
Rise of the War Demons

"With us all hope dies...The war demons shall rise!" This is a tale of Naruto, as he rose to greatness. Putting fear in the hearts of his enemies and allies alike. Only to protect the one who gave his life a purpose for living. And woe to those who dares to harm her, to those made her cry. For they will beg for mercy and none shall be given. "I was saved by her smile... And I will protect that smile for as long as I exist... Believe it." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor the cover photo. But I do own the o.cs though.( ° _ ° ) Info: Naruto here is three years older than his peers from the original manga and anime ..........................................................................................

SPECTER_BRO · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
76 Chs

Chapter 56

'' Looks like, we are doing it the hard way. '' said Naruto as he held his sword like a spear. Reeling his arm as if he was drawing a bow, his arm began to bulge.

' Not good. ' as Haku saw this, she knew that something was about to be destroyed.

Naruto threw his sword and it went straight towards Haku's head.

With years of training and batle experience, Haku instinctively raised a thick wall of ice to block the sword. The sword easily impaled the wall of ice, but failed to hit Haku.

Naruto immediately appeared on the left side of the wall, but Haku was already ready. She threw a sebon at Naruto's throat. As the sebon pierced Naruto's throat, he puffed into smoke.

' A shadow clone ! '

Haku immediately turned to the other side, but what greeted her was a kick.

Naruto sent a clone to distract the ice ninja, while he attacked from her blind spot. His kick had enough force to send her flying to an ice wall with broke it causing spiderweb like cracks to form on the ice wall.

Haku coughed out blood, but as she lifted her head, she saw Naruto comming at her with his sword ready to slice her in half.

She immediately entered inside the ice wall, which Naruto proceeded to destroy it.

Haku's reflection appeared in another ice wall, and she threw a sebon at Naruto, which struck at a pressure point at his left thigh, making him loose some control over left leg and forcing him to be in a kneeling position.

'' You got to be kidding me. '' Naruto saw that in all the ice walls Haku's reflection was present and they all had sebons in their hands ready to throw at him.

A barrage of sebons rained down at Naruto, he blocked whatever he could but majority of the sebons were embedded on his back.

Haku was about to throw another barrage of sebons, but it was interrupted when Naruto released an explosive wave of Chakra, causing all of Haku's reflections to disappear except for the original.

This was another skill he got from the trail. It was called [ Repulsion ]. To simplify this skill, it releases a huge amount of chakra from every part of the body at a force, which it could repel any flying projectile. This was supposed to be a mid-range defensive skill that consumes a lot of chakra.

The sebons that were embedded on his back were expelled. Naruto stood up and opened his palm, a compressed ball of fire was formed on his palm. It was one of his favourite skill [ Fire ball ]. It was a simple yet effective skill.

'' Eat this bitch! '' Naruto threw the ball of fire at Haku. The explosive damage caused huge cracks on the ice wall. But Haku already predicted this and went to another ice wall.

Naruto had a huge grin on his face, as he laughed like a maniac, he kept throwing fireballs after fireballs at Haku, and each time it hit an ice wall, explosions were caused.

' I cannot keep up with him, my chakra is almost used up for repairing the ice walls. '

Haku was in a perilous situation, Naruto kept spamming his explosive fireballs without any mercy.

Another fireball was fast approaching her, as she exited the ice wall to enter another one, some grabbed her wrist, it was Naruto.

Naruto clenched his fist as he delivered a vicious punch to Haku's face.

Haku was sent flying outside her dome of ice walls, she bumped and rolled on the concrete floor.

She tried to stand up but her body was aching, her chakra reserve was almost empty, her mask was broken but most importantly, Naruto was comming after her with his hand stretched out aiming for her neck.

As her mask fell from her face, her eyes showed despair, as if all hope was lost ' I'm sorry lord Zabuza, I could not be a perfect tool for you. '

A strong hand grabbed her neck and lifted her off the ground. '' Any last words. '' said Naruto.

But Haku said nothing, her eyes were devoid of any emotions but despair was clearly seen on her face.

[ Drain touch ]

Since Naruto left the trail, he had not tried this skill yet.

Bloody red aura was engulfing Naruto hand, and since his hand was in direct contact with Haku, he sucked her chakra for himself.

Haku's eyes felt heavy, her vision became very blurry. ' I'm sorry lord Zabuza. '

As she became unconscious, Naruto released his grip on her neck and dropped her on the concrete ground.

'' Like I said I'm in a good mood today, you're lucky your still alive. '' said Naruto.

{ With Kakashi }

'' How low have you fallen Zabuza. '' saud Kakashi, '' Have you lost your pride as a swordsman of the bloody mist. You have fallen so low as to ally yourself to a scum like Gato just for money. ''

That caused Zabuza to growl in anger, '' What do you even know about the current bloody mist village, huh ! ''

With the rise of the evil Mizukage, the hidden village of the mist was sent to a bloody civil war, and Zabuza was apart of the group who wanted to kill the current Mizukage. But he was not successfully in doing so.

The group went into hiding, Zabuza was incharged for raising funds to support the group. He was a very proud ninja of the Hidden mist village, but on seeing the dire need of funds, he accepted any well paid he could find, no matter how dangerous or evil the job was. And just like his current job, he doesn't care what will happen to this god forsaken country as long he was paid handsomely. Because he will do anything to save his country from the current Mizukage.

A sudden chill came to Zabuza, ' Haku is in danger ! '

'' I'm sorry Kakashi. '' he apologized to Kakashi, '' But I have to finish this quickly. '' Zabuza dashed towards Kakashi with his sword raised.

'' Same here. '' Said Kakashi as he took out a scroll, opening it he dragged his bloodied finger on the scroll leaving a long line of blood.

'' Summoning Jutsu. '' Kakashi slammed the scroll on the ground.

'' It's too late for that Kakashi. '' said Zabuza as he approached closer to Kakashi.

From the concrete ground near him a dog came out and tried to bite his leg, but he simply jumped back and dodged. But a sharp paid came from his shoulder, it from a large bull dog that bit his shoulder, the weight of the large canine prevented him from escaping as more canines with sharp teeth sunk their fangs on different parts of his body making him completely immobile.

Zabuza tried to overpower the ninja dogs but what was Infront of him petrified him.

Kakashi was comming at him full speed, with his right hand engulfed in lighting.

'' Lightning edge ! '' Kakashi went in and impaled Zabuza right through his heart.

Zabuza coughed out blood, as he looked at Kakashi's face with rage.

'' Your time has ended Zabuza. ''

Zabuza simply laughed at him in mockery while still coughing blood. '' Are you sure about that. ''

Kakashi was confused at what he said, but he soon found out. The blood that was supposed to flow from Zabuza's heart turned out to be water.

' A Water clone ! '

Kakashi did not realise that another Zabuza emerged from the thick mist, '' Hydro prison. ''

The water clone turned into water and it engulfed Kakashi in a spherical prison of water. And he began to mock Kakashi

'' What an accomplishment I have made, that I Zabuza Momochi had trapped the great Kakashi Hatake twice. ''

Forming a seal with only one hand, he created two water clone. '' You go help Haku. '' He said to one clone, '' And you go kill the bridge builder. ''

A ball of fire flew straight towards Zabuza, but he immediately jumped out of the fire ball's trajectory while dragging the imprisoned Kakashi along with him.

The fire ball exploded destroying the two Water clone Zabuza had created.

'' Che, it's you again. '' Zabuza spat.

'' Yup, it's me, '' Naruto mocked, '' Let's finish what we started shall we. '' Naruto released his aura, as it engulfed his arms solidifying forming an armoured arm with clawed fingers that looked very demonic in appearance.

' Is that the Nine tail's power ? ' Kakashi thought, ' no it's something else. '