
Rise of the Strongest

Jim’s dream was from the start that he wants to become a magic knight. From his young age, he trained a lot by himself when everyone laughs from him as he has the weakest magic power in the village and probably in whole Berties country from which he is from. After he passed his eighteen birthdays, he hasn’t passed the test as he tried a lot but while everyone knows how it will be, and after this; he needed to throw away his dreams and go work as a blacksmith in the closest city. Due to unexpected actions, he loses his memory, and when he landed in Jida; he becomes a magic knight and then his story begins. In which he remembered his past after many fights. His past wasn’t good and one of twelve immortal beasts wakes up fully in him and now he can talk with him not only hear his words from time to time mostly in dangerous situations. “So you want to take revenge,” Immortal beast said. “yes but I don’t want your help now I remember who I am and maybe with help of my new friends I can have revenge,” Jim said while looking at the sky and thinking of his love and the faces of few people which beast show him. When he was doing it he swore revenge after knowing what happened one year ago just before he lost consciousness and because of it he lost his memory. But first, he needed to talk with his captain about it and he might have his help but this route will be full of the death of people and what more important it will mean war against whole nobbles which will be stand in front of them and their countries before he finds persons responsible for what happened to him and more important if he finds who he truly is which was his second dream to know who he truly is and why he was left in an orphanage. ------------- The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Kỳ huyễn
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211 Chs

Mission (1)

When Jim was sleeping Jon walked around and when he eats, he walked to talk about what will happen next. As they were talking night has come and while seeing it mission time has come. When he walked out of the tent in which he spends the last few hours, he walked to search for Jim. As he was doing it, he couldn't find him and when he asked Joe "have you seen Jim".

"Yes, he is sleeping there," Joe said and while hearing his words Jon walked there and while seeing Jim and close to him Natasha and Ann who were looking at him Jon said "how long have you been here"

"For some time," Natasha said. While hearing her words Jon walked to Jim and when he shakes his shoulder Jim opened his eyes and then he said: "what happened".

"Get up," Jon said and while hearing his words Jim does this and then he said, "so now".

"Yes, now," Jon said and while Ann and Natasha looked at him Jon said, "he will go and destroy what causing our problems so don't worry about him,".

"Someone will go with him," Jon said and then Jim said "ok I'm ready but first I need to eat something,".

"And change" Jon said.

"ok," Jim said and when he walked to base, he walked to the kitchen and while being there he takes something not so much as still, he could feel that he isn't hungry as much and when he has done this he walked out and when he walked to place where Black Owls were sleeping last night he could see that tent is there. While seeing it he walked inside and while seeing that nobody is there he changed in clothes which were hanging on the bed and there were all black and while having them Jim looked at them and then he walked out as he needed to do one most important thing. When he walked deep in the forest while missing all bombs lying on the ground he finally found a place and when he did what he needed, he walked out. When he had done this he walked to the main tent where all higher-ups were and while being there he looked at the guards in front of it and while they have to look fight one walked in and after a few seconds and he said: "come in".

"Ok," Jim said and when he walked inside, he could see elder Smith, Martin, Jon, Boris, and Arthur. While seeing that he come Martin said: "I will tell you what you need to do".

"Ok," Jim said and when he comes closer to the table, he could see a map of how ships are there. While seeing them he said, "so what do you want me to do".

"oh come here" elder Smith show up on one of the ships which is at the back and while Jim saw him earlier it's one of the biggest and comes as one of first today. While seeing it Jim nodded and then he said "so what I will need to do there".

"Ok, you will need to act quietly and at the shadows and remember one thing don't let them see you," elder Smith said.

While hearing him Jim looked at him and then Jon said "you need to go to this ship and then destroy something we don't know how it looks like but probably it will have guards. So be careful,".

"I will be don't worry," Jim said.

"Ok go now," Martin said.

"So I will go there alone," Jim said.

"Yes, and now," Martin said and when one of his guys come closer, he continues "he will go with you more likely he will transport you to this ship and later take you from it,".

"Ok," Jim said and when he looked at his companion, he nodded and when he has done this he walked out. When he had done this he could see that Jon walked after him and then he said: "so captain does you know what I should look for".

"I have no idea and its only our assumptions that it's there but you will need to look and probably change ships but based on our observations this ship is their main from which they giving away orders," Jon said.

"Ok so no sword" Jim said and when he looked at the sword which he had close to him he takes it off and he said, "can you take care of it".

"Why it's normal one which we have thousands," Jon said.

"no it's sharp and I don't need to take care of it for now so I don't want to have one again used," Jim said.

"Ok," Jon said and when Jim's companion walked out from the tent, he said, "ok we will go in the next hour or so".

"Ok I will be in the tent," Jim said and when he pointed on the black owl's tent he could see that guy nodded, and then Jim walked to it. While being there he could see that everyone is sitting there close to the fire which was going on and then harry said, "oh good that you come we have meat".

"I will take if you have extra," Jim said.

"me too," Jon said while walking in and like that black owls started eating but Jim only eats one slice of meat as he doesn't want to eat too much. When he has done this and party thanks to surviving today come to the end Jon said "go to the beach and let your eyes look better in dark".

"Ok," Jim said and while he was going out, he said, "I will be behind tent I saw their dark place and it will be good to go from there,".

"ok," Jon said and before Jim go out Jon said "have it" and when he threw to him a short sword Jim take it, and when he walked out, he started inspecting it. When he was doing it a guy comes and then he said: "are you ready".

"Yes we can go," Jim said to him while getting up from the ground and then he followed him while still don't know how they will come to this ship.