
Chapter 71: Golden Gate

"Oh common lad, you're not putting enough spirit into your strikes"

A loud hoarse voice rang out from an ice sculpture in the form of a man. The sculpture moved as it spoke, holding an ice rod in its hand which it used to correct the posture and form of the young man opposite him.

"It's not just about force, your every moment has to be precise, the flow of your aura has to be smooth and delicate like you're cradling a child"

The young man listened to the instructions of the sculpture, he channeled his aura into the metal he was striking doing his best to maximize its effects on it.

"Yes, that's it, keep going"

The strikes of a young man and the advice of the sculpture resounded from a building in the midst of an ice village and time slowly passed.

"Good job lad"

The sculpture spoke after spending a period of time in silence inspecting what the youth had just produced.