
Fallen God Inheritance

In the Ancient Forest:


A thin man was walking cautiously there, roar of beasts can be heard.

Zhen Yu might be calm on the outside but on the inside, he is so nervous. It is to be expected for he, a kid with no experience and had not walked the outside world, was thrown to this "zoo".

After a few steps...


Zhen Yu saw a large snake coiled in a tree. The snake's body is pure white. Its beady eyes we're extremely alluring as if a lady was seducing a man.

"Tha...thats!!" Zhen Yu was shocked to see it. As a kid who only stays in the Fearless Sword Sect, he never know what beasts look like.

After a moment of shock, he then recovered his previous countenance. He circled the snake, waiting for an opening to thrust his spear into the snake's torso.



Zhen Yu's countenance paled. He was not expecting the scales of the snake to be hard that even a spear could not penetrate it!


The snaked gazed towards him. Zhen Yu then hurriedly leaped, lengthening the distance between him and the snake. Zhen Yu could clearly feel the snake gazing at him. Without a second thought he ran!!

He clearly knew that if he stayed there, he would only be food for the snake.Even his spear could not penetrate its skin!!

Looking back he saw the snake rushing towards him with a speed not one bit inferior to him. Seeing that, he ran at utmost speed.

After some time, Zhen Yu greatly lengthened the distance between him and the snake but Zhen Yu was not happy. He knows that this beast has more stamina than him. If this continues, he would surely be eaten by the snake!!

Withdrawing something from his bag, Zhen Yu turned, facing the snake. With all his might, he thrusted his spear!!


The scale Zhen Yu targeted with his spear cracked, penetrating the snake. Zhen Yu showed an expression of joy. He finally penentrated the skin of the snake!!

With his hands, the thing he withdrew was put into the snake's inside! After doing that he rolled back further away from the snake.


The snake exploded, before it even showed its fury and anger towards him.


Zhen Yu sat down and sighed with relief. He finally killed a beast!!

Unfortunately, it was not on the list of the beasts he should hunt.

Still, Zhen Yu was happy! He finally killed a beast!

After resting for a while, Zhen Yu continued walking. Soon after, he stopped his steps and looked ahead. There, hea saw that the path ahead was covered by mist. If he reads book all the time, he might have known that this is the boundary between the Outer layer to the Inner layer. Unfortunately he don't. Continuing his steps, he stepped at the Inner layer of the Ancient Forest.

"This..." Zhen Yu noticed that the beasts' roar are more louder and they emit strong aura. By now, he already knows that he entered a forbidden place. But what can he do? He already lost his sense of direction. he doesn't know the direction to the Outer layer anymore. Zhen Yu continued walking. It was unkown whether it's fate guiding him but he never encountered any beasts!

"What's that.." Suddenly, Zhen Yu saw something. IT WAS A PALACE!!

With no hesitation, he stepped inside. He would be dead if he stayed outside forever anyways.

There he saw a sign carved exquisitely. He the uttered the characters.

"Fallen God Inheritance"