
rise of the new age

A guard running in with a bad report. We are under an attack by wild creatures and the trooper are running for their life. many are injured due to the earthquake and most civilians are scared to death. "we must leave my Lord". explained a soldier. "Protect the Royal Family and my lady". said Cravter while running out of the tent of meeting with a look on his face like that of a warrior getting into battle. I will say the Royal grade'. meanwhile, Nick and few other people we're busy aiding the injured and help them find shelter. "Assemble all the soldiers, and prepare the military for battle". said Cravter. he also added. take the Royal household back to emrord city for the Castle will be more protected and safe for everyone else. " he did this while talking to Frank". while things are been heated up on the outside of the cave due to the earthquake, "causing panic and serious injuries". the unknown creatures were facing their way out of the cave. some are been rooted out from the ground, others are forcing themselves from the wall. All are creeping up towards the Outpost of the cave to get charged up the dynamic energy from the sun to help to boost their creativity. when prince Cravter gets to know of the massive amount of energy the sun gives to these creatures from the way they changed their body from, to twice the size they were. he charges his military forces to attack so they could kill a large number of their forces before they reach their full potential. "Attack... Attack. aim for the cave before these beast's gain more power". Aches' shoot. shoot, keep aiming at the cave... loss keeps shut-in at the cave. Cravter and his military commanders kept shutting at that same order. they kept marching towards the cave with no stop having no fear no their faces killing the unnatural creatures at their week starts and still resoling with the order creatures which have reached their full capacity. Prince Cravter and his men succeeded in putting them to the ground for a while and he ordered his soldier it retreats and head back home and to warn the other cities to be prepared for battle and for the entire kingdom to be unified in distressing times suchlike these. he ordered men to leave and to believe the message to all neighboring towns and city. Quickly we must leave for the capital. we must leave for Emrord city to plan what to do next my prince'. said commander Bar. you are right commander because we have no idea what we are up against and what might come next. replied Prince Cravter. He and few others left the grading to comfort the injured and to see if they are good to travel. Nick and some high ranking official meet up with Cravter and suggested that he should use the rest of the soldier's that are well and equipped to attack the unnatural and sizes the opportunity they have at hand. "In reply he said to them, now is not the time to attack because half our men are Dead and the other half are injured and weak. we have not many men to fight more battles. And we all should keep this in mind, we may have won a battle but make no mistake, we haven't won the war". they came to sit with the idea that they are to go back home and prepare for what is to come.

Emekaewovie03 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

6 The weird stranger

"Wake up everyone it is time for us to take our leave, Quickly we all should be ready by the time the sun comes out. Said Carol a friend of Rosemary."

immediately, everyone starts to force themselves up from their place of rest and began waking up whoever is sleeping close to them.

Therefore, Josephine looked around and saw his sister Rosemary sleeping tirelessly on a flat surface of rock a few feet away from the ground. while Noah was sleeping next to her. So, she decides to wake Noah up before reaching for her sister.

She tapped Noah on his shoulders and spoke smoothly saying, "Hallo Noah, it's time to wake up we are about to take our leave. you must wake up Noah."

When she saw him moving his body she knew he was about to wake up, so she left and tries to reach for her sister Rosemary. After getting to where she was, Josephine rubbed her left cheek up to her head and also her shoulders so she would wake up. But still, she was unable to give a sign of her waking up.

At once, Josephine tries a new manner of approach, she tries holding her hands and begins to shake her up to see if that will work, to her surprise there were movements in her legs and arms. immediately, Rosemary opened her eyes despite wanting to fall back asleep.

She asked, "What's going on, and why did you come and wake me?"

"in answer Josephine said, Your friend Coral said it's time to leave the death zone and everyone is getting ready to leave."

"Oh, am tired and would like to spend some time to rest Josephine. Said Rosemary."

Therefore, seeing how tired her sister is Josephine was forced to ask what made to be that tired so as not to be able to move.

"In response, Rosemary said, I keep watch trough out the night, and by the first cock crow I decided to have a little bit of rest."

Furthermore, when it was time to leave Coral and a few others came to wake her up and together they all continue their journey.

Meanwhile, the man known by latter V and his surviving men retreated to a place called the Fog-pit. There he received treatment on his leg which was shot by Rosemary and his crew members were also treated as well.

Thereafter, he summoned his crews from every part of the mountains and country with a small Black latter carrying only one word V.

He also extends his search for good fighters by sending letters to gang leaders with whom he has a good friendship to come to his aides.

Consequently, what Rosemary did made Mr.V to placed a bounty on her head and every one with her. This means that the entire Mountain parts down to the nearest City, to as far as the City to which Queen Myer reside is open for the take.

Therefore, Any bandits, kidnappers, bounty hunters, and thieves are free to operate on the road, Mountains, and cities, for the period of one three weeks since it's become an open season.

Thus, the journey continued, and everyone became more alert and suspicious than ever before, from time to time, Rosemary, Coral, Lucy, and a few others will go up into the mountains to get a better look at what lays ahead.

Whereas the bond between Josephine and Noah is growing stronger ever since there was a new accident among the group where Noah came to the rescue of Josephine. when three bandits came from in-between the rocks to steal and kidnap young girls for fun, he fought bravely despite he has no weapons he was able to put them to their backs before Coral and three other men guard come for the arrest.

Subsequently, before the arrest, Noah fell on top of Josephine when he was in the act of cutting the ropes that were used in tying up the hands of the girls.

Nevertheless, Josephine kissed Noah as a sign of appreciation for saving her life, and ever since then dip feelings began to grow up between them both.

Afterward, they came across an old man and his cows coming from an opposite direction. When they came across this very old man, Coral and Rosemary knew something was off but there was nothing they could do about it, but to talk about it between themselves.

Therefore, this is because there is no way an old man would be able to survive here in the mountains without having his hands stained with blood or not having the backing of the man known as latter V. So, the both of them kept their guard up and make it their aim to know what the man story was, and what are his intentions.

Nevertheless, two days after the old man's arrival, he had succeeded in gaining the trust of everyone with his stories and experience in the mountains. He's been able to strengthen the blonde among the groups due to how everyone related to his stories and made them tell their stories from a different perspective.

However, the stories of life struggles were flowing through the groups distracting them from the real danger, the man who is known by latter V. But, still, the old man hasn't stated his main purpose of coming since he's figured out that he was being watched by Coral and Rosemary. The two most brutal individuals amongst the groups.

Furthermore, Eight days after the arrival of the old man, he finds the perfect opportunity to ask the needed question he needs to ask when there was a staged attack by 14 thieves.

There were six women and eight men involved in this attack. But thanks to Coral and his boyfriend named Cain, they were able to see that it was just an act.

They came in the manner in which the women were being forced to give up their money and valuables, and as they were struggling with the men, they expect some members in the groups coming in their direction to come for their aid so they fall in the trap.

Unfortunately for them, it was Coral and her boyfriend Cain who happens to be leading at the front when they came across what was happening, while Rosemary and the others, were keeping watch from behind.

When Coral and her boyfriend Cain saw what was happening, they stopped all movement among the groups and asked everyone to watch the show that was going on.

Everyone that we're able to see what was going on, where angry at the both of them for not wanting to help. instead, they were laughing as the men were hitting the women causing them to bleed. And when they've succeeded in stealing their purses, they refused to go and were looking at the group to see if any will come from the chase.

When they saw Coral and the others stationed at guard duty refusing to chase after them, they stopped and asked,

"Won't you people come for the rescue?"

In laughter, Coral said, "No, you guys should run along, we were enjoying the art by the way."

Thus, At this point, they grew annoyed with being laughed at, So they drow their weapons both men, and women, to attack. However, before they could pick an aim, they all were gunned down with bullets and arrows.

Furthermore, after the killings, there was a little bit of chaos, when Coral and everyone were distracted, the old man asked the question he was dying to ask. He stopped an old man around his age walking within the group, and asked, "Who led the attack on the man known by latter V?" and, "Whose bullet pierced the led of Mr. V?"

"In answer, The old man from the group, pointed to Rosemary while she was riding past the crowd on her horse trying to reach the fourth line where she had gunshots."