
Rise of the Scarlet Demon

—"So, this is it, huh? What a horrific way to die." Damien whispered his 'last words' and closed my eyes. ... Darkness. Absolute darkness. Not gonna lie, I wasn't a big believer or anything, but if this is the afterlife, I'd rather there just be nothing... "Ah?" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I hazily got up from the bed I woke up in. Confused about how I survived and how I wasn't covered in third or fourth-degree burns, I reached for the lights. "What?" I said as I stared at bloodred eyes reflected on the mirror in front of me. (This is my first novel, so if you see any mistake, correct me so I can fix it. I'll try to post one new chapter every day, but I can't promise anything.)

SelfishApple · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 1: The Devil Has Red Eyes

As I felt my body burning in the fire, I couldn't think about anything. Since I was a child, I never felt any kind of pain or discomfort. As a pretty reckless man myself, that meant innumerous visits to hospitals every year. I always knew that I wasn't going to live long if I kept acting like I usually did, however I never thought I'd in such a horrific manner.


—"So, this is it, huh? What a horrific way to die." Damien whispered his 'last words' and closed my eyes.


Darkness. Absolute darkness. Not gonna lie, I wasn't a big believer or anything, but if this is the afterlife I'd rather there just being nothing...


"Ah?" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times.

As I hazily got up from the bed I woke up in. Confused about how I survived and how I wasn't covered in third or fourth degree burns, I reached for the lights.

"Seriously, am I actually not dea-...?!?" As I stared at standing mirror on the corner of the room I froze. Those bloodred eyes that I saw petrified me.

"What...?" As I slowly started to understand the odd situation I was put in I felt a splitting migraine that seemed to have come straight out of hell.

"Did I unknowingly piss off any god...?" Suddenly my mind was filled with memories of a childhood I didn't experience, a mother and a father I've never had, an ex-fiancée I didn't know, and last but not least a name.