
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · Kỳ huyễn
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464 Chs



I beamed, as I watched the sight before me unfold.

After deciding to scavenge whatever I could find in that apartment, I had explored that stranger's home.

That place was neater than I expected, with everything arranged in an orderly fashion.

With two rooms, similar to my own, the home didn't bear any resemblance to the one I had grown up in.

It was almost unbelievable, but I suppose it was just my stroke of luck.

The fridge was packed filled with various edibles; Meat, Fish, Eggs, Veggies… The whole thing!

"Looks like this guy was quite the nutritionist."

My eyes darted to dozen bottles of milk all stacked together. Quickly reaching for one, I uncovered it and downed the bottle, taking in the whole contents in mere gulps.

"Ahhhhh" I let out relieved.

How long had it been since I'd had milk or any decent meal at that?

Since I appeared in this hellish world, I'd been conserving food like crazy, most of which was junk.

But, this place was different. Many ingredients and spices, coupled with a whole assortment of cooking utensils and home appliances.

"Look at these knives… What an impressive collection." I remarked.

There was even a butcher's knife among them… That would be quite useful.

To think this person's house was going to be left like this until everything here rotted or became destroyed in fiery explosions.

"Ah, what a waste that would have been!" I said to myself.

It was a good thing that this person also had a backup power supply. His fridge still had fairly cool air within it. This could only mean that it had been functional until recently.

"Too bad, the backup power source must be out of juice already… That would have been useful" I sighed.

But this was perfect. If these consumables hadn't been preserved, they would have spoilt and that would have been disappointing.

But they wouldn't remain in their fresh state for too long. Now that the power was gone, the food would slowly begin to spoil.

"We can't have that, now can we?" I grinned.


The blue window glimmered as it displayed its contents before me.

There was my deep freezer, wardrobe, sharpened metal rods, stacks of food, clothes, water, toolbox, and Demon Cores.

I intentionally left two empty slots in my [Subspace] because of situations like this.

They were initially three, but Demon Cores have currently occupied one.

"Two more slots left… That's plenty!"

I stacked up the fridge with the foodstuff I found in the home, but as expected it couldn't take everything in.

If I placed them individually in [Subspace], my slots would run out quickly. Since food differed from each other, they wouldn't stack up like other similar items.

But, if I put them all in a single contraption and place that into [Subspace], it made storing items more efficient.

Even then, there were so many things left over, and the contraptions available to me were in no way large enough to contain everything I needed to collect.

"It looks like I won't be able to collect everything here… Shit!" I grumbled in frustration.

There's no use in complaining about something beyond my control. I should just take what I can.

Prioritizing highly essential edibles and bottled water, I emptied the supplies of the house and filled up my [Subspace] until no more room was left.

[Subspace Alert]

<Subspace is filled up. No additional material can be placed within this space>

"Ah, looks like this is the limit."

If only this shitty Gift had more room!

As though my [Subspace] read my mind, a surprising icon appeared in front of me. My eyes bulged as I read its content.

[Do You Want To Increase SubSpace Capacity?]

[Yes] [No]

Duh, obviously I do!

"Is that even possible?" I asked myself, staring at the screen.

Unlike my stats and skills, [Subspace] showed no way to increase its level.

I had initially thought its level would rise as my Level did, but even after reaching Level 10, my [Subspace] remained in its shitty F rank.

But, with this window showing me this question, that meant there was another way to improve my Gift. I should see what it's about.

I tapped on the [Yes] icon, hoping to see good news concerning the window's inquiry.

A <Loading > icon was displayed on the screen as I patiently waited for the results.

<(G) Karma Points available are sufficient for increasing Subspace Capacity>

<Do you wish to Proceed?>

"(G) Karma Points?!" I exclaimed, suddenly raising my voice.

I quickly cautioned myself and looked around cautiously to see if I had roused any attention.

Fortunately, my voice had not attracted any Demon or person.

Upon calming myself I stared at the window again in surprise.

Why didn't I think of this? Perhaps it was because I never saw anyone use it when I watched the world's early days of destruction.

"Status Window" I quickly called out to confirm my suspicion.


- Name: Jeremy Lewis

- Level: 10 – Exp: 10.30

- Race: Human

- Job: None

- Age: 16 Years

- Sex: Male

- Height: 5" 3. – Weight: 115 pounds

- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

- Karma Points: 100 – (G) Karma Points: 10


- HP: 600/600

- MP: - -

- Strength: 140

- Agility: 750

- Vitality: 600

- Intelligence: 1,600

- (G) Factor: 90

{Gift: [Subspace]}

- Items Equipped: None

- Allies: None

Skills Possessed: <1 >

[Status Condition]

<None >

[Additional Information]

A human with the last Gift. Possesses the interest of God.

[End Of Information]

Two Status information currently possessed the (G) letter. If I was right, they were connected to my Gift.

(G) Karma Points and (G) Factor

I still didn't know what they truly meant, but now I just realized that I could use (G) Karma points to raise my Gift's ability.

A grin formed on my face as my hands moved to accept the procedure.

The Blue window instantly displayed a new set of information in front of me. The unbelievable possibilities I never knew existed were now laid bare before me.

[SubSpace Edit]

- Current Rank: F <Change Rank>

- Current Level: 1 <Change Level>

- Total Amount Of Slots: 10

<Cost For Edit are (G) Karma Points>

{Current (G) Karma Points In Possession: 10}


Many questions were currently running through my mind, I now had endless prospects due to this new discovery.

Why wasn't there a tutorial to explain these things?! I wish I had known earlier that things would turn out this way.

But, there was no use thinking about that anymore. At that point, I couldn't help but feel excited!

A new discovery! What new potential lies behind this revelation?

Magecraftercreators' thoughts