and William,' she thought.

"Y-yes," Bruna stuttered nervously, making both narrow their eyes again.

'Why is everyone acting so scared?' they both thought in unison.

"Well, let's go, dear," Lucas's father said as both headed towards the dining room.

As they both arrived at the dining room, they instantly froze with wide eyes as they finally understood why everyone was scared the moment they arrived.

Before they could think or do anything, Lena, upon seeing them, instantly ran up to them and hugged her mother's leg.


Instinctively, Violet picked up her daughter, yet both parents weren't looking at her at all. Their eyes were fixed on the boy who had snow-white hair like Violet and blood-red eyes like Alexander, with the only difference being vertical pupils and a black majestic cat with the same eyes on his shoulder looking at them. He was silently eating his spaghetti without looking at the people who are his parents. They both knew they were in trouble now.

His father glanced at William and Lucielle, who were at the side of the room with both of their heads turned sideways, not intending to get involved at all.

'Please ignore us...' they both thought in unison.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, mother, father?" Lucas said without looking at them while eating his spaghetti. His voice wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm either. There was no emotion in his voice nor on his face.

"Y-yes, it has been, hasn't it, dear? W-we missed you a lot," his mother said nervously.

Hearing his mother, Lucas's eyebrows shot upwards in surprise as he glanced at her.

"Really? Would it be hard for me to believe since the moment I left, both of you didn't waste any time to replace me."

Hearing his words, both his mother and father's hearts clenched out of sadness.

"N-no! Lucas, that isn't true!" his mother practically screamed.

Hearing her mother's desperate words and seeing tears forming in her eyes, and his father not even daring to look at him out of pure guilt, he couldn't hold back but laugh.

'I should push them more,' Lucas thought.

"Then care to explain how I acquired a sister without me knowing about it?" Lucas asked innocently while finally looking at them, making both feel like arrows pierced their hearts.

"T-that, we wanted to surprise you, son!" his mother practically screamed.

"Surprise me?" Lucas said with no emotion. "Surprise me how? By hiding the fact you were pregnant? That I had a little sister? Making me miss her birth? Making me oblivious to all of that while I was out adventuring?"

"T-that..." His mother couldn't say anything anymore. She felt as if she would talk anymore, she would start crying, and Lena was already looking anxiously between them, and she didn't want to increase her worries.

Lucas, in his previous life, was never this attached to anyone. He had no parents. No sister. No friends. He had nothing. In his previous life, he only had a single thing, and that was...

Suddenly, his father finally decided to speak up, helping Lucas's mother out.

"Enough, Lucas. We just wanted to surprise you. You never took the initiative to do anything in your life. For once, you decided to do something willingly, and that was adventuring and exploring the world. If we told you about Lena, all of us knew you would have stopped everything you were planning and stayed with us. You shouldn't be this harsh on your mother."

Hearing his father's words, the atmosphere got tense as Lucas decided to finally stop eating and stand up. Luna got off his shoulder and sat on the table with worried eyes.

"Harsh? Stop adventuring?" Lucas's eyes got cold as ice as the same could be said for his voice, making everyone in the room shudder. They had never heard him or seen him this cold ever in their lives.

Lucas's father clenched his jaw, understanding he was being unfair to his son.

"My little sister's birth is something I missed forever. You could have told me, and I would have dropped adventuring instantly, you are right. But why the hell would I drop it instantly? Because I could have explored this world anytime!" Lucas said as anger started rising in his voice.

"Tell me, father, since when did my adventures become more important than my little sister!?"

Subconsciously, killing intent started leaking out of Lucas, making everyone shudder, especially Lucielle.

'It is the same as back then...' she remembered the time when right before he revealed himself to the world, he released some of his killing intent. Feeling it this time made her shudder again but much worse. Not because of the intent itself but something else. Something she, for some reason, without her realizing, missed back then... His Killing intent never changed. It was the same as back then. It felt as if she and everyone were surrounded by blood and the bodies of thousands of people.

'W-why? Why does it feel like he killed so many people? Even back then, it was the same, yet I ignored it... no, it felt as if I was compelled to ignore it!'

"Young master Lucas!" The first one to snap out was William. Hearing him, Lucas instantly suppressed his intent, making everyone finally breathe out of relief while Lena was trembling out of fear in her mother's arms.

Lucas could only look apologetically at his younger sister.

'I made her scared again... Why can't I ever do anything right? I-I even was thinking about k-killing my own father...' Lucas's face was clouded as dark thoughts kept rampaging inside his mind.

Suddenly, before it could get any worse, he felt two soft hands pulling him into a warm and comfortable embrace.

"I am sorry, my son. Please forgive us. I promise we will make it up to you," his mother said, comforting her son with a gentle and warm tone.

Understanding and stopping his son from having any more troublesome thoughts, while Lena was now in his father's arms.

"I-I am sorry as well, Mother, Father."

Lucas said while embracing his mother finally as well as his father, with Lena coming over and embracing him and his mother as well.

Lucielle and William looked warmly over the Nightstar family as they are finally reunited as a whole again after almost three years.


In a huge and luxurious living room, Lucas's father sat on one couch with his little sister on his lap, while Lucas himself sat on the couch in front with his mother next to him and Luna perched on his head.

Lena was still a little scared of Lucas but understood that he was her brother and that he wasn't a bad person. She was a smart child for someone her age.

Lucielle stood behind the couch where Lucas and his mother sat, while William stood behind Lena and his father.

The atmosphere was a little awkward but warm at the same time. Lucas's mother decided to start the conversation to dispel the awkwardness.

"You have grown a lot, dear," his mother said as she checked his body, but froze as she looked at his eyes, which now had vertical pupils.

She then looked up, as everyone else did also, at the black cat who was looking at his mother.

"Cat..." Lena whispered. Ever since she met her brother, she looked more at the cat than her brother with sparkling eyes. She wanted to hug and play with it but was too scared of her brother.

"Dear, that cat, is it a soul bond?" His mother asked curiously, understanding that the change in his eyes must be because of the cat. It was normal for some people to have soul bonds, and depending on the creature, it could change your body as well.

"That is correct. Her name is Luna," Lucas answered with a bitter smile. 'Now... should I tell them the truth? Screw it, if I don't, then I had no right to be angry at them in the first place.'

"Actually, mother, father... Luna isn't a cat," Lucas clarified.

"S-she isn't?" His mother asked.

While sighing, he decided to reveal everything to them.

"No, she is actually a dragon."

"A dragon?" His father asked, not understanding what a dragon is.

And so, Lucas began explaining everything. From the time he was in the C-rank dungeon, exploring the boss room with the appraisal skill he got, everything he learned about the dragon race and the Blade of Chaos, finding Luna and becoming her bond, also about Lucas himself becoming a half-dragon, and then even the fight with the demon, to the point of meeting Sylviette on an escort mission who was the Elven princess and meeting the royal family to getting close with all of them and friends with Sylv and Raphael.

Obviously, Lucas didn't tell them how painful the transformation was when he became a half-dragon or how close of friends he was with Sylv.

The attack on the princess would still take a week to reach the human domain, to say the least, so they knew nothing about it yet except for the demon attack and me being Noctis and my achievements that have been talked about online.

It was to say while Lena, still being smart, didn't understand everything and was mostly confused, the others weren't. They were looking at Lucas with wide eyes and open mouths.

They were extremely amazed and worried while processing into their brains everything they had just learned from Lucas.

"An ancient race called dragons lost in time..." His father said with gleaming eyes, the same as William, as both wanted to fight dragons now.

"So you are now a dragon? Well, a half-dragon?" His mother said in worry, knowing it wasn't normal in the slightest to get a soul bond and your race changed to its and that Lucas was holding back when talking about becoming a half-dragon.

"Well, yeah, I suppose..." he said, not looking at his mother's intense gaze.

"And the ca- I mean Luna is also a dragon, huh?" She said.

"Yeah. Oh, Luna, you don't need to be so nervous, go greet them," Lucas said, throwing all the attention from him to his daughter without shame.

Suddenly, they all heard a voice in their heads.

"[H-hello...]" she said, extremely nervous.

"Huh, she can talk!?" his father said in surprise, while the rest just stared at her with wide eyes. Lucas was getting honestly more scared of the look his little sister was giving Luna.

Instead of Lucas responding, it was Luna.

"[M-mm, it is nice to meet you all. F-father talked a lot about everyone here.]"

Suddenly, there was pin-drop dead silence in the room.

"E-eh?" Was the only thing Lucielle could exclaim from behind.

"I-i am a grandfather already?" His father said with lifeless eyes.

"F-father!?" His mother practically screamed.

While Lucas just looked sideways while whistling.

'Shit! Forgot to tell Luna not to call me father here!'

Understanding that dragons are a race above all the others in Myrniel and the only living dragon alive is calling Lucas her father, his mother suddenly smirked as Lucas glanced at her, getting an ominous feeling.

"Ara~ My son just not keeping an eye on you for almost three years, and you already became a father and got the Elven princess herself as your girlfriend~" His mother started teasing him.

"Huh, since when did Sylv become my girlfriend!?" Lucas exclaimed.

"Hee~ so you call her Sylv and not Sylviette~"

'Shit' He realized the blunder he made and averted his eyes from his mother's and looked at his father who was also looking at him with a teasing smirk, yet pride was in his eyes, while Lena was eyeing Luna the whole time, making her even more nervous. He didn't dare to look behind him or at William at all.

"She isn't my girlfriend, alright? She is just a friend like Raphael," Lucas defended himself.

'I'd rather deal with being called father by Luna in front of them, ugh...'

"That doesn't explain that when you talked about her, only then your eyes turned gentler and a small smile appeared on your face, my son~"

"E-eh, did I really do that?" Lucas asked, not believing what his mother just said.

"Fufu, of course you didn't show that expression at all when you talked about anyone else."

Hearing her mother, he couldn't help but

 sigh. Perhaps he did have some sort of feeling for her that wasn't meant for friends, but that didn't mean he loved her. Well, now that he thought about it, how does one know that he loves a person? He never loved anyone in his previous life; he doesn't understand loving someone else who isn't family. Maybe his mother was right, but he would deal with it just some other time.

"I just care about her, alright? I don't see her as a lover but more like a best friend," he said, trying to convince his mother.

"Whatever you say, my son~"

In the end, after some more teasing and talking about his adventures, they decided to call it a day, as Lena was beginning to doze off. So Lucas and everyone else decided to go to sleep as well since everyone was also tired from today, but not before Lena kidnapped Luna to sleep with her, which Lucas, by the way, ignored as she cried for his father's help.

[AN: Wow, that was a long chapter. I wanted to make up for not publishing one yesterday! Please tell me if the pace is too slow. I wanted to include more interactions with the family!]

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