
Imminent Threat

The entire school was talking about two people, Brett Peterson and Ambrose Zirel.

The main topics were:

How did Brett regain his ability to walk?

How does Ambrose Zirel know Brett?

Ambrose was not exactly unknown in school before. Darren and Clara were both pretty popular for being smart and good looking. It was only natural that it was known that they had a younger brother. Ambrose never cared for attention so he was mostly quiet.

Ambrose now had to walk through the halls of the school as the center of attention. He reluctantly went through the entire day even though he had the urge to take his things and go home.

Walking out of the school and towards the parking lot, Ambrose put his headphones on to block out the noise.

Quickly finding Brett, Ambrose walked up to him and urged him to drive him out of there; "Brett let's go, I can't deal with this shit anymore."

Brett just chuckled; "Alright, let's go. You're still coming to my house right?"

"Yeah yeah, let's just go."

Ambrose practically had to push Brett into his own car as they quickly took off from school under the gazes of many.

Brett decided it was a good time to joke; "So, how was school?"

"Fuck you, Brett."

"HAHAHA!" Brett couldn't contain himself anymore and let it all out.

"Humph." Ambrose just decided to ignore him.

They made it to Brett's house within 5 minutes. After opening the door with the key, Brett and Ambrose were greeted by Brett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson.

"Brett who's your friend?" Mrs. Peterson feigned ignorance.

"This is Ambrose Zirel, my Alpha." Brett said as he looked straight at his parents.

'So young?!' Both of them said to themselves at the same time.

Mr. Peterson put on a serious look at said sternly; "Boys, we need to talk."

Sensing the solemn vibe, Ambrose and Brett both became serious as well. Mr. Peterson led them to another room where they all sat down.

"Ambrose, as you probably know, I know about the Supernatural world because of my position as a CEO in New York. Normal people may think that it's us with all of our money that stand atop that city, but it's actually them. Mostly a large group of Vampires, Pure Vampires. They run the city with other groups of Supernatural species only having smaller territories." Mr. Peterson continued. "After Brett got injured, I searched for options to treat him, but there was nothing that I could do for him. When I got desperate, I went to a Pure Vampire and asked him to turn Brett so his injury would heal. We made a deal and he was supposed to turn Brett next week, but you turned him into a Werewolf before that could happen. Now, the Pure Vampire already knows and the word angry cannot describe how he is feeling right now. In his eyes, I didn't let him honor his side of the deal and I even allied myself with an Alpha Werewolf, a Vampire's worst enemy."

Ambrose immediately understood, that Vampire would probably send some Impure foot soldiers to slaughter Brett's whole family as a message.

"You don't have to worry, even if that Vampire was to come here himself, I can kill him." Ambrose reassured.

Seeing the confidence in Ambrose's eyes, Mr. Peterson felt a sense of relief; "Well, I'll hold you to your word."

The day continued, Ambrose spent most of it filling Brett's mind with knowledge about Werewolves and Supernaturals in general. Also about how his abilities work as a Beta. After demonstrating the partial transformation a few times, Brett was able to transform two limbs at a time, which is very good for the first training session.

Soon, the sky went dark. Ambrose took Brett to the forest so that he can fully transform for the first time.

"Alright, now use the feeling you have when your partially transforming, but on your entire body."

Brett did what Ambrose said and immediately started feeling a ridiculous amount of pain course throughout his body.


"Don't stop, only the first transformation is painful!" Ambrose tried to encourage Brett, it was unknown if he could hear him.



Brett's body started growing larger and larger as he reached a height of 6'7, his fur color was the same as his hair, dirty blonde, which was a little bit unique. His body was larger than Ambrose's when he transformed but didn't have close to enough power to match up. It only made sense that Brett's transformation was larger because it directly correlates with a person's normal height and body type. As Brett was taller and more muscular, his Werewolf form would naturally be bigger.


Brett's eyes glowed with a crazed yellow. It was clear that Brett was not in control, but this didn't faze Ambrose one bit.

Ambrose's eyes glowed bright blue and his Alpha pressure spread out and encompassed Brett.

Brett's large status suddenly bent down even though he was trying hard to stand back up. Gradually lowering himself to the ground, the terrifying Werewolf was now lowering itself before it's Alpha.

'There's only one way to help a Werewolf gain back control of it's body…'


Ambrose suddenly threw a deadly uppercut into Brett's jaw, which sent him flying.



The Werewolf writhed on the ground in pain before it suddenly stopped, probably because it's healing factor kicked in.

"What the fuck, Ambrose?!" Brett said in a low voice.

"Ahh, so you're back!" Ambrose said enthusiastically, like he didn't just shatter his friend's jaw.

Brett just snorted before standing up and inspecting himself. The amount of power flowing through his veins was something his human form couldn't compare to; "This… is amazing!"

"Alright, now let's go." Ambrose transformed into his Werewolf form and started jumping through the trees. Brett quickly snapped out of it and followed after him.


The sound of the wind howling as he moved at unimaginable speeds was addicting to him. After a certain point, Ambrose stopped suddenly which caused Brett to feel alarmed.

"What's wrong?"

"Somethings out here." Ambrose said seriously, as he did not like the unknown.


A feral like howl sounded in the distance.

"Get ready!" Ambrose yelled as Brett crouched down, getting into a natural fighting stance.