

On board a ship, Somewhere along the East Blue Sea.

It was a bright sunny day without a cloud in sight. The majestic waves roar as the giant Galleon ship sails along its journey towards the central marine base of East Blue. The sea can be seen for miles in every direction and beautiful fish swim along the ships current.

In the blazing heat marines are scattered all over the ship maintaining their positions. Marines are doing their afternoon training drills. "JUSTICE JUSTICE" marine war cries can be heard across the vessel.

In a small cabin, near the vice admirals quarters, lies a small boy sleeping soundly. His arms and legs are flailed across the cot in all directions. His loud snores echo through the room in perfect synergy with the loud shouts of the marines doing their training. The boy is seven years old, short with a little bit of chubbiness on his body. He has black short spiky hair and adorable baby face. He is wearing a standard chore boy marine uniform, which consists of simple white shirt that reads "Justice" and blue shorts, that is worn out and not maintained - His name is Luffy.

As the boy sleeps soundly, A tall robust man starts making his way along towards Luffy's cabin. This man adorns an elegant suit and massive white coat that encompasses his entire being. On the back of the coat reads: "JUSTICE" in big letters. He has a fierce and intimidating aura that surrounds him. He has broad shoulders and massive muscles that make up every fiber of his self. He is aged and seasoned with white hair and beard. He has several scars on his face and all over his body - This is Vice Admiral Garp.

The Vice Admiral strides along the corridor with each step weighing down on the floorboard. You can feel tiny earthquakes after each step. The quakes get louder and stronger the closer he gets to the boy. As he reaches the door, a giant fist destroys the cabin door. "LUFFFFFFYYYYYY GET UP RIGHT NOW!!!" His fist rises and smashes down on Luffy's head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" luffy jolts up out of bed pain swirling through out his head. His eyes open to see Garp towering over him and learing at him.

"PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!" Terror grips him and fear makes his whole body tremble.

"How many times have i told you that marine must maintain disciple and carry himself with pride. I did not bring you along so you can laze around doing nothing but sleeping all day. You need to train and increase your strength if you are gonna be a great marine someday. Now go give me one hundred laps around the ship NOW!".

Luffy straightens him self and shows a strong salute to Garp. "YES SIR!" and runs away. Luffy turns the corner and relaxes his posture. He thinks to himself *screw that there is no way i am gonna obey that old man* and start galavanting around the ship.

Luffy starts stolling along and all of a sudden stops in his tracks. This intoxicating fragrance reaches his nose and he starts salivating.

"MEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT" Luffy yells. He screams at the top of his lungs and rushes towards the kitchen"

In the kitchen marine cooks can be seen rushing non stop to cook and prepare food for 500 crewmates. The chef have a fierce and intimidating demeaner which would scare any civilian. When you walk into their domain you can see a giant sign, which illistrates their doctine, it reads "NO FOOD NO JUSTICE - COOKING IS WAR"

Luffy runs at full speed and rushes up to the door. He knows that treading into this kitchen can cost him his life. He musters up the courage and slowly creaks open the door and peeks his head in. He starts surveying inside the kitchen for that delicious food that he smelled. When his eyes spot a pile of fresh cooked steaks his eyes start to sparkle. He notices the cook walk away to get some more ingredients from the freezer. Luffy creeps up little by little up to the table of meat. He starts stuffing his pockets and mouth with as much meat as he can. While he is enjoying his self, the cook who left starts heading back and spots him. "LUFFY YOU LITTLE BASTARD" the cook screams, chasing luffy out of the kitchen as quick as he can.

Luffy is now running for dear life. Once he notices that the cook is no longer in pursuit he lets out a giant laugh "HAHAHAHA" and sighs in relaxation. He spots the perfect place on the roof of the living quarters to lay down and relax. He lets the gentle breeze blow over him and has the perfect calming face. After about twenty minutes go by, an anouncement echoes loudly. "Central sighted" the spotter yells at the top of his lungs.

The marines all quickly prepare to dock at port and start falling in line and into position. Once all of the marines are assembled, except Luffy. Garp starts to make his appearance. He is followed by his second and third in-command. These two officers are Vice Admiral Garp's most loyal and trusted subordinates. They have fought in many battles along side Garp and have honed their skills over the years. His second-in-command is a tall slender but fit man gangster looking suit and hat. He also wears the white justice coat. He wears a sword harnessed on his hip - This man is known as Rear Admiral Bogard. Vice Admiral Garp's third in command is a beautiful woman with long flowing purple hair with blue eyes. She has perfect curves and big beautiful mountain peeks, long slender legs and a breath taking face that would melt hearts. She wears a tight pant suite. The top buttons on her top are unbuttoned which reveal a large cleavage protruding out. She wears the white coat of justice along her small shoulders. Her name is Commodore Dia. The rest of the marines are lined up according to rank. There are nineteen ranks in the marines which starting from highest to lowest are the following ( Fleet Admiral, Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore, Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Commander, Lieutenant, Junior Lieutenant, Ensign, Warrant Officer, Master Chief Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer, Seaman First Class, Seaman Apprentice, Seaman Recruit, Chore Boy). Garp, being a vice admiral, has a crew of 500 which consists of himself, his rear admiral, his commodore, 10 commanders, 10 lieutenant commanders, 20 lieutenants, 20 junior lieutenants, 50 ensigns, 100 warrant officers, 125 petty officer class officers, 160 seaman class marines, and 1 choreboy who happens to be Luffy.

Garp surveys his troops and notices that luffy he is no where to be seen. He looks up to see luffy laying down enjoying the breeze on top of the living quarters. His face twitches at the sight. "LUFFY!!!!!!!!!!" he yells. The other marines smirk knowing full well what is about to happen. Garp jumps up on top of the roof and grabs a hold of Luffy by the neck. "If you don't want to get in line then take this" garp replies. He swings his arm back and launches luffy into the sky off into the horizon towards their destination. The only thing you can hear is Luffy's cries as it drifts into the distance "PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

First ever writing go easy on me.

Cniff89creators' thoughts