
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

S1 Ep.17

(Strong language is used in this chapter. Kids and younger audiences are not recommended to read this chapter without a guardian present. You have been warned.)

Many weeks had passed since Koji had discovered his father was alive and well but yet he could not see him unless one of the Zodiac members came to speak with him.

During the weeks Koji had been teaching students about the Soul Techniques from how they were used before verses using them now.

He was given praise by students and teachers more times then he can count but Koji's mind was still haunted with questions he had hoped to be answered.

Who saved his father? Why is he back? What's the true purpose of the Zodiac Council.

Yes, Koji had given them a nickname after the third meeting between him and the Council.

Time and time again they gave Koji the slightest sliver of their objective but one thing was certain, the meant to aid Koji in instructing others.

Each of the Zodiacs had spent days at a time teaching Koji in swordsmanship, Skill Combinations in soul arts and many others.

But no matter what they taught him Koji still was stuck as he watched Hana whom had temporarily been hired as a training instructor use her Flamerend.

Every Hotoji had its own skills but Koji felt nothing from Hatasho that rested in his hands.

Sure it passively absorbed Essence from everything around which Koji had discovered a few days after his first meeting with the Council.

It was even reasonable to say Koji was jealous that his Hotoji had no unique abilities.

Even through he exceeded those around him with his combative skills and Soul techniques.

Xia had noticed Koji seemed sad which was a little surprising as lately throughout the weeks Koji had been laughing and smiling.

"Koji? What's wrong?"

Koji kept looking out at the hundreds of students all using their Hotoji's special skills while he held Hatasho.

"What does it feel like when you activate your Hotoji's skills?"

Xia and Zuang who arrived with a worried look on his face were confused as they scratched their heads.

"Ummm…. I don't know. That's certainly an odd question to ask Koji. What do you think old man Zuang?"

"It certainly is odd to ask… Umm… I don't know, I guess it brings out the best in me."

A vague answer but an answer nonetheless but to Koji? It wasn't helpful but showed a slight smile to them both before disappearing.

"Another clone? When will it stop."

Zuang only shrugged and walked away as he and Xia thought of where Koji was.

Koji was hunting for something very important but found himself disappointed.

"Another dead end… where are you hiding…"

Koji had his clones attend to his less important matters at Wakana Academy while he was searching for his birthright, a final gift from his mother.

But how did Koji learn of this gift to find? During his last meeting with the Zodiac Councel his father pulled him to the side and asked.

"Do you miss your mother?"

It was an odd question to ask and even more so to Koji as he cherished the memories of his mother.

"Of course but why do you ask?"

The Father only held up a blue gemstone pendant in the shape of a rose.

Koji was obviously stunned by its beauty before the Father place it in koji's hands while a smile before disappearing.

"Follow this to receive your birthright, your final gift from your mother."

Koji had been searching weeks on end and not just in his home but everywhere around the world.

But after arriving in the southern part of Tokyo Koji had decided to rest at a motel.

"(Hello and welcome. How might I help you… oh a foreigner)"

Koji had been a fast learner to learn foreign languages and spoke to the kind old lady with a smile.

"(I guess foreigners aren't common around here. One room please.)"

The old lady smiled and handed Koji a room key after paying.

As Koji was lying on the bed he starred at the pendent while thinking about his mother.

'Mom… why did you leave this to me…?'

Koji had notice a feint glow to the pendent which was odd as it had never happened before.

Koji got up and left and found the light glowing brighter then before with every step until it shattered into glass.


The last gift from his deceased mother had shattered into dust, Koji was heartbroken and fell to his hands and knees while the people around him looked at Koji in confusion.

But from Koji's sadness he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"(Sir? Are you okay?)"

Koji stood up and nodded to the waiter before leaving but felt someone grab his arm.

Koji looked behind and saw a beautiful black haired woman standing behind Koji.

Koji naturally thought she was a fan who had recognized Koji but was wrong as the lady spoke only one word that froze Koji in an instant.


The young lady was none other then his sister but Koji pulled his hand away and drew Hatasho.

"My sister is dead! I saw it! Who are you!"

The lady backed away step by step as koji pointed Hatasho at her.

"Brother is it truly you? They said you were dead."

Koji however didn't hear her and pressed hatasho against the lady's neck until only a drop of blood was left on the blade and what Koji did next was disturbing to everyone as he licked the blood off of the blade before his eyes widened.

"…Mara? What…. How? How are you alive?!"

Koji had learned an invaluable lesson from the Snake from the zodiac council.

"Remember, in front of a hungry snake you cannot fool its senses. I will teach you how to unravel your enemies disguises by simply tasting their blood."

Koji was creeped out by the Snake quite often so it was dissatisfying to use one of the techniques he taught him but nonetheless it was effective to show Koji that the lady in front of him was indeed his sister.

Mara embraced Koji in a warm hug as did Koji before Mara started noticing Koji's drastic changes.

"Koji your hair turned white! What happened to you? They said you had died."

Koji was confused.

"They? Who's they?"

Mara was about to answer before Mara was pulled away from Koji and landed in the arms of what Koji had guessed to be a young businessman who had a bottle in one hand and a sword on his waist.

"(What are you doing Mara? Flirting with another man? I shall give you the punishment you deserve for being unfaithful.)"

As the man raised his hand to smack Mara Koji intervened and growled at the man like a wild beast.

"(Release my sister, now)"

Koji flooded his Soul Pressure to the man alone which made him soil his pants in public.

"(What kinda of monster are you!)"

Koji grabbed the young man's neck and held him off the ground.

"(I'm your worst nightmare)"

Mara then began hitting koji's back with tears in her eyes.

"Koji stop! Your killing him! Stop!"

Koji was stunned to see his little sister defend such a vile man as she began checking on the young man.

"Sis? Why? He was about to hit you… why defend him?….!"

It was only then that Koji had noticed Mara and the young man were wearing identical wedding rings.

"He's my husband you idiot! Leave before you make things worse."

Koji was taken back that his sister that he thought was dead was now angry at him for defending her but Koji then realized an important truth, his father lied.

Koji's rage was unleashed throughout the entire city as Koji screamed with all his might.


In that moment Koji found himself in a cage of Soul energy while Japanese Soul guardians arrived.

"(Captain Yamato what should we do?)"

The rather luxurious looking Soul Captain drew his club like Hotoji and aimed it for Koji's head.

"(We dispose of him. Gaia, strike him down!…!)"

Koji blocked the club's attack with only his bare hands his aura grew twice as large.

"(Stay out of my way.) Soul Art 71: Soul Reaper Steal."

Koji had stolen the Soul essence from their weapons and reduced them to nothing but sticks until a loud crash was heard before Koji realized it was his father who appeared.

"You bastard! You said Mara was dead! You lied!"

The Father looked around before he noticed Mara and was taken back.

"Koji… I… I didn't know… is that you daughter?"

Just as Mara was about to reach out for a hug Koji sucker punched the Father followed by a barrage of punches while he screamed in anger.

"You lied to me! Again and again! DIE YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!"

Koji had attacked his father many times to unleash his pent up rage during his small and brief sessions with the zodiac council.

But not once could he land a single blow however Koji didn't realize what he had done before his hands were soaked in the blood of his father but Koji healed his father back to perfect health.

"Don't talk to me ever again."

Koji could feel Mara approaching him from behind but made a series of flash steps to reach the edge of the city before letting out yet another deafening cry of both anger and sadness.

All while Mara looked at the ring on her finger while the Father gave a glance to Mara before disappearing.

Meanwhile this entire altercation was being live streamed by multiple civilians nearby.