
1 Damian

New York, 28th January, 2023

In New York Medical Hospital, in one of the ICU rooms, a 21 years old young man with black hair, blue eyes and with a handsome face was lying on the bed wearing the NYMC's uniform. This man's name is Damian Corner, a very smart and dilligent student loved by both the students and the teachers. He was adopted by a old couple by the age of four. He was from a humble background. Two days ago, his parents were passed away. After the incident, he got depressed and go out of the house looking down while crossing the road not knowing a car is speeding towards him and BOOM. The next thing he knew, he was in the hospital in a ICU room. After recalling the incident, he thought ' Is this how I going to die? Without achieve anything? Is this the end? NO! I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS! THIS IS UNFAIR!'. These were his last thoughts before he closed his eyes and passed away.

When Damian open his eyes, he saw everything is black like a void and he was floating in it. He wondered ' Where am I? What is this place? Didn't I die? So, how am I still alive?' He was wondering these thoughts when suddenly a voice told him " You are my boy in the void, the place between life and death. And yes you died but your soul is here." When Damian heard this, he turn around and saw an old man surrounded by light who look like a devine being. When the old man saw Damian turning around, he smiled and continued " Before you ask, yes you should be at heaven because of your good karma, but I interfered and thought to give you a second chance in life." After hearing this, Damian was shocked. Coming out of the shock, he contemplated what the being said and then asked " Can I go to my world or I will be reborn in another word?". The being replied " You can't go to your world but you can go to another world either by reincarnation or transportation, but this world will be a magic and martial arts fantasy world. Oh and you can choose your appearance when transporting to another world and you had three wishes". Hearing this, Damian thought for a while and said " I want to transported to that world and as for my appearance, my lord, I want my appearance to be perfect, without any impurities in my body and the apex of human level. For my first wish, I want my physical fitness to be increased by 5 times every time when I reach my limit. My second wish, I want the tower of trials consists of hundread floors and each floor contains ten levels. After completing each level, I will gain stat points for physique, spirit, inteligence, charm and energy. After completing the last level, I will get the option for my evolution. After evolution, the tower will also upgraded to train my new evolution. And lastly, I want a information panel that will show my name, stats and my techniques, items etc. and also about others basic information. These are my wish". Hearing Damian's wish, the being laughed and said " Very well, I accept your wishes. I have to say, you are a peculiar one. Most mortals wishes overpowered skills or systems to get stronger, but you, even though what you wishes for is overpowered but this power will create a solid foundation at any field for you. Well then, goodbye and enjoy your life". After saying this, he waved his hand and Damian got surrounded by a light and dissapears.