
Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf

Author's Note: Dear readers, I'm excited to present to you my very first fanfiction, inspired by the captivating world of Teen Wolf. I want to emphasize that this story is purely created for fun and entertainment, driven by my passion for storytelling. As a result, there might be occasional word errors or inconsistencies, and I appreciate your understanding in this regard. In this fanfic, I wanted to explore the character of Michael, a True Alpha werewolf, and showcase his extraordinary powers and potential. Unlike other werewolves, Michael's abilities will not be nerfed or weakened; instead, they will continue to evolve and grow stronger over time. This decision was made to create an even more formidable protagonist within the Teen Wolf universe. Throughout Michael's journey, he will face various challenges and encounter supernatural beings, all while striving to reunite with his missing sister and protect the town of Beacon Hills. His unwavering determination and unique status as a True Alpha will guide him through the treacherous world he finds himself in. I hope you'll join me on this enthralling adventure filled with action, romance, and supernatural intrigue. I'm eager to share this story with you and bring the Teen Wolf universe to life in my own way. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Author's Note: I wanted to take a moment to clarify that while I have created the character Michael in the context of the Teen Wolf universe, I do not own the rights to Teen Wolf or any of its original characters, or storylines except for michaels. My contributions to the Teen Wolf fandom are purely creative and inspired by the existing material. I am a fan, just like you, who enjoys exploring different narratives. Michael is a character I have imagined and developed within the Teen Wolf universe, but the ownership and creative rights of Teen Wolf belong to its original creators and respective copyright holders. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Michael in this alternative storyline. Note, I don't own the cover page or anything related to its copyright everything belongs to the original creater.

j_k_l · Ti vi
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After having lunch, a time skip occurred, and Michael found himself at his locker, organizing his books for the next class. As he closed his locker door, he subtly activated his werewolf senses, allowing him to hear conversations from a distance.

To his surprise, he picked up Lydia's voice coming from around the corner. He tuned in, listening as Lydia engaged in a lively conversation with a girl named Allison. They seemed to be discussing something exciting, and Michael's curiosity piqued.

However, before he could eavesdrop further, Lydia's boyfriend, Jason, abruptly interrupted their conversation. Michael hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to reveal his presence or not. Eventually, he decided against it and continued on his way, leaving Lydia and Jason to their moment.

As he walked towards the school field, the sound of lacrosse practice caught his attention. Instinctively, Michael's senses heightened, and he honed in on a familiar presence. It was another werewolf, but much weaker than him, possibly a beta.

Curiosity getting the better of him once again, Michael approached the lacrosse field, observing the players from a distance. Suddenly, a lacrosse ball was flung at him with incredible speed. Without even looking, Michael instinctively caught the ball effortlessly, earning the attention of the coach.

Impressed by his reflexes, the coach approached Michael. "Hey, new guy, ever played lacrosse before?" he asked, eyeing him curiously.

Michael shook his head. "No, never played," he replied, his voice filled with nonchalant confidence.

The coach grinned. "Well, you seem to have a natural talent. Get out there and join the team for practice," he declared, pointing towards the group of players.

Reluctantly, Michael found himself stepping onto the field, his presence immediately grabbing the attention of Lydia, who had been watching from the sidelines along with Allison. The girl beside Lydia leaned in and whispered, "Do you know who he is?"

Lydia's voice wavered as she bit her lip. "He's the new bad boy," she replied, her words tinged with both curiosity and excitement.

Allison, intrigued, asked Lydia if she knew a guy named Scott. Lydia shook her head, admitting that she didn't know him. The conversation was interrupted by the sharp sound of a whistle, capturing everyone's attention.

The whistle, however, had an unexpected effect on Scott, who held his head in pain. Just as the confusion settled in, a lacrosse ball struck him in the face, snapping him back into focus. From that moment on, Scott seemed to tap into his hidden potential, dominating the field and catching every ball thrown at him, even the shots from the team captain, Jason, until it was Michael turn; the ball flew right pass Scott into the net, he barely could even keep up with the speed it was coming with.

Lydia couldn't contain her excitement, cheering loudly as she witnessed Michael's remarkable skills. Jason, on the other hand, glared at Michael and scott, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.

After the intense lacrosse practice, the school day came to an end and Michael found himself at his car, preparing to go home. As he loaded his books into the trunk, he sensed a presence approaching him from behind. Reacting on instinct, Michael swiftly turned around and grabbed the person's arms, pinning them against the car.

To his surprise, he found himself face to face with Lydia. Their eyes locked, and Michael realized the awkward situation they were in. He slowly released his grip, allowing Lydia to free herself.

Lydia, slightly flustered, bit her lip and spoke softly, "You've got some reflexes there. I like it rough." Her words carried a hint of mischief and curiosity.

Michael's gaze softened, and he chuckled, breaking the tension. "Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm," he replied with a playful smile.

They stood there for a moment, the air filled with unspoken intrigue. Finally, Lydia gathered her composure and suggested, "There's a party this weekend. You should come. It'll be fun."

Michael considered her invitation and replied, "Maybe I'll be there, but no promises." He leaned in, his lips grazing her neck as he whispered, "Until then," before he turned and got into his car, driving off into the evening.

The excitement of the upcoming party lingered in the air, leaving Lydia wondering if he'll show up or not.